Leif "The Heartbreaker" Anderson was last seen fleeing the University of Oregon campus. He is suspected of stealing the hearts of many teenage girls. 

"Ho Ho, is that the stupid idea train coming in?? Whoo Whoo, all aboard!!"

-Mr. Feeny, Boy Meet's World


December 31, 2001


         Okay, okay. This will be the last update of the old year. Here's the scoop. I've been a total lazy bum this whole break and haven't done a thing. I've got to play catch up with a couple of my very favorite people like Jeff Billington, Rich, Kelli, the Midget, and Catherine. The truth of it all, is that there's a reason for my laziness, I actually have an excuse. The first week home, I was sick as a lot of you know. I got so delirious that in the middle of the night, I went to get a glass of water, and I tripped on the cat and landed in the christmas tree. There was little bits of the broken ornaments in my  left leg and I had to go to the emergency room to get them removed. While I was there, the doctor gave me an antibiotic that I am apparently allergic to. Amidst all the ER chaos, the doctor didn't realize that I was blowing up like a fish. (Typical of those brainless ER docs who just got their license to practice 2 seconds before they saw you) So here I am, a complete balloon with little colored bits of christmas glass stuck in my leg, sick and still delirious. I get sick of waiting around for that toddler with a stethescope to come back, so I decided to get up and find a nurse, or orderly, or executioner or something. I jump of that white sterile table they make you sit on, and me, being the klutz that I am, trip over step on the bottom and fall all over that left leg with all the glass shards stuck in it. I must've hit my head, because I don't remember what happened next. I wake up in a bed, and my left leg is fucking gone!! Who steals a left leg?! Apparently that mini doctor had to amputate it off. What the fuck?? So here I have been sitting this whole vacation, a sick dillusional one-legged puffed up freak. They call this a vacation?? I'm gonna sue that docor for everything he's worth, which is probably nothing cuz he's indebted till he's 40 to his medical school. He probably went to the Medical School of Clownery or something fucked up like that. Anyway, miss you all, and I can't wait to get back to school and away from all this madness. 

Oh, yea.... PSYCH!!


Today's date dedicated to Garrett Cimino

December 19, 2001


          No updates since I've been home yet, sorry. I just thought I'd leave a quick note. Since school's been out I've been sleeping in like a champ. I haven't gone to sleep before 3 any night yet, or woken up before 12. Yea, I'm definitely catching up on sleep from the past 3 months. I miss everyone already though. I had coffee with Sam the other day at Espresso Roma, but she went to San Francisco for a week. I don't think I can take a whole month without everyone!! I got to see Kelli the other day though. And some others will be coming home again shortly. I'm so excited :) Anyway, I'm gonna go back some sugar cookies n stuff. Talk with you all soon!! Miss you!

Shut up Stupid


AHHH!! Not you again! Go look at someone else's page!!    ;)   just kidding!



Rose and Sahra are twins... from head to toe


December 4, 2001


   Just a quik update today. I put some more pics on the McAlister page. I've been busy with finals and papers and nonsense. I got to see Duh and Jimmy today for the first time in a grip, so that was nice. I love you guys!! I'm getting sad cuz I don't know what I'm gonna do without these people for a whole month!! I've gotten so used to being here, I can't imagine living at home, alone, for four weeks. Sad... I'll just hang out with Sam for the whole time or somethin. Sumthin!! Those of you who are coming home to Eugene for your break, call me!! I miss you guys! Love you

Son of a.... 


November 28, 2001


    Okay, so I have class in 6 minutes, so you can probably gather that I'm skipping.... I'm such a bad girl!! It's okay, I swear. Finals are next week, and I have two papers due, one tomorrow. So I'm staying home to be studious, so don't worry about me. I added some pictures!! Check out my newly formatted Schafer Files page. It's sweet. I'm gonna take more just as soon as I get some batteries for the stupid camera!! Then you'll all get to see how I live in a crazy crazy place with crazy crazy people. ;) I hope I get to talk to you all soon!! Lovies

We're all going to hell



Garrett Cimino  |  Alexander Heller  |  Tom Dawson

November 25, 2001


    Oh my God!! I haven't updated in almost a whole month!! I'm goin to hell for that one...  :) I just got back from Thanksgiving break, it was good fun. Got to spend some time with some good friends. Garrett came home with me and we ate lots of food, watched lots of football, and slept tons.  I was all excited to get home and have some down time away from the dorm, but y'know, as dorky as it sounds, all I did was talk to everyone who lives with me. I don't know what I'm gonna do when its time for winter break. A whole month without them?! Ahhh! I'll just die. Anyway. Finals are next week, I can't believe the term is over already. Maybe it's cliche, but it went by so fast! It feels like only yesterday I was thinking about how much I wasn't gonna like living with a roomate.... oh wait, that was yesterday ;) Hopefully I'll add some more pictures tomorrow, I took some great ones :)



October 28, 2001


    It's a sad story, but it's true. Here On Out didn't play this weekend :( I guess that touring really takes a lot out of them, being on the road so much and all... but lets see... we had other fun this weekend. My friend Ben came to Eugene to visit from hell (aka UW). We had fun. Sahra and Jozee performed a tap dance - poetry number at open mic. It was sweet. I had to go to the hospital on Wednesday night, at like 4am. This guy who treated me looked like he just got made a doctor two seconds ago... But its cool cuz I got to ride in an ambulance. Apparently I had a drug induced anxiety attack. My parents are treating me like I'm broken. I'm going to a head doctor cuz they think I'm getting too stressed out or somethin. I dunno. I think sometimes this living situation stresses me out. Most of ya should know what I'm talking about. I can deal with it though, I'm tough. I should get going... just wanted to do a quick update. 

Beware the Bohunks


October 22, 2001


    I added sooo many new pics it's crazy!! Checkout my Here On Out Page and The Schafer Files. We've been seeing out whole crew perform their music places. The boys were at Common Grounds on Friday, and Gina and Lisa performed at The Buzz. It's outta control!! On November 13th Andrew, Garrett, Big Alex and I are going to to see the Weezer-Jimmy Eat World show at the Rose Garden in Portland. Annie is going with her boyfriend Josh too. Tons of fun. Tom's going to see Incubus that week too I think and I'm real jealous. Other than that... I had my first midterm ever... and let me just say, everyone thought it was easy including me, but I know I biffed some of it. Like I care. No stress. I learned a few new things this week... never drink caffeine at 3am, and if you play Stairway to Heaven on your guitar, you're going to hell. By the way Tom, I still love that shirt

Bumblebees are the coolest


October 13, 2001


    Hello friends! Sorry.... no new pictures yet... I know I know! I'm slackin! I did get some film developed the last week though, and some pics are a lot of fun. I just need to scan then in sometime. Tonight was the 2nd performance of Alex Tom and Garrett at the Buzz. They officially named themselves the other night. actually, tonight was the debut of Here On Out. We love you guys :) Also, we celebrated Alex's 18th birthday today, he's finally legal (which I know all you ladies were waiting for) As for life in general, guess who got an A on their first Philosophy 101 paper ever?! It actually was Tom, but I got a B+ which I'm pretty happy about, considering my paper was a piece of crap and I finished it 30 minutes before class. Anyway, I need to get some sleep or somethin.... it's been a long day! Love you guys

Happy Birthday Big Alex


October 3, 2001


    Just a quick update... I started school and I'm super busy. I'm having tons of fun, I get to see some of my favorite people all the time now, and all the people in my dorm are really good friends. It's like one big sleepover that doesn't end :) I think that I need to put a ton of new pics up soon... it'll be tons of fun. I'll put all my hall pals up n stuff. If you all aren't busy on Friday, Oct 4 around 9pm, go to the Buzz and see Alex Tom and Garrett/Gabe/Bailey jam.  Until then, you can check out Philippe's site in the content bar to the left. Later you all. Love you guys.



HOME is where the heart is...