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Goes by: Em, Emily, Bill
Age: I'll tell ya later.
Residence: Not tellin'!
AIM: StrawbewwyMilk16
Biography: I was born in Silvis, IL (yup.. I'm a Silvis girl). Then later I moved (not tellin' where). I have an American shorthaired black cat (Pepsi), and a Shepard Mix dog (Bear.. he's very fuzzy!). My current sport is softball. I live with my mom and stepdad. I have two stepsisters (Angel and Stephanie) and two stepbrothers (Phillip and Jonathon). I go by Bill because my friends (Jamie, Steph, Brianna, Kayla, and Jennifer) and I just started calling eachother guy names (Me: Bill Billerson, Jamie: Phred Phillerson, Steph: Bobert Bobberson, Brianna: Jo Joerson, Kayla: Tim Timmerson, Jennifer: Ryan Ryanson). I am failing in Math in school right now, but I've got good grades at Sex Ed (oh yesh I do lol). IM me. I'm always bored and I'm always online.