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Anatomy of a Star, by Zedral

Fan Fiction
Short Stories
Zedral's Author Survey

Copyright 2003
Zedral Ziller
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and one of them isn't even old enough to own yet. But in the story he is. Just to be on the safe side.

What was that comment? About not being a star because a star is a hot ball of gas? After eight or ten beers, it's hard to remember anything, let alone a quote from months ago. But that's okay because the alcohol causes this delicious warmth to spread throughout his body, reaching his fingers and toes, making his scalp tingle.

Alcohol is supposed to dull the senses but he has himself convinced that it enhances his. He can look at the figure sitting beside him on the floor and see every fine hair, the peach fuzz on his cheeks. He can feel....can feel.... the damn pure sexiness emanating from this young man. The translucent skin and dark hair so much like his own, yet....oh so different. Softer, finer hair. Smoother skin. Why hasn't anyone noticed this? Why do so many people go on and on about his eyes, ignoring the sapphires that are on the face just a few feet from his? The sapphires that radiate their heat and terrible beauty that burn through the layers of his clothing, burning to the core. The heat..... oh shit. Another cold beer might squelch the fire that is burning between his legs.

The other boy, the much younger one, has had more than enough to drink, especially for being a minor. His normally milky cheeks are flushed, and Elijah sees this as being blood red. Oh yes his senses are much sharper tonight. That electric buzz of horniness that he has been trying to supress has definitely encircled his companion. It's an aura. Yes, an aura of lust, want, desire. The time to make his move is here.

He scoots across the carpet, nudging beer cans out of his way with his toes. Dan doesn't look up right away. He'd been studying his lap for at least half an hour. Drunkenness? Or was he thinking of something similiar? No matter. Elijah slides over, one leg on either side of Dan. Closer. Closer. Crotches just centimeters apart. Another message for Elijah's enhanced senses. Their pulses tap out Morse code to each other : Desire, want, heat, SOS, SOS...

Two pairs of lips meet, just lightly brushing against each other. Elijah imagines lush, ripe fruit. A plum. Yes. Daniel's lips are like plums, swollen with sweet juice. He nibbles lightly on the bottom lip and is rewarded with a light moan that does not fail to penetrate him to the core. Tongues meet, hands brush cheeks, entangle in hair, nerves awaken. Every sense, every body part is so alive, full of white-hot sparks. White-hot, condensed,radiating energy, a bright light that seems to fill the room but in reality only the area behind their eyelids. I am a star, he thinks. And so is he.


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