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Author Index
Fan Fiction

Name: Amy S. Davis

Age: 22


Favorites: *duh* Elijah, Dominic, Vermont, Lions, Vampires, Cassie Claire’s VSDs, Harry Potter

Books: Anything by Anne Rice, The Mists of Avalon, LOTR, Good Faeries/Bad Faeries by Brian Froud

Movie: LOTR, Titanic (I know…groan if you want to…) There are several more but I’d say my 3rd favorite is Moulin Rouge.

TV Show: The Pet Psychic on Animal Planet

Hobbies: Singing all the time, Reading, making mix tapes & CDs, writing Elijah fiction

Favorite character in LotR: Other than Frodo? Gandalf. He kicks ASS! I mean, how f’ing cool was that scene where he casts Saruman out of Theoden?!

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read: Verdraengen by Isabel (the BEST written version of a french kiss I have EVER read. Good Goddess…THANK YOU Isabel!)

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? Yep. Am I going to tell you what it was? Nope.

What's the first fic you ever wrote? Gah…do I have to tell you? *sigh* It was called "Waiting" and it was about Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine from X-Men. *rolls eyes*

FanFiction.Net penname: I am boycotting due to their "no actor fic" policy.

If I were a LotR creature I would an.... Elf

Isabel and Diz's Highly Significant New Author's Survey

When you die and go to heaven, if there is a heaven, what do you want to hear God say to you when you get there? Hmmm…I’m a witch so I don’t believe in the "One God" theory. However, if I were to die and had an audience with the Goddess, I would want her to tell me that I can go back to earth as a pampered house cat. I mean, come on…sleep all day, eat what you want, get love only when you want it? That’s the life for me…

What's your favorite insult of all time? "You look like the product of a love affair between Gollum and Yoda."

What is the personal motto by which you live your life? "Sleep, eat, fuck, dream, sweat, cry, dance, and sing your heart out because you are alive and life is meant to be lived, not denied."

What's your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor? Fudge Truffle Core. (My mother used to work @ Ben & Jerry’s when we lived in Vermont. They used to make a flavor called Vanilla & Chocolate Chunk. Alas, they discontinued it…)

What's your favorite invented porn magazine? Sexy Demon Vampire Goddesses

What will you name your first child/living-organism-that-you-can-freely-name-above-the-age-of-eighteen?

Wow! Hmmmm….I think I’d name a boy Adrian and a girl *maybe* Aiza. (But since I’m NEVER going to have children, it’s not an issue!)

What is the most hilarious curse word/phrase invented by humans? Stephen King once wrote: "I’m tired of plating fiddly-fuck on the mouth harp with you." (I had to put down the book and scream in laughter)

What will your stripper name be? Amethyst Nightshade (she’s a goth stripper) LOL

What's the funniest band name you can come up with? Okay, my friend Tess and I are going to be in a rock band someday that we are going to name "Angry Red Haired Cunt" We’re tired of people using that word to put women down and we are taking it back!

Office Depot or Office Max? Neither. Staples.

Is OJ innocent or guilty, and does it even matter? The fucker is guilty!

The answer is 42, what's the question? How many times have you thought about Elijah today?

Stories By Amy

Resist Your Urges

Garden of Eden