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You've found Your last clue, Master. Congratulations. And now, here is what You've been hunting for. A link just for You. Happy anniversary, Master mine.

i was born in Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on August 2nd, 1983. If Yyou do Yyour math correctly, that would make me 19 right now. my parents, my sister (18 months older than me) and i lived in a small two story house in San Carlos, just down the street from the church.

my father and mother had met in a town nearby where they both worked at Ampex. my father was a hardware/software Engeneer and my mother, a secretary. They met, dated for a year, etc etc... and on the day he proposed to her, she was ready to dump him. That, however is beside the point.

For the first five years of my life, the household was somewhat cordial. my parents never fought. In fact, the only conflict that i was aware of in the house was the irrefutable hatred that my sister and i began to grow for eachother. Kids, right?

When i was around 4 or 5, we moved to and stayed in a small town in the foothills called Grass Valley. i was raised there. This was home. Grass Valley is the kind of place where it is not entirely unusual to see a cow crossing the highway;FFA was a regular part of highschool ciriculum; and, yes, Wwe tipped cows for fun.

i hated that town growing up. Now, all i want to do is to go back to it. Funny how that is, right?

Anyway, i moved just after graduation to a town in Southern California in the outskirts of LA. There, i lived in and went to a Baptist College called "Azusa Pacific University" in the town of Azusa itself. Everything from A to Z in the USA. Get it?

It took me the length of one semester to get kicked out and sent back home where i was immediately sent to my grandparent's house. i live here now still. Now, before Yyou go thinking that i'm one of those mooches that lives off her family until she's 40, that's completely wrong. my grandmother is ill, when i am not going to school, i am taking care of her. Trust me, i have plenty of responsibilities. Why did i just say that?

i am a student now of College of San Mateo, a community college just in the outskirts of the bay. If Yyou were to ask me what i’m a student of, i couldn’t tell Yyou, because i have no idea. i am a written journalism major, former vocal preformance major, former psycology major, former a lot of major. Wwho knows where i'll end up, but as my Master once said "Perhaps you are simply a student of yourself for the moment, and of life."

For the most part, i am a slave to the arts. i love to sing, dance, act, draw, paint, sculpt and of course, write.

i have been involved in the BDSM lifestyle for a sum of 2 years now, about as long as i've known my Master. In the durration of that time, i feel like i've grown immensley in my submission. It took, however, until Master and i were discussing collars when i finally decided i was mature enough to be collared.

The dog in that picture is the love of my life. Well, the second love of my life. His name is Carson. He dances. He is a 3 year old Shetland Sheep Dog. i could brag about that dog for hours. Anyway. He's living with my father now, so i don't see him very much. But, i think it's safe to say that i'm a dog person.

What else to say? my sister, as i said earlier, is 21 years old today. she attends Chico State University and is currently planning marraige, though i'm not sure she knows it yet. ::laughs:: we have grown apart a bit as time goes on. Life's rough on sisters who don't live near eachother. i have my life, she has hers. But i love her. She's one of my best friends at times.

i guess it's time to talk about Master now. i met Master in a roleplaying chatroom in a place called The Pork. He currently had a collared submissive, and i currently was in a relationship. So Wwe began Oour meetings friendship, and simply that.

It took me 6 months to realize how special He was. And it took me 6 months after that to fall in love with Him.

But, God, am i. i am head over heels for this Man. The kind of movie love where Your heart beats faster and slower at the same time. i am in love. God, it's a good feeling. If Yyou'd like to know a bit more about me, feel free to visit my own personal website. It also has quite a bit of my writings posted on it. So here Yyou go.

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