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* Luke's Funny Jokes & Gags *

"Hey folks, if these are good enough for me they are good enough for you lot, ok ?"

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On the farm a chicken swallowed a Yo-Yo?-and laid the same egg three-times?




Man to Butcher - "Can I have some lean bacon" !...

Butcher - "Yes sir, which way do you want it to lean" !




Tramp to farmer - "Can you use me on the land" !

Farmer - "Nay lad, we have special stuff for that" !




Silly rhyme-'Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle,

the cow jumped over the moon'! .... 'OUCH'?




Two pigs running naked across the road ! - 'Streaky Bacon' Lol




Q) "What is the smelliest part of a Robot?"

A) It's Robottom?




Kitty Kat Animation



'Awweee, isn't it nice to be friends?'




"What do you call a Loony Spaceman?" - 'An ASTRONUT' !




"How did the 'Alien' Farmer get his sheep back?" - 'In a Space Sheep' Lol







Two little boys at the seaside, paddling in the sea ...

One said "Cor, aren't your feet mucky?"

Other boy - "Yes they are, we couldn't afford to come last year?"




A little dog with just three legs walks into a cowboy town in the USA ...

The sheriff call's out - "What yaw doing around her, dawg?"

Little three legged dog replies - "Looking for my Paw"?




Mary had a little lamb, it ran into a pylon ... 3000 volt's went up it's bottom ...

And turned it's wool to nylon?  Lol.





Hi Kid's - Like to see YOUR Gag's on my site for FREE? - Just e.mail them to me now, from my link's page...


Hey, this kid's in a moody .. Why?    Cos he missed sending his own

 to Luke's Joke site?

Send your jokes - HOW! - Via my Guest Book, of course!



** And your own name would be under all your gag's, as well - 'Cool,Eh' !!  **




Q) What sort of ship is a 'Hoola Hoop'? ...  A) A 'Navel Destroyer', of course?




American visitor to England... Talking to an old farmer

 in the Yorkshire Dales...   American - "Why, where I come from in Texas,

 yawl can see for 50 miles on a clear day?"


Dales Farmer-" Nay lad, that's nowt.

 Why on a clear day here, thar can see to the moon?"





Never play any games with Tarzan or Jane?

 ... Cos they are always with Cheeter's?




  Little dog passing a lamp post .. where a notice said, 'Wet Paint'..











This new model sir, also makes nice toast?





"Why didn't the computer pass it's driving test?"

'Cos it kept on crashing'




"What do you get if you buy a computer from a racing driver?"

'A computer that crashes at 200 miles an hour'




Computers like teachers ! 


 The latest development in school computers

 makes them so advanced they are almost as good as the teachers?

 .... They only start to work later in the morning?








(The webmaster will not be held responsible if you try this ?) Lol





"Computers viruses can affect humans, too.

When one trashed my hard disc I felt sick for over a week"




"Hey kids ! - Hear the one about the pupil

 who was off school for weeks?..

 Returned to school, told the teacher he had been off with a

  'computer virus' he caught in the IT room ?"




"Why are teachers like a rhinoceros ?"

'Cos they are thick skinned, short sighted, and stand around all day!'




"How many school IT teachers does it take to change a light bulb?"

 ....EIGHT ?....

'One to analyze the problem, one to find the right bulb,

 one to understand how to fit the part,

 one to check the system is working,

 and four to stand around watching'.








"MAM,... Dad's hogging the computer, again"





"Tell me, if the computer is so darned cleaver,

 how come it makes so many mistakes?"




"Hear about the teacher that made so many errors in her written work

she's now buying a computer to blaim them on?"




"The teachers perfect 'Lap Top Computer' has been invented - when it makes

an error it blaims the pupils?"




"Computers will never replace humans. They may well become

capable of artificial intelligence, but they will never master

 that art of real stupidity like some of our politicians have?"





"Well,  Mrs. Williams the doctor did tell -



- Our teacher Mr. Grey to keep as far away

 from the school computer as possible?"





"I've got this great new printer for my computer - It can produce

250 pages in a minute. It certainly cuts down on paperwork!"




Salesman:  "This computer will cut down your workload by 50%".

Office Worker:  "That's great - I'll take two of them !"








"Well, Mr. Boddington, don't say I didn't warn you that our new teacher

... was an attention seeker?"





"Hear about the man who crossed a chicken with an elephant?"

'He ended up with the biggest barrow load of chicken muck, in the world!'




"Did you hear about the thief who stole nothing else but rhubarb?"

'He was arrested by the police, and put into Custardy!'





Hey Kid's...


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