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Lucas Carpenter  

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        Lucas Carpenter was born and raised in Jersey Shore, PA.  He began his musical journey at age 13, when his cousin gave him an old guitar.  After purchasing the Beatles album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, he knew he had to amerce himself in as much music as possible.  Within a few years Lucas began writing music and started five-piece band, Ubiquity, in 1998.  During high school he studied choral music, performed in dozens of musicals and plays, and even went to two different state choirs his senior year.  Lucas and his band played all over central Pennsylvania and got radio play in Williamsport on Variety 97.7.  Ubiquity disbanded in the spring of 2000.

        After playing with Ubiquity Lucas had a few dozen original songs and began working on his first solo album in April of 2000.  Recorded at R & J Music in South Williamsport and engineered by Tim Breon, Sun Bleached Windowpane was written, arranged, and produced by Lucas.  He played almost all the instruments on the album including guitar, bass, percussion, crystal flutes, and didgeridoo to name a few.  The album was released in August of 2000. 

        For the next few years, Lucas played with small groups, did solo shows, and took time to work on crafting songs.  In March of 2001, he met piano player, Cass Barbour though a mutual friend.  They instantly clicked the moment they first jammed together.  Lucas moved to Pittsburgh in the fall of 2001 and began playing around the city at songwriter’s nights and open mics.  He met drummer, John Brewton, in a music theory class at the University of Pittsburgh.  The two began playing together in clubs and coffee shops around the Pittsburgh area and met bassist Nathan Fay in January of 2002. 

        In January of 2002, Lucas went into the studio to begin recording a new EP, this time with the help of engineer/co producer and percussionist Kevin Kornicki.  The disc was recorded at Kevin’s studio, Mom’s Basement.  With the help of Kevin, John, Cass, Nathan, and a few other musicians, Life’s Honest Rhythm was created.  The new CD has a much bigger sound than Lucas’ previous work, adding in electric guitar, string arrangements, and programmed style drum grooves. 

        The music of Lucas Carpenter pulls from many different genres of music including everything from folk to hip-hop.  Some of his biggest influences include The Beatles, James Taylor, Paul Simon, Bjork, Sting, Rusted Root, and musical composer Jason Robert Brown.