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Pilots Corner
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  This is the pilots corner, the intention of this page is to give a little instruction on flying.  So I'm going to talk you through your first flight.  After this feel free to use the E-Mail links below.  Write our Instructors the love to help!



My first flight.....

    So you've built your first R/C airplane. I know you took my advise and balanced it out.  This is very important because a tail heavy aircraft will not fly.  Now that you have made it to the field and have your AMA in hand we can get started.  Install the wings on the fuselage making certain the ailerons are plugged in.  if your models wings are held on by rubber bands install the first two chris cross, then install four more front to back two on each side.  Install the final two chris cross again.  Fuel the plane turn on the radio and receiver.  Run through the flight controls and throttle movements.  with antenna down walk about 50 yards from the plane and make sure the radio still hits the receiver with a signal.  Start the engine and trim out the needle valve about two turns open is correct.  However, models vary so hit engine peak rpm.  Taxi the aircraft at low speed in the pits for a while.  Just up and down the taxi-way.  Get used to the controls this takes time.  After your comfortable bring the plane back to the gas and top it off.  Start the engine again and roll to the runway.  Check wind direction.  Take off into the Wind.  Give it full throttle and start down the runway start feeding in up elevator.  Do not apply to much this will create a stall.  The plane should lift off the ground keep a little up elevator in it and climb high very high.  Remember Altitude is your friend.  Once the plane is up there trim the throttle back to below half.  level out and start a right turn.  As you turn the plane will dive so keep a  little elevator in it.


    Know that you are up in the air relax...  Fly around slow and easy make all movements little movements.  Just do square pattern flying.  You have about eight to twelve minutes to mess around and get used to the plane.  Fly out away from you turn and fly back towards you.  Notice when you fly towards you the controls are backwards.  Better get used to that because that feeling crashes more aircraft.  Feeling brave try a roll or loop but remember this "Altitude is your friend".  Okay enough screwing around it's time to land.  Are you ready for this?




    Fly over top of you and proceed out away from your spot.  Bring the throttle to about 1/4 or below 1/2.  Start a slow bank turn to the left.  and proceed back your direction  with the plane about 100 yards out from your position. Fly past and keep going about 150 yards out.  Turn left, then left again. You should now have the plane coming towards you.  Keeping the wings level cut the throttle.  Let the plane slow down and start to fall.  Glide down giving a little bit of elevator as you descend.  As you approach the runway about 8 feet from the ground feed more elevator just about touch down pull full back and flair the model.  At this point you should be on the ground.  Taxi it off the runway and fall to your knees and thank God it made it back in one piece...Well you flew now take my advice and contact a real r/c flight instructor below.





Contact Flight Instructor: Dave Thomas

Contact Flight Instructor: Sam Woodard