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These are my chicks! (Some are enemies).

Phred (Jamie): Who's sexy? JOEY! lol. You won't run away, right? I wish I could go with ya to Texas, and my mommy said I could! But your sister has to pay for the tickets, just like you said she would. Lerv ya, ghetto Phred! P.S., how's the horsey?

Bob (Stephanie): Why do you keep the fight going? It's only making it worse. All I did was tell Melissa to tell you to stop talking to me and you kept bringing the fight back up. I'm sorry, but you don't take sorries from me, and later you use that against me, saying you always have to apologize to me, which isn't true because I always apologize but you never accept it, and I accept yours.

Jo (Brianna): Hey shexy! How is ya? Me is doin' fine. Please don't live with your dad then we won't see eachother as much anymore!! Noooo Joerson! lol. BTW, how was livin' at Dayne's house? lol.

Ryan (Jennifer): I haven't talked to ya in a while!! Talk to me, lerver/pimp! lol.

Melissa: Hey I know Katrina annoys you, she annoys me too. I even gave her pictures and step-by-step instructions to downloading that shit and still, she didn't get it! How's the pains in your arm?

George (Victoria): Georgie! I'm bored. You should get on the computer more often!