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Tenkaichi Budoukai Contestant's Biographies

So, you want to know every tiny speck of detail you can about your oppenent so you can crush them like bugs, right? Too bad, you can't. But you can learn a little about them. Please note that the "History" part is pure bs.


BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 12, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
0War Bot0
BFP Tournament Forum Regustration Date :
April 28, 2001
Summary :
The brains behind this website, he has done most of the work on it and has even set up the message board. Truely a worthy opponent to face in BFP.
History :
Although this is not known by most people, *War_Bot* is actually a cyborg from the future Earth. Being sick and tired of fighting endless and countless battles, he decided to go back to the past and now poses as an average teenager on the internet.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 26, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Human Fighter
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date:
April 28, 2001
Summary :
Oh what can I say about myself? Besides the fact that I'm God that is ;). I'm the one who sent out the invites for the BFP Tournament and made a pathetic attempt to make the rules.
History :
A guy from a normal race with not so normal abilities. HF has a power that far, far exceeds any normal being and can easily destroy many planets with a single blow. His strength even surpasses that of the Saiya-jins.

Kaio-Ken Master
BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 12, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Kaioken Master
BFP Tournament Forum Registration Date :
April 28, 2001
Summary :
As the head god of the BFP forums, he keeps SSj4 God's egotism in check with daily flames. He picked the matches for the tournament, does some of the graphics, and helps organize the web pages.
History :
A Saiya-jin who left his home planet before it being destroyed, he poseses incredible power. He has many abilities, including the ability to double, triple, or even quadruple his strength in the blink of an eye. He now romes the galaxy in search of a really good challenges.

SSj4 God
BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 24, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
SSj4 God
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 29, 2001
Summary :
Probably the most egotistical guy you'll every meet. Although, I wouldn't make fun of him, he did make DragonBall/Z ;). But seriously, he is great with graphics and web page designing.
History :
An Ex-Kaio of the Universe, the power hungry Saiya-jin was kicked out of his old job for throwing glass bottles at his supervisor whilst threatening to smite anyone and everyone who lokoed at him cockeyed. Despite his godlike SSj4 abilites, tremendous skills, and unsurpassed know-how, he now lives on the planet Earth trying to hide from all the people who are out to get him.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
January 6, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 28, 2001
Summary :
A failry experienced member; not only is he participating in our tournament, but he is making his own team tounrament at the same time.
History :
He is the result of the first fusion every done. The two things that fused were a potted plant and a lawn chair but ironically they took a humanoid shape and look remarkably similar to a Saiya-jin.


BFP Forums Registration Date :
January 12, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
A member since January, he has made a steady line of post since then and might be a good fighter. But will he be able to defeat Jack Zodiac in round one?
History :
This is the prototype of Android 16 and is actually his long lost brother. But unlike the 16 we know, this one has 3 eyes, blue hair, and oddly enough can not resist dancing when he hears 70's music. He now has high hopes of winning the "National Disco Inferno Competition" held in Houston, Texas.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 3, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
He plays a role as somewhat a defender of newbies. He also knows a good deal on BFP.
History :
Another student of Tsuru-sennin. He was originally hired to be a hit man much like Tenshinhan and Chaozu were. But he got sidetracked when he had the sudden urge to become the best singer in Afghanistan.

bboy 9ounce
BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 28, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Yet another of the regular forum goers, bboy has the honor to fight the only girl contestant, Juuhachigou in round one.
History :
With a shot of vodka and a little encouragement, bboy can become quite strong. Although he doesn't know where he was born, who is parents are, or even what the hell he's doing here in the first place, he is determined to fullfill his destiny of counting all the little bumps on a basketball.

Cell's Dog
BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 25, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Cells Dog
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 30, 2001
Summary :
Another regular of the BFP Boards. He is unbaised game and damn proud of it. He seems to be on a constant journey to end closed mindedness.
History :
Free from his master's cruel rule (thanks to the Z Fighters), Cell's Dog was now able to go off on his own doing as he wished. But for some reason, he now wanted to play every single video and computer game that ever existed and judge them fairly. And he would kill whoever disagreed with him.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 25, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
One of the few forum members who registered before I have. It seems he will be a powerful foe.
History :
Living with in the fiery depths of a volcano, Dante trains vigorously each day in order to open that damned jar of prickles that stubbornly refuses to do so. He figures once he's done that, he'll be able to do anything else the universe throws at him.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 29, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
He may not post as much as some other members, but he sure does know a hell of a lot about BFP.
History :
Being kicked out of his family because of the fact that anyone he went near had bad luck. DarkOmen now lives in a shabby little hut in the middle of a dense tropical jungle occasionally coming out to sue the Mars company for failing to put an "m" on one of his "M & M's"

BFP Forums Registration Date :
February 11, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
A regular at the Planet Namek forum. Who knows, maybe he'll be like Jackie Chan and will fight better when drunk.
History :
Once a cute little green dinosaur, now a never sober hard ass. DrunkenYoshiMaster was rejected by his Italian plumber friend for stealing all the sake from Princess Peach.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 24, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Fossil Plantinum
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Another member often seen in the Editing Forum, his modeling skills seem to be greatly improving.
History :
An alien from another planet, Fossil is as old as his name. He couldn't stand the fact of anyone being older than him so he killed anyone who was. He then realized this was a mistake because he was now the very last of his species.

Goat Head?
BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 20, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
He may not post much, but he has a lot of experience. And don't even ask me how he got the name, I rather not think about it.
History :
An ancient good luck charm used by a Voo-doo doctor, Goat Head ran off to find a home in Mexico. Unfortunately, no one knew what he was saying so the native people put a question mark after his name (which in their language means "no one knows what he's saying").

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 13, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 29, 2001
Summary :
Regular BFP Forum and Tournament forum goer. GODofDEATH also plans in fighting in the Team Tournament with Cell's Dog.
History :
Always in competition with his older brother, the Grim Reaper (but always losing). GODofDEATH comes to take people to "the other side" (much like his brother) but people are always made that the Grim Reaper didn't come instead, which consequently, makes GODofDEATH mad that he isn't an only child.

Great Prince Vegeta
BFP Forums Registration Date :
April 8, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
This lucky son of a gun was the very last person to make it into the tournament.
History :
One of the few pure blooded Saiya-jins still alive, GPV moved to the United States on a little planet called Earth. And since there is no royalty in America, he was forced to take a job in a hospital. He was fired a day later for getting high off the medication.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 18, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Don't let his low psat amount fool you, he may be surprisingly powerful.
History :
Born from a lizard like race, GMalenko was the ruler of several very large planets. But one day, several very large comets came and killed everyone but himself. He still considers himself a ruler, but now he only rules himself.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 26, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
This self proclaimed "DragonBall guru" may do quite well in the tournament, thats is of course, until he fights me. ;)
History :
A former wrestling star in the WWF, he was kicked out for winning to many matches. He decided to drain all the steroids in his body and sold them to Arnold Schwarzenegger for 1.2 billion dollars. Hakallen now lives comfortably on a small island somewhere off the cost of Italy.

Jack Zodiac
BFP Forums Registration Date :
January 12, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
SSj4 God's trusty sidekick (or is it the other way around?), he holds the record for the most post in the shortest amount of time. Plus, he almost always wins my trivia games.
History :
He spent countless nights learning and studying every little detail about the entire DragonBall series to prove to everyone he was good for something. And even if that something wasn't that useful, he was good at it. Jack is now on a quest to find out how many blades of grass there are in Idaho.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
February 12, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Juuhachigou Fanatic
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 25, 2001
Summary :
Probably the only active posting girl on the forums (or the internet for that matter), she has quickly caught many posters attention with her "People I Love" list.
History :
Confused by the traditional Arabian numerals that we use, she changed her name to XVIII. She then became very angry and confused when people tried to say her name so she changed it again to the Japanese number system. But people are lazy now a days so everyone just calls her "Juu".

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 24, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 30, 2001
Summary :
This wacky guy is ready and willing to compete in one of the best BFP Tournaments of them all.
History :
Vegeta's twin brother, KakarottoX was kicked off his home planet for being so God damn annoying. But luckily for X, this ended up saving his life because three days later Freeza paid a visit to Planet Vegeta.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 11, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 28, 2001
Summary :
As moderator of the BFP Forums, he keeps the peace much like SSj4 God and Jack Zodiac do.
History :
This guy has a severe hatred towards the world. In fact, he hated it so much that he wanted to annoy everyone who lived on it. He thought about how he could do this for a while until he finally came to the conclusion that he could change his name to Kjeldoran. In English, no one can pronounce, in any other language it is a very harsh insult.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 28, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 30, 2001
Summary :
One of the more experienced members, he is (or will be) always up for a good BFP fight.
History :
Born on the small island, Komodo's favorite meal consist of flies and things that live under rocks. All of the other people who saw him were disgusted so much that they left the island. Komodo was very pleased by this because now he had everything to himself. He later contemplated suicide when he found out American tourist were coming.

Majin Taurus
BFP Forums Registration Date :
April 10, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
Majin Taurus
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Good with graphics and is very active in our BFP Tournament Forum.
History :
Being from the demon race, Majin Taurus is naturally a bad ass. He once tried taking over the world but failed when he was trapped in a hot pot by some unknown martial artist master.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 29, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 29, 2001
Summary :
A master at graphics and editing, he seems as ready as every to compete in this tournament.
History :
So stubborn that he even refuses to use caps, overlord_vegeta is not so much arrogant, but over confident in his abilities. He once claimed he did a quadruple somersault sault while shooting a Kamehameha but when asked to do it again, he ran like hell.

True Mystic
BFP Forums Registration Date :
February 28, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
SSJ3 Mystic Gohan
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
This native UK'er knows his stuff when it comes to DBZ.
History :
For a while, True Mystic was your everyday normal Saiya-jin. But that all changed on one day when someone put a dent in his PT Crusier. So enraged by the incident, he went Mystic and destroyed all the rival car companies in the United States and Japan.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 25, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
A moderator of the BFP forums, he's an Aussie and damn proud of it.
History :
CagraMan was actually an alligator wrestler in Australia until he was fired for biteing off the ear of an oppnent. He now spends his days at the BFP forum searching for the meaning of life.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 30, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
SuperTien 002
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
This somewhat odd forum goer (although I guess everyone on those forums are somewhat odd) seems to be pretty determined about winning the first fan held BFP tournament.
History :
Actually, humans can go Super Saiya-jin too. Its just that most people are modest and never show anyone. But SuperTien, being the person that he is, felt like showing off one day and surpassed a power that no normal Saiya-jin could even dream of.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
November 25, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Trip is often seen displaying his excellent computer and modeling skills in the editing room and even has his own sweet website.
History :
His original name was Fall, but people often got confused between the season and him so he renamed himself Trip. He is also the real president of Microsoft except that damned Bill Gates takes all the credit.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
January 28, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 29, 2001
Summary :
Ex-web page designer who seems very eager for this tournament to start (Hell, who isn't?).
History :
A troubled soul who leads a troubled life. He gets on almost everybody's nerves due to the fact that no one can spell his name. Hr now dances on a street corner in a monkey suit for money.

The Antagonist
BFP Forums Registration Date :
January 14, 2001
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
Summary :
Formerly known as Phoenix Vegeta, The Antagonist had become pretty popular in the BFP forums lately and has even become a moderator.

122228256 History :
Being one of the most annoying people on the planet, he eventually became known as "The Antagonist" and has roamed the Earth looking for the perfect pair of pants.

BFP Forums Registration Date :
December 12, 2000
BFP Tournament Forum Name :
BFP Tournament Forums Registration Date :
April 30, 2001
Summary :
A regular on the BFP forums, he helped me decide the rules for out tournament and seems to know his DBZ quite well. All in all, he's one cool guy.
History :
girl fearing, love sick, baseball playing fighter, Yamcha was always thought to be weak when compared to the other fighters, but he only hides his true power so everyone else doesn't get jealous and gang up on him.

FYI:  The Unofficial Tenkaichi Budokai is UNOFFICIAL, and thus does not have the official blessing from the Bid For Power staff.  The tournament is entirely fan-oriented, and has no legal affiliation with Bid For Power or FUNimation LTD.