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Dancing, by Dizzy

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Right…right. Don’t, uhm, I don’t know, mob me for writing this because the leprechauns made me do it. I swear they did. I would love to hear from you, even if you are only trying to burn me.

Lolita/Isa’s Bunny, for Mer and the sake of my NC-17 skills

The lights spun around him at a dizzying pace and his heartbeat slowed to throb with the low bass of the music. That music was constantly with him, pounding out its merciless rhythm through his entire body and controlling his every movement. Yet another drink was cradled in his strong hand, how many would this make? One…two…eight…did it really matter? No. Slowly, he moved away from the bar to the stunning woman he had been watching for the past four drinks. His eyes had explored her entire body, drinking her into their dark russet depths. He longed to know what her skin felt like as it came into contact with his.

She saw him coming like a menacing cat, prowling amongst the gazelle, hunting for the young and weak. His eyes were those of a starved soul and she met them defiantly, daring him to resist her. She knew exactly what she was doing. For every three of his drinks she had had one ice water to calm her nerves and cool her body so that when this moment came, she would not let it escape her. Wordlessly their bodies collided and all else ceased to exist. Gone were the lights and sweating bodies, vanished was the stench of alcohol and marijuana that pervaded the air. The only things left were the two bodies moving together, still throbbing with the music. Golden toffee met pure cream as limbs intertwined. Eyes stayed with one another through out the entire erotic play of the needy. Brilliant azure met with shadowy espresso and both transcended to an entirely new world that neither could fathom. Both could feel the desire of the other and wordlessly they moved away from the center of the floor.

Once they had reached the freedom of outdoors, their dancing did not stop. Only now the dancing involved nothing other than the music and their lust, personifying itself in the form of their desperate kiss. She felt herself pushed against the cold brick wall and the intense heat that radiated from his body was enough to send her into violent shudders of need. His mouth captured hers and serpentine tongues danced the dance of the desperate. Warmth invaded her mouth and she welcomed it greedily, feeling a whirlwind of emotion gather in her belly. Altogether too soon his mouth left hers and traveled down her neck, leaving a trail of passion in its wake. There was no gentleness in his actions as he descended further to her collarbone, licking and biting wherever he went. Not here, this could not happen here.

Slowly, she pushed him off of her and they made their way drunkenly to her car. Make? Model? He never noticed; it didn’t matter. All that mattered now was being with her and satisfying these carnal desires. It took all of her focus to make it home as he continued to lavish her neck with fervent kisses and caresses. The feeling in the pit of her stomach had begun to grow and she did not know how long she could restrain herself. Finally, they pulled up to what he assumed was her apartment building and somehow, without his ever realizing it, managed to find their way inside an apartment and down the hall to a bedroom.

They could’ve stopped for a moment and relished the beauty of the scene, they should have. The way the moonlight gently caressed every surface in the room was reminiscent of childhood dreams of faeries and dragons; and the table lamp dimly illuminated their faces, throwing sensual shadows across every curve and edge of their bodies. The room smelled of tea tree and lavender and everything was a soft pearly white, aside from the massive four post bed stained a dark cherry color that rested in the middle of the floor. There is where the night would fulfill itself.

The couple came through the door, still lost in a mass of tangled limbs and the passion of one another’s embrace. There was no tenderness in the caresses they lavished upon each other, there would be nothing gentle about the night ahead of them. As the girl hit the bed her skin seemed to meld with the billowing covers; his dark toffee complexion quickly swooped down upon her, throwing a luscious contrast into the mix. Their mouths broke the ravenous contact to allow her shirt to slip between them, over her head and come to rest near the moonlit threshold. For a moment dark chocolate eyes searched her body for any imperfection; their exploration was in vain for no flaws could be found. Whilst eyes were still traveling her upper body, she felt strong hands gliding up her thighs to the waistband of her pants where they unfastened her skin-tight jeans with ease. Again they moved over her legs, this time sliding the rough jean material of her pants and the soft cotton of a more delicate item down with them until she lay before him, exposed to his voracious gaze.

In a practiced motion her silken arms extended above her head in which appeared to the unobservant to be a mere sign of surrender to the man now towering over her, his hot breath branding her with his craze; one of her hands had actually come in contact with a small remote control, placed strategically under the mass of pillows at the front of the bed. When her fingers pressed a small button, a dot of red light appeared behind her aficionado and she gazed at it for a moment before returning her eyes to the impatient man before her and seductively wrapping her legs around his waist, drawing him ever closer to her.

With another few flashes of fabric he was just as bare as she was and the dance would once again begin, this time with renewed ferocity and necessity. Hands and tongues never still for a moment, they began to tease each other, finding delight in the small moans they could illicit from one another. His tongue traced small patterns of inferno on her lower stomach while his hands supported her arching back. She swirled her fingers through his mass of curly brown hair while letting small noises of suppressed passion pass through her lips. He could not hold out any longer and with one swift movement he entered her body, claiming her for himself. He did not wait for her to become accustomed to him inside of her before thrusting forward ever violently. She cried out in a mixture of pain and ecstasy and he fully drew out of her before driving back in. He began to rock against her, enjoying the feeling of her hips bucking against his and her small noises of rapture. His pace began to quicken until she could no longer voluntarily keep up and he had to guide her with his hands, bodies meeting simultaneously, thrust for thrust. He felt her body shudder violently in his hands and immediately reciprocated the action, her climax bringing on his.

Panting and bathed in a sheen of sweat, he pulled himself from her and began to gather his clothes from various places in the room while she watched him languidly from the bed. Without a word he dressed and was gone. It was no matter to her—this would not be their last tryst.

~*~ One Year Later ~*~

Adrienne sat at her kitchen table sipping black coffee and occasionally throwing a semi-interested look at the open newspaper before her. She flipped to the entertainment section to see if there were going to be any good plays on that week at the local theatre when something caught her attention. It was a small headline reading “Orlando Bloom’s Newest Project.” Her eyes glowed with interest as she continued to read about the young actor’s latest venture, this time on-stage instead of on-camera. A quirky smile turned the corners of her lips and she hastily set down her coffee to run back to her bedroom.

The room hadn’t changed in that brief year, the only difference was that the windows were now open, white curtains blowing in the gentle sea breeze and it was bathed in soft morning sunlight. Running to a large cherry-wood armoire set directly parallel to the foot of the bed, she threw it open to reveal an entertainment system and several videos. Scanning the hand-written labels, she found one marked with the date of last year and the initials O.B. on it. Again she smiled to herself, only this time the smirk was sly and satisfied. Moving back to the kitchen and her caffienated brew and the paper, she reviewed the play times and with a slight jolt of excitement realized that the first show would be that night.

The day passed swiftly and an hour before the play was scheduled to begin, Adrienne stood in her bathroom, critiquing her appearance. She was dressed conservatively in a knee-length black dress that hugged her figure ever so slightly and accented the brilliance of her ivory skin. Her bright cerulean eyes studied the image in the mirror, looking for nonexistent imperfections. Dark auburn curls were gathered at the base of her neck by a simple black clip and silver earrings hung from her ears. After a few more minutes of debating, she put on some lip-gloss and mascara and grabbed her shoes and purse. Heading out the door, she remembered the video and rushed back into her kitchen to snatch it off the table and head out the door to her blue Honda.

The play was Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” with Orlando in the comedic role of Benedick. He hadn’t changed very much in that one year and Adrienne felt a slight shiver run down her spine at the sight of him onstage. She sat quietly, spellbound, throughout the entire performance, not even remembering to laugh at the antics of Beatrice and Benedick. The play came to a close and the curtain was pulled; the audience rose to go home to their happy little houses where they would feed the dog and put the kids to bed. Adrienne waited until the last stragglers were on their way out the door before standing up and making her way to the door that led backstage. She took a deep breath, smiled cunningly to herself and went through only to find herself in the typical whirlwind of congratulations and jubilation after a good first performance.

Quietly, she made herself fade in to the background while she watched the mayhem in front of her with surprising calm. People were running around, half costumed, congratulating each other. Everyone hugged everyone else at least three times over and they all crowded around the director to hear his take of the show. After a quick study of all the faces in the small crowd, Adrienne realized that Orlando was not among their number. She slipped, unnoticed, past the happy cast and crew to become lost in the labyrinth of dressing rooms. Finally, she found one with “O. Bloom” inscribed upon the door and knocked hesitantly on its smooth surface. She was answered with a gruff “Come in.” Her face was set in an unreadable expression as she turned the handle and stole in the small room without making a sound. Shutting the door quickly, her fingers turned at the knob and locked it so that they would not be intruded upon. She turned to face the man on the other side of the room, lounging on an old sofa with his eyes closed, a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water on the table next to his head. She looked him over quickly to reassure herself that nothing had changed. It hadn’t.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and tilted his head so that he could look at her straight, with a touch of mild surprise in his expression. “Who are you?” The question was simple and as she had hoped; he did not remember her.

“I thought you might have forgotten me…actually I expected it.” She spoke with the air of someone who was talking to a long lost friend, completely comfortable in the situation. She moved with grace and poise as she set her purse on the table, next to his water and medication and took the chair opposite so that he could remain in his horizontal position and they could still speak comfortably.

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember you at all. You look somewhat familiar, but I’m sure I can’t assign you a name.” Orlando was puzzled, but remained on the couch and let Adrienne stay where she was, simply because he was trying to place her in his mind, and her presence at the moment did not seem like any sort of threat.

“You never knew it to begin with.” Her tone was soft and reminiscent, her eyes downcast as if she had forgotten where she was and even that there was another person in the room with her. Suddenly, she straightened up as if she had remembered herself and looked him in the eye. “If you could please, Mr. Bloom, take a look inside my purse.”

Still confused, Orlando did as he was asked and extracted the video from within the black leather pouch. He took a brief look at the label before turning questioningly to Adrienne again. “What’s this?”

Still retaining her smooth demeanor, she spoke rapidly as if she would never say what she was saying unless forcing herself to. “It’s a video tape, Mr. Bloom. A video starring you and me, if you know what I mean. You’ll take a look at the date, one year ago, and then realize the magnitude of that date once I tell you that I just recently turned eighteen.” She waited patiently for a look of realization to pass his face, quickly followed by one of panic. She spoke quickly to cut him off. “Yes. You were twenty-five and I was seventeen that night. You obviously know that that constitutes statutory rape, which carries a sentence of 10 to 15 years in prison. However, if I were going to charge you with rape, I wouldn’t bother with a video, I wouldn’t bother waiting a year, and I most definitely wouldn’t bother telling you about it. Do you follow me?” She raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and waited for his reply.

“Yes, I think I know what you mean.” He choked out a brief answer before drinking half of his glass of water in one gulp. “How much do you want?”

Adrienne was not prepared for that question, the though of money had never crossed her mind. She was tempted to say that he had misunderstood her, but realized with a start that that was not the case at all; she just hadn’t stated her demands.

“I don’t want money. I could get money if I needed it. I want something else. I want you, exclusively.” This time no flash of realization hit his wan face; his features didn’t light up with any sudden epiphany. She would have to explain herself further. “I don’t know how else to put it, Mr. Bloom. You would have to move in with me, obviously…that’s not a problem, there’s plenty of room—“ She was cut off by his belated grasp of the situation.

“Wait just a minute! You’re telling me that if I don’t move in with you and become your little play-toy, you’re going to turn me in for statutory rape? Who in the hell do you think you are?” Instantly Adrienne’s manner changed from businesslike to vixenish. Her voice settled down to a low purr and she slid off her chair onto her knees, crawling to him in a catlike way. When she was level with his head, she seductively touched her nose to his and briefly grazed his lips with her own. She muttered against his jaw line, lightly flicking her tongue against it every once in while.

“Come on now, Orli.” she barely touched his skin to her mouth, “You can’t tell me that you find it a completely unattractive prospect?” She pulled away from him just enough to gaze into his eyes and raise one perfectly arched eyebrow enticingly. He just looked at her with disbelief etched in his features.

“I cannot believe you.” He was really at a loss for words, having to struggle to come up with that brief statement as again she moved intimately towards him. This time her tongue slipped past her full lips to trace his, eventually bringing her mouth to settle on his lower lip where she gently suckled it. As he moved to respond to his instinct by deepening the kiss, she moved away from him.

“And what would become of me if I did end up, uhm, complying, shall we say?” He had had a small taste of her and realized that she knew what she was doing. Yes, he was being used horribly as no person should, but he had to ask himself if it would be all that bad. She was gorgeous, and wanted him, and there was nothing stopping her. He was in a lose-lose situation, only one of the losses was less detrimental than the other. “Well…” Again Adrienne moved toward the couch where the young actor was still lounging. “You see, you’d have to—“ here she paused to nibble his earlobe, “move in with me. And because—“ and now she traveled down his neck, softly nipping as she went, “I’m not all that cruel, we’d stage a romance. That would—“ she had reached the collar of his shirt. Adrienne traced small patterns around the front of his neck and began going up the other side, mirroring her previous actions. “—save you a lot of explanation, as well as a reputation.”

Her tongue ministrations were done for the evening, she decided, and it was time for her to make an exit. “So…you keep the video, and here’s my number. If I don’t hear from you in three days, I’ll begin to file charges.” She slid a blue piece of paper onto the table, next to his aspirin and left before giving him the chance to speak.

Adrienne drove around town for two hours before going back home. She needed to gather her thoughts and convince herself that she was ok in doing what she was doing to Orlando. Rationalizing with herself was not one of Adrienne’s strong points and she found herself wandering the city before long. Finally, she turned herself around and headed back to her apartment. When she arrived, the red beep in her kitchen alerted her that a message waited for her.

Uhm hi…This is Orlando. Orlando Bloom. I was going over your…er…offer, shall we say? Uhm, yes…I was going over that just now and I think I’ve decided to accept…so, ah…well, you can reach me at 884-8796 and I…uh, well I guess we’ll go from there.

He was flustered, and it pleased her to no end. She decided to let him stay flustered for a while, everything was going as planned. For two days Adrienne kept the number on her machine and wondered about how Orlando was feeling at the moment. She was exhilarated with the power she had over this man. Here was a person who was revered in Hollywood, not to mention treated as a god in the bedrooms of teenage girls all around the globe, and she had control of his every move. On the evening of the second day, Adrienne decided to call Orlando and thus end his torture. A brief conversation ensued and they decided that he would move in the next day and a week later, if not yet discovered, they would release news of their “relationship” to the press.

~*~ One Week Later ~*~

“Orli?” Adrienne called from her bedroom. She was off work that night and bored out of her mind. She decided that it was time to start exercising her authority. Orlando had been avoiding her all week, only speaking when it was absolutely necessary and taking every chance to leave the apartment when she was present. Now he was sitting on the couch in the living room, going through a script.

“What?” He was quick to reply in a harsh, agitated tone and Adrienne grinned, knowing that she still had control of the situation.

“I need you to come in here for a moment.” She had dropped her voice to a low seductive purr and he barely heard her. Then again, he didn’t need to hear her; he already knew what she wanted from him.

“Not now, ok? I’m busy.” He turned back to the script in his hand, hoping that that would be the end of it. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

“Not now? I’m sorry…you seem to have forgotten why you’re here in the first place. There is no “not now” in this relationship. You need to get IN here NOW!” Now Adrienne was shouting, but somehow still managed to do it voyeuristically. With a sigh and great effort, Orlando lifted himself from the comfortable couch, threw off the cashmere blanket that draped his shoulders and made his way slowly to the bedroom, surprised by what he saw when he got there. Adrienne lay on the white comforter, auburn hair haloing her already beautiful face. She was clad in a simple black corset and thigh-high blank panty hose. His body had already begun to react despite what his mind was screaming at him.

Upon his entrance, Adrienne murmured her approval. “Good boy…”

~*~ Six Months Later ~*~

The two burst through the door of the apartment, both of their faces flushed with the chill of winter combined with their hearty laughter. They grinned at each other and flopped onto the couch, still fighting to keep their giggles of mirth under control.

“I…cannot…believe…you…made…me…do that!” Adrienne cackled between words, exhilaration lighting up her features. Having finally checked his laughter, Orlando was able to answer her a little bit more coherently.

“Come now, it’s not fair to blame it all on me! You wouldn’t have done it at all if some little nagging part of you hadn’t wanted to do it for years! Tell me I’m wrong!” Adrienne grinned at him, panting and in danger of falling off the side of the couch.

“You’re wrong.” She was almost able to keep a straight face too. “Ok, so you’re right. I think everyone’s wanted to steal something just to see if they could get away with it, but never did I think I’d do it with someone like you!” They had just returned from the local wine shop and Adrienne triumphantly extracted a bottle of Merlot from underneath her heavy winter coat. She shed her coat in one graceful motion and disappeared into the kitchen, only to return a few moments later with an open bottle and two glasses.

“To us…being absolute dolts that is.” She set the glasses on the table and filled them, thinking of how drastically the past six months had changed her life.

She had begun the entire thing as a game, and had never meant for it to go any farther. He was going to be her toy, because in her opinion, that was all that guys were good for. As time passed, however, she found herself beginning to change, and to like this man as an actual person. He became a friend, one of her closest at that. Sure, they still had sex when she wanted to, but something was missing from it. She felt somehow incomplete and so their trysts became less and less often. Now she enjoyed hanging out with him, and they had invented their own game. Whoever could come up with the craziest thing for the other to do was let off of kitchen duty that week. She had to say that he had won this week; hiding a bottle of wine underneath a coat was no easy task.

Adrienne sat on her side of the sofa, still swaddled in all of her winter gear. The stolen red wine slipped gently past her full lips, staining their original rosy pink to a slightly deeper crimson. The cobalt oceans that were her eyes were shrouded in a deep mist of though; each swelling of the waves they held revealed another raw emotion. Staring off into the distance, like a captain looking for the lighthouse in the eye of the storm, porcelain lids capped by auburn lashes closed and the stormy sea was lost. With a sigh, the last hints of a smile that had traced her lips disappeared and she rested her head against the back of the couch. Her somewhat uneven breathing was the only sign that she remained awake.

As Adrienne became lost in her thoughts, Orlando watched her intently over his glass of wine. There was something different about her, and that something had changed in the way he felt about her. On a sudden impulse, he set his glass on the table, leaned across the couch and brushed his lips against hers. With a start, Adrienne moved away from him so as to look into his eyes, as if she could find an answer to all of her questions in those russet depths. This was the first time that he had ever initiated anything, the first time that he had kissed her of his own free will.

Gazing into his eyes, she found what she was missing. She knew exactly what it was that she needed, and she knew that Orlando could give it to her; all of her searching had finally been rewarded with answers. Her crystal wine glass found a spot next to his and she leaned into him, resuming what he had begun. Gently their bodies melded together as he was pushed back against the couch and she lay on top of him. Both refused to break the kiss, and this time they were gentler, more tender and caring with their actions. Their breathing steadied and both hearts beat in time with one another; gone were the animalistic desires and carnal necessities. This was so different, and so much better.

Their mouths engaged with one another, they explored each other fully. This time Adrienne wanted to find out exactly where to touch and be touched. It was all told in one kiss. Their tongues massaged each other, stroking and begging for more. It was as if they were making love without ever moving from the couch, using nothing but pure emotion and a passionate kiss as a medium. A slight whimper escaped Adrienne’s lips as she felt herself pushed from atop him. Confused, she stared down at him, still moving in to continue the kiss. When Orlando spoke, his tone was husky and filled with desire; it didn’t match the words that came out of his mouth.

“No. No, we can’t.” Bewildered and hurt, Adrienne made no sound as she eased off of his body. She wanted to pretend she understood, she wanted him to think that everything was fine with her. This could not happen, and she had known it all along. It was stupid and naďve of her to ever think that there could be something more between them. Orlando knew better and hastened to correct himself.

“I didn’t mean we couldn’t, I meant that this was not the way to go about it. Come here.” His tone was gentle and almost patronizing as he motioned her to his side. Oblivious to the look in his eyes, when only moments before she had been able to read them like a novel, she stayed on her side of the couch and moved to retrieve her glass from the table, hoping that she would save herself from some amount of embarrassment. Orlando didn’t like the pain in her face and knew that he must right things immediately if he ever hoped to be anything to Adrienne, which, he was slowly beginning to realize, he did.

In one fluid movement, he leaned across the couch and swept her up into his arms, carrying her back to the room where their twisted relationship had first been consummated. Gently, he laid her upon the pristine bedclothes and his breath was taken away as he looked at her. Somehow he felt as if he had never truly looked at her before, never noticed every beautiful thing about her. Now that he looked, he saw that she actually did have what she would call a flaw, there was a light scar bridging the v-gap in her collarbone. He continued devouring her body with his eyes, taking in every curve and dip as if they were completely new to him and he would never have a chance to look at them again. He took in the soft swell of her breasts under the black turtleneck she wore, and admired the way her hips flared out from her waist, now covered in a pair of low-riding khakis. Just above the khakis, he knew, was her perfect flat tummy, with its little blue stone nestled in her small bellybutton. His perusal of her body brought him back up to her face. She was now worrying her lower lip, causing it to be a deep shade of rose red and contrast with the perfect ivory of her skin and stunning sapphire of her eyes.

In the same manner, Adrienne gazed up at Orlando and her heart was filled with something she didn’t recognize, something she had never experienced before. Her eyes traveled across his body and she reached up to stroke his arm before drawing her hand down to the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head. Her next breath caught in her throat as she actually looked at him for what seemed like the first time. She gazed as if she had never seen him before, which she truly hadn’t; she now found different things to admire. She noticed the way every curve and line on his body was perfect and fit with everything else about him. She took note of the way his skin resembled warm caramel in the gentle glow of her lamp. His well-defined arms leading up to broad shoulders which gave way to a toned chest a stomach area. And now she saw something different: she saw his eyes burning with hidden embers of desire for her and only her.

They sat there, staring at each other in a glazed wonder, both of them wanting to know why they hadn’t ever seen any of these things before. Orlando decided that the time for show and tell was over and leaned down to recapture her lips with his own, feeding her hunger with his. He removed each layer of clothing from Adrienne’s body, softly gasping anew at the treasures he had always seemed to miss before, when she had controlled him. This was no longer a dominator-dominated situation. It was merely two people making love with as much passion as each could muster. He wondered if he would ever go back to the way he was, when every night brought home a different girl and he was lucky if the mornings would arrive with their names.

They lay next to each other on the tranquil bed, bare to the other’s gaze. For a moment, or maybe it was forever, they were content to enjoy the warmth of their bodies so close together, and the caring that was resonant in their eyes. If they never moved from that spot, each felt that they could be happy just to be in each other’s close company for the rest of eternity.

Adrienne felt his hand tracing lazy patterns up and down the curve of her hips and suddenly felt the need to be with him, around him, a part of him. She closed the seemingly nonexistent gap between the two and began to lavish his chest with attention from her mouth. She traced lazy circles around his nipples, first scratching lightly with a curved nail and then going over the scratch with her tongue so that it burned in a way that made Orlando groan in pleasure. Her tongue continued its path down his body, accompanied by her teeth at times. She applied light pressure here and there and nipped her way down his chest until she had reached his belly button, where her efforts were redoubled.

In turn, Orlando strove to reciprocate her attentions on his chest and they moved together, mimicking each other and improvising here and there until both were at the breaking point with desire for the other, merely from the use of their mouths combined with the suppressed need that both now realized they had been feeling for quite some time.

He had reached her hips and began his sweet torture with his tongue, flicking and sucking in all the right places. His hands supported her lower back as she arched into him, urging him on. She almost screamed as he reached her core, lapping in and out with an erratic rhythm, dancing to his own beat. He would bring her to the brink of insanity and slow his pace, quietly calling her back to earth where the cycle would begin again. His hands had been massaging her lower back and now came forward to take the place of his mouth as he discovered a newfound interest in her naval. His used his hands and fingers to continue the saccharine torment and she heard herself give out low moans of appreciation.

Suddenly, Orlando pulled himself from her and again she felt the familiar pangs of fear that he was going to leave her like this, filled with need for him. She realized that he was searching his pockets, her pockets, and the drawers all around her room and then remembered why. After their first time together, which was driven, passionate, and unable to be stopped, she had demanded that they always use protection; she had said that they were lucky the first time. With a small sigh of relief, she reached under the mattress and pulled out a small foil package, tearing it with her teeth. Orlando was delighted to see that she had caught on, and almost ecstatic to see her blush at what she was doing. This was the first time she had ever shown any hint of modesty and it was only feeding the fires for him, as well as surprising her.

Her hands were shaking to badly to be of any use, she couldn’t control her body and felt that if he didn’t hurry, she might die from the effort it was taking to restrain herself. Swiftly he readied himself and poised his body against her hips, waiting for her to give the go-ahead. She nodded her head swiftly and her eyes clamped shut as he entered slowly. That in itself was almost enough to send her over the edge, hands only having just stopped paying special attention to that area and she was fiercely grateful that he was considerate enough to give her a moment to recompose herself before continuing. Their hips rocked together in a steady movement, together they moved until it was impossible to believe that they were two separate people, merely one soul in two different bodies. If before they had been dancing to the bass of the nightclub, now they moved in the erotic motions of the tango, to music playing in their heads if no where else. The rhythm and pace quickened as the need for both to reach a pinnacle was heightened.

Together they reached their reward and ascended to the heavens for a brief moment of pure bliss before returning to earth, where they would find another heaven in each other’s arms. Adrienne felt her muscles contract almost violently as she fell back down to the bed, dragging a shuddering Orlando with her. Their breathing steadied and with great care, Orlando gathered Adrienne up in his arms and drew her close to his chest. She waited until she thought she felt his breath slow down to a rhythmic pattern indicative of sleep and chose that moment to bare her soul in as little words as she could.

“I think I love you…” Her voice trailed off as sleep overtook her.

“I love you too, Angel.”

Email Dizzy

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