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i'm afraid Yyou'll have to wait to hear about Master when Master hears about this page. i wouldn't want to post anything that was innaccurate or something that He was not willing to share with anyOone. He will be aware of this page on January 8th, 2003: Oour 2 month collaring anniversary. Come back and see Uus then. ::whispers:: And Yyou'll want to see this page...He's One hot Man.~lauren

Welcome to My humble study room within these walls, My F/friends. *Lips quirking.* I can't tell Y/you how surprised but very pleased I was when I found out how much work My kitten has put into creating this wonderful site for U/us. I guessed she was making a webpage due to her requesting of the letters I still had of O/ours, but this...*Shaking My head with bemusement.* No. I'm very proud of what she's accomplished, and this is just the beginning I'm sure.

*Waving a hand towards a fireside chair.* Have a seat, as I daresay Y/your feet must be weary from the travelling Y/you've done to get here. *Chuckling.* I suppose now I should satisfy the curiousity that has brought Y/you here to find out a bit more about Me. *Raising My right forefinger in a forestalling gesture.* Just don't expect My entire lifestory. ~_^

*Turning to lean back against My oak desk slightly.* To begin, I'm 25 years old, born September 5th, 1977. Most of My life I lived out on the family farm where W/we raise(d) cows and seed(ed) grain such as wheat, rye, and tritically. *Knowing that's probably ~so~ spelled wrong and I'll fix it as soon as I can.* At the age of twelve or so one of My major allergies kicked in: one to grain dust, or large amounts of normal stuff. It kinda got Me out of cleaning out the grain bins during the summer heat. ~_^ Which I certainly didn't mind too much. Though it also made feeding the cows a bit of a bother as well at times.

For most of My primary schooling I went to a small one - Gull Lake Elementary, Junior, and High School. I wasn't big on being social and dove head-first into Science Fiction and Fantasy books. Sure I still played outside during recess, even got in a few fights, but didn't really cause any trouble without getting it pushed on Me. Well other than somewhat breezing My way through school. Which My parents plus older siblings didn't appreciate. Still did pretty well overall, however...other than in English. Didn't seem to matter what I did there I always got around a 65-70% average. After Grade 11 I switched schools and went to Swift Current. Retook the last year's algebra, geo-trig, and physics classes before continuing on to My final year's classes in those areas. Did much better in the larger school due to better teachers, though it did set My coming out of My emotional shell at school back a bit due to a new environment. Graduated with some fairly decent marks, and so on.

I took My first year of university courses at the local college, then tried My hand at the real thing in Regina. Unfortunately that didn't go so well due to still being a bit uncertain about My future. On the plus side this was when I was introduced to The Park, though again My shyness meant I didn't talk much initially. Ended up back on the farm for a bit moping before taking a Retail Cashier Training course - again from the local college - and getting a job at McDonald's in Swift Current. Worked there for a year before starting a PC Support Specialist diploma course at the newly opened Swift Current campus of The Academy of Learning. Stayed working until April 26th of the next year, but it was affecting my schooling so quit. By that time I'd moved into Swift Current to live in the basement of the house My grandmother lives in. Last August I moved to where I am currently in Edmonton, Alberta,where I'm working at Convergys as a call center Technical Support Agent taking calls from all over the U.S.A.

I think that's enough about My life outside of the BDSM area for the moment. For more information Y/you can always check My personal website here.

I've been within the Lifestyle for over three years now, though only c/t so far unfortunately. In the relationship I'd just had W/we'd tried getting into the lifestyle a bit but at the time I was more unsure of Myself, and after W/we'd broken up she suggested I go back to The Park's Hidden Chamber. The reason she did so was because I was having a bit of a peak in My sexual energy at the time. It was just a bit rediculous, but honestly I'd always been curious about BDSM. Since then I've been in three longer-term - for Me - Dom/sub relationships and a couple short-term ones.

As My love said, W/we met in The Pork's RP room of Darkpines. she was using a rather adult rated icon and was dancing in the rain. I PMed her about the icon being a bit inappropriate for the room, and the rest as T/they say is history. W/we started talking on and off in the following months, having B/both been in relationships at the time. I never expected what O/our F/friendship has grown into today, but I certainly wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. I love her with all My heart.

*Straightening and smiling gently.* I hate to have to depart, but I'm afraid I've other matters to attend too. Feel free to stay as long as Y/you wish, and if Y/you should wish to contact Me feel free to do so at *Bowing respectfully and then turning to walk out another door Y/you didn't notice before this.*

Oour Online Collaring Ceremony ||| Oour Story ||| Oour Favorite Links ||| A Little Bit About lauren ||| A Little Bit About Jonathan