Author's Note:
Ni Hao?
Sorry for the long wait!
A girl called in sick at work so I had to fill in for her.
I don’t work too much so expect the next update soon! This chapter is going to get GOOD!
Well, at the end so please read! Even though it’s boring in the beginning!
Please review! ::Place a peace sign with my hands::
- Ren ^ - ^

Oh yea...
'.......' These are thoughts
"......." These are when they talk
:: ... :: These are sounds

Disclaimer: Dragon Ball is not mines, but the non-Dragon Ball characters are mines... *heh*


Last Time: Kaiya was yelling at everyone, and Kakarott and his friends had a picnic. Chichi was going to meet Tai and *err..* ::Tapping a finger onto the computer table:: ::Thinking really hard...:: oh ya! Kakarott made it into the elite team!

Forbidden Love Chapter Three: Where am I? and Where's your tail?


::Cluck cluck cluck...:: (no not a chicken's cluck *heh*)

Chichi's shoes were making the clucking noise as she walked down the quite long hall. Once she was near the door she could hear laughter for inside the room.

'Here I go...' Chichi said as she let out a sigh.

Chichi gently knocked on the door and waited for a response.

The Ox King heard the knock and smiled to himself. 'Chichi, your learning...' He thought proudly, because his daughter was being well behaved. Usually she would just barge into the room, and greet people without formality, which was not princess like.

"Com..." The Ox King said but paused as he saw the young man's action.

Tai had gotten up from his seat to open the door. He was a tall, tan colored, and a well-built young man. Even though he was fully dressed, the Chinese shirt hugged his body tightly. His dark black silky hair was slit back (combed back), away from his face and he had dark brown eyes.

When he opened the door and saw Chichi, he couldn't help but stare in awe.

Chichi blushed at the reaction from the young man. She too wasn't expecting a handsome young man, as he wasn't expecting a beautiful young lady. Tai grabbed Chichi's hand and gave it a little kiss.

The Ox King smiled at their reaction and motioned them to take a seat.

"So Chichi, what do you do for fun?" An old man asked.



"Nappa? What are you doing in the prince's seat? Hurry up and get off before he comes!" Kakarott shouted as he walked up to Vegeta.

"Baka...(idiot) I am the prince!" Vegeta said as he stood up. Kakarott turned around and noticed that everyone was down on one knee, with their right fist over their heart. Kakarott quickly went back into line and mimic everyone else.

"Get up..." Vegeta said as everyone stood up. "As some of you already know, I was the one who selected you fifteen to join the elites. You should be proud and feel honored, for this only happens to fifteen Saiyajins out of the whole Vegetasai, every two years. Yours and your family's ranks would be raised, which will do them proud. Now remember, you are an elite, and make sure you act like one. You assignments will be sent to your home, now you are dismissed."

Everyone turned to leave as Vegeta told Kakarott to stay.

"Kakarott, the reason why I raised you rank and let you join the elite's is because of your motivation. Now remember, you are a third class warrior, and it's in your blood. Don't let the name elite, change you. I have seen many second class warrior change because of their titles, and they have suffered. Don't let the same thing happen to you. Dismissed."

Kakarott was surprised at nodded his head and bowed down very quickly before he left.

'Now I wonder how everyone else would react... I know father would be proud, but mother...'

On Earth...

Chichi, Tai, the Ox King, and Taiyo were talking. (Taiyo... *er..* couldn't think of another name, and usually the son's and father's name matches, in *er* Chinese families... well... at least mines... well not mines as in me, but mines as in my mom's and aunts... *heh* sorry it's lame ::shakes my head disappointedly::)

"I like to read, write, and play musical interments on my free time." Chichi lied to Taiyo, who is Tai's father. The Ox King gave a big grin when he heard his daughter's response. She was actually trying to be nice. She wasn't lying fully, she did know how to play some musical interments, and she does read when she has to, and writing is not a problem for her either. The only part she led about was enjoying it.

The Ox King and Taiyo listened whole-heartedly as Tai was getting bored.

"So Chichi, care to show me around?" Tai asked politely.

Chichi nodded her head and excused herself from her father and his friend. Tai followed not to far behind her and they left the room.

Outside the door Chichi kicked off her shoes and glanced over at Tai.

"Sorry to led you on, but I have no interest in you, or your family. I only did that to shut my father up. I think you’re the sixteenth guy I met so far, but who knows? I don't keep count."

Tai watched Chichi do a 180. (Totally change for one person to another. ^ - ^)

Chichi continued to walk down the hall followed by Tai.

"It's ok... I understand how you feel. One day my old man just came over and said, 'Tai-jie, (Tai-boy/son it's Chinese ^__^) I found you a perfect wife. We're leaving for Japan next week so be prepared!" Tai said in a mocking voice like his fathers.

Chichi nodded her head in agreement and said, "It's not the greatest feeling, being forced to marry someone you don't even know." and she let out a sigh.

Tai glanced down at her and replied, "But I’ll like to know you..."

Chichi couldn't help but blush at his response. They continued to walk down the hall in silence until they reached a door which let down towards the Garden.

"This was my mother's garden..." Chichi started to say as she opened the door and allowed Tai and herself to walk in.

"But she past away, when I was young and no one took care of it but me." Chichi continued.

Tai nodded his head and apologized. "I'm sorry to hear that... but you're not alone. My mother also died, after she gave birth to me." He replied.

Chichi looked into his eyes but she couldn't see the sadness within him.

"But don't you miss her...?" Chichi asked curiously. The feelings she felt inside were killing her. Even though she was young and her mother died, it hurt her deep inside. She was always curious about how her life would be if her mother was still alive. but deep inside she'll always love her, she was the one who gave birth to her. And knowing other people who lost their parents, she thought they would feel the same way too.

"What's there to miss, if you never even known it was there? Tai said.

"My father never took the time to talk to me about her. From what I’ve know she meant nothing to him..." Then he finished.

He's words was harsh, and it made Chichi think.

'Didn't he want to know her? Hear a little about his mother? He seems so distant, and knows no love...'

Chichi stopped her thinking when a servant came to inform them about dinner.

'Maybe I should give him a chance?...' Chichi thought as they walked towards the dinning room.



Kakarott entered his house and he looked around. No one seemed to be home so he went for his room.

'I’ll just take a little nap’ Kakarott thought as he went up to his room.

When he entered his room, he jumped onto his bed and fell right to sleep.

Sleeping in peace for only 1 hour he was awoken by his mother’s voice.

“KAKAROTTTTTT!!!!!!” Kaiya shouted threw the house.

‘He is in so much trouble…’ Radditz thought as he stood by the door.

Kaiya had just found out that Kakarott had made it into the elite teams, while she was in the city. At first Bardock and Radditz was proud of Kakarott and was showing it, until they saw Kaiya’s reaction. When they did they shut their mouths and obediently followed her.


Two hours ago… In the city…

Kaiya dragged Bardock and Radditz into the city to go shopping since Kakarott wasn’t home. They went into a little teahouse and ordered some drinks.

A group of boys walked in talking about the elite tests.

“Can you believe a third class warrior made it that far?” The tall boy asked the shorter one.

“Yea, I can’t believe it either! I mean how can he surpass us? We’re second class, now we’ll never get our ranking up!” he replied.

Kaiya wasn’t interested in they’re conversation until she heard one of them mention the third class’s warrior’s name…

“Yea, I think his name was Kakarott, I heard him and the prince was sparing.


Back At Kakarott’s house…

“KAKAROTTT!!!!” Kaiya yelled once more.

Kakarott stirred in his bed when he heard his mother called him the first time. But when he heard it the second time he hopped off his bed and ran down the stairs.

‘aww shit! What did I do now?’ Kakarott thought as he was going down the stairs.

He was greeted but a very mad Kaiya and a smirk on his father and brother’s face.

“Sorry, I fell a sleep, and that’s why I didn’t hear you the first time you called.” Kakarott said to his mother.

“What’s this about you joining the elites?” Kaiya stated as she glared daggers at her son.

“I already told you before…” Kakarott started off, but his mother cut him off.

“You know you could die out there? Do you know what the elites do to the planets out there? You go out there, and fight, then kill!” Kaiya stated. (Don’t get me wrong, I mean she loves fighting and stuff, like a normal Saiyajin, but she’s afraid Kakarott will die out there instead of the aliens…)

Bardock then approached his wife and placed his arms around her.

Kaiya was already crying, as Bardock took her up into their room.

Radditz approached Kakarott and congratulated him.

“Kakarott, me and dad is proud of you! I know mother is to but she’s just worried. But I know you’ll do great!” Radditz commented as he placed the food into the refrigerator.

“Well, I’m going back to bed now Radditz…” Kakarott said as he yawned. “I’m tired from the fighting and the tests.”

With that Kakarott headed into his room as Radditz sat in the kitchen table. ‘ Mother knows… but what about Dara?’


The Next Morning…

Kakarott awoken early in the morning and headed down towards the kitchen.

Everyone was there, and Bardock and Radditz had already started to eat breakfast.

Kakarott was greeted by his mother with a smile, which shocked him the most. ‘Why is she smiling at me?’ Kakarott thought as he took his seat.

Kaiya placed down his food in front of him which was twice the size as Bardock’s and Radditz.

Kakarott stared around and everyone was acting like nothing happened, so he just ate his meal.

Before he left his mother stopped him and had a little talk with him.

“Kakarott, As a mother I have to worry about you but I want you to know that I am proud of you. I can’t change you mind, so I have decided to let you go. But once when your done with the first mission I want you to return home and settle down. Ok?” Kaiya said to his son.

Kakarott nodded his head and left the house to meet his friend.

While walking down the street, people congratulated him on his accomplishment. He nodded and thanked them. ‘Whoa… news sure do fly by fast…’ Kakarott thought as he continued to the field.

Once he was almost there he saw Tori, Dara, and Yuiji standing there, waiting for him.

“Hey guys!” Kakarott shouted with a giant grin.

“Kakarott!” Yuiji said in a cheery voice.

“I can’t believe it!” Tori said with a grin.

Dara was standing there with her arms crossed and her back turned from him.

Kakarott walked over and started to talk to his friends.

“I can’t believe you made it into the elite.” Tori and Yuiji said.

Kakarott gave them and smirk and told them what happened.

Only when he was done he noticed that Dara wasn’t her cherry self.

“Dara, what’s wrong?” Kakarott asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Dara spun around and cried onto Kakarott’s chest.

“You’re leaving me again!” She said in between sobs.

Kakarott pulled her off his chest and glanced down at her.

“Dara, don’t worry, when I’m gone you’ll still have Yuiji and Tori. They’ll still be around to play with you.”

Dara gotten mad at Kakarott’s comment. ‘Doesn’t he know how I feel about him? Don’t he know I love him? Do I have to make the first move?’

With that thought Dara got into her tiptoes, and gave Kakarott a passionate kiss. (well attempted too.)

Yuiji and Tori stared awe at the couple, and Kakarott was shocked.

Kakarott pushed her back, not so hard but just to get her off of him.

“Dara, what are you doing?” Kakarott asked in a calm voice.

Dara stared at him in shock and in embarrassment she turned and ran home crying.

Yuiji and Tori stood there and watched everything happened.

They knew Kakarott had no feelings for Dara, but Tori got mad at the way he treated her.

‘Why couldn’t he like her back? He’s always hurting her…’ Tori thought.

Yuiji decided to break the silence and said, “Hey Kakarott only has a week left, so let’s go out and enjoy his last week here! I mean we don’t know where he’s going and when he’ll come back, right Kakarott?” With that the took off into the city.


1 week later…

Kakarott left his house early in the morning before the sun has risen. Kaiya hugged her son, and watched him walk off as Bardock and Radditz wished him luck, and fun.

Tori and Yuiji was waiting outside Yuiji’s house as they waited for their friend to past by.

Kakarott approached them and talked for a few minutes before continuing his journey.

Dara was staring out her window watching him talked, but he didn’t noticed. When she saw him left her heart sank and she got up and ran outside.

It was too late. He was already to far for her to catch up and Dara stood there crying.

Yuiji gave his sister a hug and told him Kakarott said goodbye…

After an hour of walking Kakarott had made it to the destination where the instruction told him to wait.

A few minutes later a young man with a scar on his left eye and an X on his cheek came up and greeted Kakarott. He was wearing the same uniform as him and they had to wait for one more person. Then two more people were approaching, one was tall and had a third eye, and there was a little white clown floating next to him.

The young man with the third eye nodded his head and everyone introduced themselves.

“Tien, Yamacha, and Kakarott.” Was the name of the warriors that was going.

Then a car slowly approached and picked up the warriors. Kakarott watched as Tien left the little clown behind and went into the car. ‘I wonder why he didn’t introduce himself?’ Kakarott thought.

When they reached a empty fields, and around the corner five ships was noticeable. There was thirteen men standing there waiting for everyone else to arrive.

When Tien, Yamacha and Kakarott stood in their spots in line King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta came out and started to talk.

After that everyone went into their ship and got comfortable.

“First stop, Puica…” Tien said as he read the piece of paper. “There we have to see if they have modern technology, and ask for their assistance…” Yamacha programmed the ship and everyone was getting ready for takeoff.

Once in space everyone remained in their seats until Tien said it was ok. Kakarott was first to get up and asked, “Tien… how long is it to get to Puica?”

Tien looked at the sheet of paper once again and replied 10 hrs. the most.

Kakarott nodded his head and decide to walk around, the ship wasn’t that big but everyone had their own room, and there was a kitchen and one shower.

Before they knew it, they had stumbled across a meteor shower. Everyone tried to get back towards their seats but it was to late.

Kakarott was knocked out because of the sudden impact, and bashed his head against the wall.

Tien had hit the floor headfirst and he too got knocked out.

Yamacha was holding on to the table trying to get to Tien to check if he was alright. Tien was the closest one to him. He slowly and carefully walked up to Tien, but another meteor hit. Yamacha fell back and slammed his head against the table. Before he got knocked out he noticed that they were in a middle of a meteor shower…


The next day… On earth

Chichi was getting ready to meet Tai again. After the dinner before he left he asked if he could see her again. She agreed and he said he’ll come and pick her up.

Chichi had gotten into the dress Tai have given her as a gift, it was a Chinese dress which was white with dark purple lining, with matching white pants. Chichi had left her hair down which went down her back and sat patiently waiting for Tai.

Tai had arrived a few minutes late but he came with flowers for Chichi, ‘today is the day you’re going to be mines…’ Tai thought as he saw Chichi approached.

“Wow you look wonderful!” Tai said as he glanced Chichi up and down and handed her the flowers. He then gave a small bow and offered his arms.

Chichi blushed as she grabbed his arms with one hand and holding the flowers with the other.

“Wow these are beautiful…” Chichi said as she stared at the flowers.

“Not as beautiful as you…” Tai said as he stared into her eyes.

“I was thinking…” Tai said as he started to walk again. “I stumbled across this lake last week on my way home and I thought it would be a great place to go for our date.” Tai said as he thought, ‘it’s perfect, no one around to see what we’ll do…’

Chichi nodded her head as they continued to walk.

Bulma was sitting down at the lake where her and Chichi sometimes met. It was a quite place where she could study and concentrate. Even though she meets Chichi here, sometimes she comes here to be alone and think.

Yamacha was the first to get up and they noticed that they had landed. He glanced over at the control seat and noticed Tien was sitting down.

“Tien… what happened?” Yamacha asked as he rubbed his head.

“You placed the wrong direction and that’s how we ended up in the meteor shower. It’s 4690 longitude and 568 latitude not the other way around!” Tien replied.

“Well, we better go and find out there we are…” Yamacha said as he walked over to Kakarott. “He’s alive but still knocked out… what do you want to do?”

Tien got up and opened the door of the ship. “The computers ok but the ship is wreaked. The oxygen is breathable… so, I’ll go and see if I can get any tools to fix it up. It won’t take long… maybe an hour the most…” Tien said as he hopped off the ship.

Yamacha followed and said “I’ll go with you too, incase something happens.” Yamacha lied, he really wanted to see if there are any cute aliens around. Tien nodded his head and walked off towards the city.

A few minutes later Kakarott had awoken and glanced around to see no one there. He searched for Tien and Yamacha’s ki and noticed they were walking off. He got up and decided to follow.

Bulma was reading a book when she noticed a voice talking. She didn’t pay any attention until she heard Chichi’s voice. ‘Maybe she’s on a date!’ Bulma thought as she got up and ran behind a bush.

Chichi and Tai had reached the lake and they sat down and continued their conversation.

Bulma glanced at him and noticed that he was HOT.

‘Dam Chichi got some good taste in men! Maybe I should ask her to hook me up with one…’

After a while Bulma stopped watching her friend and continued reading her book, but she heard two young men’s voices near by. She got up and walked over towards the voices. There she saw two tall young men walking with fuzzy belts.

‘The one with the scar is kind of cute… but the bald one with a tattoo of a third eye is UGLY… but if the guy with the scar changed his clothing and took off that fuzzy belt… he’ll be perfect!’ Bulma thought as she watched them walk by.

Tien and Yamacha noticed Bulma’s ki but didn’t pay any attention to it.

“It might be another animal with a fuzzy tail with strips” Tien told Yamacha as they continued to walk. (they thought Bulma was a Raccoon *heh*)

Bulma watched them disappear and suddenly she heard a scream.

“GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!!!!!” Chichi yelled as Tai pinned her down.

Bulma ran towards the lake and stood there and watched. She hid so no one could see her. She knew Chichi was going to win this fight, she was a tomboy after all. Bulma had watched Chichi fight off many men before so this should be nothing.

Kakarott who was following the dead raccoons and Yamacha and Tien’s ki, stopped when he heard a girl screamed.

He ran over to where he saw a lake and a young man had pinned a young girl on the floor. Her arms were above her head and he held her down with one hand as the other was fondling with her dress. 'They have no tails...' Kakarott thought.

Tai was unbuttoning Chichi’s dress, when he unbuttoned the top part Chichi yet out another yell. “STOP IT! OR I’M GOING TO KICK YOU ASS!” Chichi warned him but he slapped her.

Bulma smiled as she thought, ‘Chichi gave you a fair warning…’

Kakarott was about to jump forward and help the young girl out but her ki was slowly raising.

Chichi kicked Tai in the stomach sending him flying back.

Kakarott was amazed at the girl’s strength and decided to sit back and watch.

Chichi hopped up and walked over to him. “DON’T EVER UNDERESTAMATE ME!” Chichi yelled as she kicked Tai in the stomach.

Tai grabbed her leg and yanked it causing Chichi to fall down, hitting headfirst.

Tai then got up and glanced down at Chichi who was knocked out. Chichi wouldn’t have gotten knocked out if she was prepared for the fall but she wasn’t expecting him to pull her leg, or yanked it so hard.

“After I’m done with you, you’ll be carrying my child, and you’ll have no choice but to marry me. I knew you’ll fall for those stupid lies about my mother, girls are so gullible.” Tai said out loud expecting Chichi to hear.

Kakarott stood there in shocked when he noticed the girl was knocked out.

Bulma couldn’t believe what she just saw, she threw her book down got up.

Tai continued to unbutton Chichi’s dress, with a smirk of victory on his face.

“Now time for a little fun…”


Quick Note:
So what did you guys think? Nice and long!
Was it worth the wait?’
I don’t know when I will update so *err*
Please come back and check up.
If you want I’ll gladly email you when I update,
just tell me in a review or email.
Please review and tell me what you think.
The more reviews, the better the story,
the more effort I put into it, and the quicker the story come out.
Ok… I’m lying about the better the story, but it will come out quicker! ^__^
That’s it for now! So, Ja’ne!

Here’s a little preview:
What’s going to happen to Chichi?
~well… that’s not really a preview… but you’ll find out in the next
chapter… ^ - ^ ::Waves my hands good bye:: Bye! And please review!!

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