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My Reads

good books that I am reading or have read

~this is a KJB only site~



"Reading gives delight, class, and ability; the wise crave it, the crafty discourage it, and the stupid neglect it."

One of my hobbies is reading. I love to read! I love self-help books for the Christian and homemaker. Any book that can help me do the things I do better. Also books about WWII and the perils of the Jews. My mother-in-law, Nancy, got me hooked on Christian romances. I was skeptical at first but the ones she sent me are really nice so I've been reading some of those. I also love to read books by IFB ladies, preachers wives, missionaries or just good Christian ladies.

So here are some of my favorite books, or at least some that I have read or plan on reading soon. 


Cathy Corle Books

Heart of a Handmaiden - A dear fiend gave this one to me, I really enjoyed reading it

The Woman the Lord is looking for - This is another of those self-help books.

What in the World Should I Wear - A must for the lady seeking God's will in the matter of dress.

The Mrs. Ministry - Another good book.

The Lady the Lord is Looking For -Another one that I read early on.

*Cathy Corle's books can also be purchased through Faith Music Missions


Dr. Dennis  Corle Books

Elements of Godly Character ,  Volumes I, II, and III - These are great books. My DH was reading them and I picked one up. They cover main characteristic of the Christian.  Worth reading.



Cindy Schaap's Books

Living on the Bright Side! - I don't have this one yet, but plan to soon.

A Meek and Quiet Spirit - Don't we all need help in this department?

A Wife’s Purpose - I read this one early on in my life as a Christian lady.


Mrs. Hyles' Books

Life, as Viewed from the Goldfish Bowl  - This is a nice book, lots of stories from Mrs. Hyles' life as a preacher's wife.

Woman, The Assembler  - Also another great book to help the wife realize her importance.


Marlene Evans' Books

The Five Sins of Christian Women - Don't have this one yet, but can't wait to get it. I've heard good things about it.


Read some of Jack Hyles' best books, online, for free! CLICK HERE




Me? Obey Him?, Elizabeth Rice Handford - A Classic for the Christian Wife!

A Heart for God, Paul Chappell - Renewing the part of your life that only god sees. I have heard great things about this book.  I haven't actually finished reading it yet.

*These book can be purchased through Sword of the Lord Publishers




Books about our History as Baptists

The Story of Liberty, Charles C Coffin, Maranatha Publications. - So you will comprehend what liberty has cost and what it is worth. 

The Bible Makes Us Baptists, Mary E. Bamford - A great book!! A true tale of religious liberty. Every family should read this book with their children!


The Excellent Wife. Martha Peace - This is not a KJV book, but it is an excellent book. I have gleamed many truths from it.

Balance in the Christian Life, Dr. Jeff Fugate - This book is great for helping get the 4 major parts of our lives in order. God, Family, Self and Work.


Books about the Marriage Bed

*Although I do not agree with all the stands of these authors, these are excellent books to help with the newly married couple of the couple that is having difficulty in this blessed part of marriage.

The Act of Marriage, Tim and Beverly LaHaye - This book is all about the beauty of sexual love, as God made it. A great tool for the newly married.

Intended for Pleasure, Ed Wheat, MD and Gaye Wheat - This is another very informative book on this subject.


Misc Links

*Please be aware that I do not run these sites. I have found good useful stuff in these spaces so I thought I would share. Please still use caution, the devil is still the master of the airways and we need to practice safe surfing regardless of where we are.

Free Christian Audio Books - In Windows Media Format and IPod and ITunes Formats

Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification.






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