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Oour Collaring Ceremony

10:1 Inferno: {Standing and nodding in greeting to A/all who are entering}

10:1 ~^dreamweaver^~: gliding softly in, my heart rapping fast against my chest, forcing myself to take three deep breaths before waiting at the doorway, motioning for whisper to stand beside me

10:2 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *holding dreamy's hand, softly caressing it to calm her*

10:2 {whisper}M: **eyes widen a tad, seeing dreamweaver motioning me to her side... rises, looks at Master and smiles softly.** **smoothing my hands down my sides, i move to her side, smiling softly as i reach her, leaning over and kissing her cheek** thank you for this honor, love

10:2 ~^dreamweaver^~: my smile brightens as whisper approaches, a soft blush rising to my cheeks as i nod and whisper in return i'm honored to have you relaxing to the pea's gentle touch, watching the door eagerly

10:2 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Stopping outside the door for a moment to take one last deep breath, and then stepping within for this very special event that will change many things but merely confirm others.* *A large smile forming upon My lips as I see A/all T/those waiting for the ceremony to start. Slowly letting My gaze sweep to the front where the one I love rests. Pausing a moment to wait for My Friends to take up Their positions.*

10:3 Inferno: {Stepping to Thought weaver's side and drawing My katana as I come...}

10:3 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Chuckles.* Not quite yet, Inferno. W/we need to get to the front of the room, first.

10:3 ~^dreamweaver^~: my heart stopping in my throat as He enters, my eyes fixed firmly on Him as i breathe again, feeling the wind combing my hair, the trees whistling lightly and my white gown flowing gentlly against my body...i wait

10:3 Magician: **Stepping to Thoughtweaver's other side, and deciding not to do the "But I thought you had the collar" joke...**

10:3 Inferno: {Winking at Magician as I had the same thought}

10:3 {whisper}M: **reaches up and gently takes 3 strands of dreamys hair into my hands. Working quickly, yet carefully, i fold one strand over the other, making a tight braid. Reaching the end of her hair, i wind it up into a bun, fastening it to the back of her head. ** **Bending down to the basket at her feet, i take out small wildflowers in all colors of the rainbow, placing them, one at a time, within the braids and coils of her bun** **moving in front of her and taking 2 small coils near her ears and pulling them gently from the braid, making the curl in a lovely fashion around her beautiful face. Winking at her, i move back to her side, rubbing her back gently**

10:3 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Lips quirking at the Thoughts of My Companions as I'd already had it Myself just before stepping through the door and it wouldn't have suprised Me if They had done it.* *Hazel eyes sweeping over the white gown she's chosen for this event, along with her breathing pausing for a moment. Being sure My own is steady as I straighten out the navy suit jacket over My white shirt, no tie, black slacks and My mostly-dress shoes.* *Stepping towards the front of the room at a slow but steady pace as now the moment is here there is no hesitation within My heart.*

10:3 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *gently holding her hand watching whisper braid and adorn her hair with flowers smiling sweetly*

10:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: closing my eyes for a slow, tender moment as i feel her fingers wrapping through my hair, braiding it softly... to relax, i picture the dancing of the strands as they move about, biting my lip and smiling as i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror... flowers tucked in my hair, strands cradling my face... i breathe slowly as she caresses my back, nodding in knowing... and there i watch Him enter, Handsome in His form, dressed perfectly as ever... wiggling my bare toes against the grass as my eyes drift open to wait

10:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: raising a hand to drag my thumb along my collar bone, bare and gentle... vulnerable, but supple... and a smile curves on my lips in realization

10:4 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *taking her figety hand and placing it at her side softly laughing*

10:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: giggling, remembering myself and smoothing my hand at my side, whispering to the little pea thank you

10:5 Inferno: {Placing My katana in Thoughtweavers hand and bidding dreamweaver and those who would stand with her to come forward}

10:5 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Making My way along the path as a gentle breeze flows through the green grass of O/our forest. The faint tang of rain upon the air but still miles away as the moonlight flows through the clearing in this circle of trees.* *Waiting patiently for the One to speak for U/us and letting My smile quirk upwards more as I incline My head in thanks to whisper for her wonderful treatment of My love's hair.*

10:5 ~^dreamweaver^~: my eyes drifting to Inferno, a gentle nod of respect as He beckons... i look to my right, then to my left, curling my fingers through my sister's hands, and leading them down the aisle... my hips sway gently in the breeze as the white lace tickles my breast, the gown hugging tightly to my body

11:0 Inferno: {Smiling as dreamweaver approaches and resting a hand upon Thoughtweaver's shoulder}


11:0 {whisper}M: **looks at dreamy and sweetpea, nodding softly and walks slowly towards Thoughtweaver and Inferno and Magician**

11:0 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *holding her hand firmly and walking down the aisle with her*

11:0 ~^dreamweaver^~: stopping just before Three, my lip almost bitten to heart rapidly speading its pace... i tilt my chin downward, my lashes lowering to the ground, looking to sweetpea, nodding softly

11:0 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *nodding to her, releasing dreamy's hand and handing her the leash, placing a soft kiss on her cheek, then moving back beside her*

11:0 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Accepting Inferno's katana with a smile of appreciation for such a fine weapon. Still wishing to learn a bit about wielding one Myself some day.* *Watching as He beckons her and her attendees forward. Hazel eyes drinking in the wonderfull sight of her as I wait.* *Glancing over at the hand upon My shoulder, inclining My head in thanks, and then turning back to see My love approach.*

11:0 ~^dreamweaver^~: wrapping my fingers to cradle the cold metal of the leash, smiling bright as it is placed in my fingertips... i focus my eyes on the ground, flickering bright and happy, but glazed almost teary-eyed

11:0 Inferno: sweepea, whisper - One side sweet ones. dreamy must do this next part alone. {Taking only a step forward with Thoughtweaver as smiling at the T/two} Kneel dreamweaver..

11:0 ~^dreamweaver^~: i can feel His gaze fixed on my body, burning my flesh and i rock my eyes upward to stare back...whispering "at last" as softly as possible

11:0 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *taking a step back from dreamy softly smiling watching the love between Tthem my heart full of joy*

11:0 ~^dreamweaver^~: looking to each of my sisters and kissing one cheek, then the other before turning and nodding to He... i step forward once before shakily lowering to parted knees, crossing my ankles gently behind me and quivering the leash in my hand... i take one more breath before flickering my lashes downward again

11:1 Inferno: {Stepping to Thought weaver's other side and guiding his sword arm out so the razor sharp edges of the blade face Him and the one who is his heart. Then gently taking dreamweaver's delicate hands and placing them on either side of the blade so she appears to be praying as I bind her hands with a silken cord to the blade Thoughtweaver now wields before I speak}

11:1 {whisper}M: **steps off to the side with sweetpea, reaching out and taking her hand in mine, as we stand off and watch the rest of the ceremony, both our hearts full of warmth for the 2**

11:1 ~^dreamweaver^~: palming the sword between my hands, the cold metal soothing the heat of my palms....smiling as He waits to speak

11:1 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *feeling whisper take my hand looking to her and smiling, then turning back to Ttwo*

11:1 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Watching with all My heart as she kneels down at Inferno's request, and hoping Magician ~did~ remember to bring the collar as My nerves couldn't take it otherwise at this point.* *Then following Inferno's positioning of My arms upon the sword and holding it very still as her arms are tied.*

11:1 ~^dreamweaver^~: allowing my fingers to point in the form of the blade, trusting Him not to harm me

11:1 ~^dreamweaver^~: feeling the silk caress my wrists, biting my lip gently, breathing slowly

11:1 Inferno: {My gazing falling on Thoughtweaver first as I speak} dreamweaver has bound herself to You. You are her sword. The strength that protects her and the One who can break all that she is.. But it is not Your stength that binds Y/you to each other but a bound like the silken cord. It is frail and strong at the same time for this is the nature of love and respect. dreamweaver is Yours Thoughtweaver. she trust Your strength and your gentleness. Do I dare to place this delicate rose in Your hand? Do You have the stength to protect her and yet the gentleness to hold her with nothing more than Your love? {Awaiting His answer}

11:2 ~^dreamweaver^~: holding my breath as He speaks, feeling my heart swell to each profession of my love for Him, nodding softly but not too wide and patiently waiting His answer

11:2 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Listening to Inferno's words and My smile widens at their appropriateness as I turn My gaze back to her. Hazel eyes dancing with all My love, caring, tenderness, and strength.* Like a reed within the wind, she and I have survived the winds of change, reality, and time. I would rather cut Myself with this blade then let anything truely hurt her, and could hold her until the end of time to comfort her if need be. she is My star, light, and heart all in one. I have never loved anyone more.

11:2 ~^dreamweaver^~: my lips parting to a tiny gasp at His words, feeling my heart warm and rap hard and fast... i remember everything Wwe've been through...and i smile, a soft tear running down my cheek

11:2 ~^dreamweaver^~: knowing He never says something like that, unless it is meant

11:3 Inferno: {Giving Thoughtweaver a wink and smile at His word as I turn to the one that will become His} dreamweaver ~ It is no accident that you hold the blade little one, but even the strongest blade can be broken. you and Thoughtweaver are joined if you move with and trust that the blade will never harm you. you will always have it's strength and protection. Do you wish to have Thoughtweaver's strengtrh and protection? Do you desire to feel the heat that formed the sword that you now hold so dear? Do you wish to be bound forever to One's whose heartbeat is your very own?

11:3 Inferno: {Awaiting dreamweaver's answer}

11:3 ~^dreamweaver^~: looking to Inferno with a wide smile, breathing one more time before speaking Sir, He has conquered my dreams without even trying. my Thoughts have never left His side. through rain and Thunder and sunny days as well, He's been there, constant, the light that flickes that th end of my tunnel. He completes me. And no matter how frieghtened i am of other things, i am confident in tharing through the storms and walking straight to Him to lovingly curl in His tender fist of steel. i love Him. and i am fully prepared to give to Him alone my gift of submission, wraped in a silken chord, and shimmering bright in inside the box. And i trust Him do with it what He will

11:3 {whisper}M: **hears Inferno's words to dreamy, looks over at her, waiting for her answers, holding my breath almost, as i squeeze sweetpea's hand**

11:3 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *heavy sigh and squeezing whispers hand as i listen to one speak from her heart*

11:4 Inferno: {Smiling warmly at T/two} A/all, dreamweaver and Thoughtweaver have already been through a storm just to be here this eve and I know T/they will make it through many more.. Thoughtweaver cut the cord for the hearts of You and yours are far strong than the bond that holds You now.. Magician if You would the collar. {Stepping back}

11:4 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *My smile blooming wider in love and tenderness as I listen to her words. Hazel eyes swirling with a mix of emotions but love, happiness, anticipation, and excitement are strongest...*

11:4 Magician: **Picking up the collar from the red velvet cushion, and offering it solemnly to Thoughtweaver**

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: wanting to look up, but daring not to, remaining still, allowing Him to break the cord, barely able to believe that this day is ~finally~ here

11:4 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Inclining My head with a smile to Inferno before sliding the sword to cut the silk binding her hands carefully but confidently. Then offering the katana respectfully back to Inferno.*

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: pressing my palms as the blade slips from my fingers, remaining bound by His will, infused and silent

11:4 Inferno: {Taking the katana with a smile and gather the split cord giving part to dreamweaver and part to Throughtweaver} Let nothing divide Y/you this easily for Y/you are O/one. *warm smiles to B/both*

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: curling a tender hand round the cord, nodding to His words, whispering nothing

11:4 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Releasing a soft sigh of relief as I take the proferred collar from Magician. Black leather with red and orange flames dancing along the edges and My phoenix symbol resting upon the front. Smiling with thanks to Him before turning back to My one.*

11:4 Inferno: {Stepping back to join Magician.}

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: my breath catching as He lifts the collar, shaking inside

11:4 Magician: **Bowing to both, with a smile, and stepping back, quietly invoking all the Elements in the protection of this union**

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: my palms rest on my lap, stroking the leash with my thumb gently

11:4 ~^dreamweaver^~: nodding respectfully to Two as They descend

11:5 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Taking the offered cord from Inferno, trailing My left hand's fingers along it for a moment, and then smiling.* Nothing. *Placing it upon My arm for the moment as I then turn back to My one, and slide the collar around her neck tenderly. Making sure I fasten the clasp enough to ensure it won't come off but not enough that it would restrict her neck in any way.* With this I offer My love, protection, and a universe of possibilities for U/us to explore T/together. A few short months ago I would never have imagined that I would be collaring someone, but now I couldn't imagine not doing it with you. Let this collar show A/all that W/we are O/one in heart, mind, body, and soul.

11:5 ~^dreamweaver^~: feeling the collar slipping round my neck, smiling wide as it closes... my eyes remain lowered as i feel it slip in binding ring round my neck...listening to His words with a smile, nodding....

12:0 ~^dreamweaver^~: as the collar is finished slipping round me, i lower my fingers to stroke along the leash in my lap...before cradling it in both hands... i lift my lashes high as i offer the leash at a comfortable level for Him before lowering my chin again and whispering softly to the ground With this leash, i offer myself: heart, mind, body and soul. i give You my life...Master. A few short months ago, i could never picture myself secure enough to be collared. And now here Wwe are, diving head first, and i could never imagine it with anyOone but You. i beg You to let this leash complete the binding of Hhearts, Mminds, Bbodies, and Ssouls. And let fantasy become Reality.

12:1 ~^Thoughtweaver^~: *Taking up the offered leash with My right hand, gliding My fingers along it while listening to her words, and then grinning with love, tenderness, pride, appreciation and joy.* I accept your mind, body, soul, and life, Mine. *Sliding My hand down with the end of the leash to clip it through the golden d-ring at the front of My collar.* Now W/we are O/one until the end, My love. *Raising the leash a bit to tug her head up just a little so that I might lean down to kiss her lips with all My Heart and Soul. Pulling back to whisper softly.* Welcome to O/our future, holder of My heart.


12:1 {whisper}M: **smiles softly at the T/two, happy at the joyous union**

12:1 {sweetpea}AnimalLord: *my heart filled with love for Ttwo as Tthey become Oone*

12:1 Dormamu: ~smile at Ttwo who have become so dear to Uus~

12:1 ~^dreamweaver^~: quivering softly as He lowers the leash to clamp on His collar, not being able to help but smile as He accepts my gift, nodding to His words Yes, Master. feeling the leash tug me upward, my heart swelling at the connected Ssouls, i lift my head high and proud while kissing Him with all that i am, breaking to listen to His words And welcome to eternity, Keeper of my soul.

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