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Tenkaichi Budoukai News

05/01/2001 4:00 PM PT


I have joined the team to run the team based tournament. This is how it works. Anybody can join. Each team is made up of 5 members with one leader. This leader doesn't actually lead it is just for practical purposes so i can communicate with one person per team instead of 5. When you have your 5 person team together email me with the team leader, the other 4 memebers, and a team name. Thats it, see you later.

05/01/2001 11:47 AM PT


Hey guys, I'm almost done codeing the "Fighter's Bio's" section so it should be up by tomorrow if all goes well. Right now, they are not fictional, but I think I will hold a poll when *War_Bot* gets back to see if people want them to be fictional. SSj4 God has been working his ass off lately and has even made a new layout, which we are once again wait until War gets back to get to go ahead. Later.


04/30/2001 9:43 PM PT

SSj4 God

At last I have taken control of your T.V. set.  Are you recieving me?  I've been...adopted by members of the site who shall go unnamed and thus I have created this more...presentable web format.  We also have a kickarse new flash intro (which I'm sure all our regular visitors have seen) plus a new banner (^) and a nice flash teaser thingy (-->).  ENJOY!!

04/29/2001 6:45 PM PT

Kaio-ken Master

Ok, I made an archive section for the news, for no apparant reason. I didn't even put a background color because I am so lazy. :P Anyway, I haven't really been working. I have been busy with stuff. School, work, girlfriend.......wait. I don't have one of those...... ^_^ Anyways, I would just like to announce that I have decided to add SSj4 God and ssjgotenks145 to our staff. Why? SSj4 God can help with images (by help I mean do nearly all of them). And ssjgotenks145 is going to host his own tournament on this site. A team tournament. I don't know too much of the details yet, but it sounds like a good idea. So......there ya go. Less work for me. ^_^ That's about it. But I haven't been able to get in touch with SSj4 God......maybe tomorrow. I would also like to suggest you guys get an anime as Human_Fighter did. Um.......have any of you heard of Dragon Ball Z? ^_^ (I like emocons)

04/30/2001 2:14 PM PT


Hey guys, I apolozize on my lack of updates and work on the site so far. School has been a real pain in my ass lately. But don't worry, I'll have plenty of updates in the next few days. Until then you can bug KKM ;)

By the way, as an off topic note, I highly suggest all of you to buy the manga or animé "Oh My Goddess". Very funny stuff.

04/29/2001 6:45PM PT

Kaio-ken Master

Ok, that bracket graphic that I am making is gonna be a bit more visual. I am gonna put a pic next to the fighters name on the graphic. So i need every combatant to either post a pic that you want on the forum, or send one to me on e-mail. If you have the ability to change the size of the pic, try and make it no bigger then 100 X 100 pixels. Ok? If you an't alter the pic, just send it to me and I will change it for ya. If you don't send me a pic, I will either just have your name in the graphic. Or I will pick a pic for ya. Check ya later.



FYI:  The Unofficial Tenkaichi Budokai is UNOFFICIAL, and thus does not have the official blessing from the Bid For Power staff.  The tournament is entirely fan-oriented, and has no legal affiliation with Bid For Power or FUNimation LTD.