Here you can find some links to some of our
favorite Bid For Power fan sites and even some other mod sites. Summaries done by ssjgotenks145
Link submissions are closed as of now
Gundam Universe Mod -- Kaio-ken Master's Pick! 8.5/10
Bid For Power: Tactical Assault --A promising site run by Overlord (not the one in our tourney) Rhino2, and our very own SSj4 God. This site focuses on the tactical aspect of BFP. It is a fairly new site and hasn't been updated for a little while. But when it gets up and running it should give detailed strategies for each map, character. It will also have Team and 1 vs. 1 strategies. You should definitly check this out if you want good strategies for both tourneys. 8/10
Bid For Power Online 1.2 --This site is run by ~MatPec-TTC. Allthough it originally was a very good site with good pics and vidoes, ~MatPec-TTC stopped updating. He has no more videos up and now all the site has is the DBQ cell games map and 26 picutres. 6/10
Bid For Power Clan League --A clan site run by STEALTH. This is an excellent site. All the major clans are regestired on this site. When BFP comes out it will have a list of BFP servers to play on. It has links to all the clan's websites and rates them aswell. If you want to become part of a major clan, check thre. This is a site you should defintily go to if you are looking to join or are already part of a clan. 8.5/10
Bid For Power Domain --This site has 3 difernt versions each of higher quality than the next, so if you have a poor computer, this site will run fine. Like many other BFP fan sites. It has not been updated in a very long time. It used to have a good arsenal of videos, none of which are uploaded anyomre. It has the BFP about section on the page. The one redeeming aspect of the site is its enorumus gallery of pictures. 5.5/10
Bid For Power Followers --What a suprise, another site that hasn't been updated in a while; this one since 3/20. This site stoped being update only about a month after its creation. It had 3 videos on it, none of which work now. It had the two BFP mp3s; neither of which work now. Most of the updates were usualy just saying that BFP updated anyway. Not a great site. 4/10
Bid For Power Net --This site used to be very poor. Then the layout got compelty changed around, and a ton of more info was added. This site has good full gameplay videos, and all of the roll over clips. This site has a good amount of pictures, and a fourm that has a reasonable amount of people post in. This site also contains a link to 5 of the major articles about BFP. The only problem with this site is that its hard to navigate through. This site used to have a problem in which you couldn't use the back button on your brower because it will always take you to the main page. That has just been fixed. This is an excellent site, that everyone should visit; it actually gets updated somewhat regualarly! 9/10
Bid For Power Extreme --This site was promising, and has a very good layout; but it never really got started. The person running the site even said that he was giving it up. It really has absolutly nothing on it. 2/10
Ssj4Vegeta = Bid For Power --This site only has pictures and videos. The pictures are organized very well (by character). The videos are as a .gif file instead of .avi; the quality is very poor. It as a video of each charater doing thier 5th tier attack, except gohan who is doing the masenko. It also has one pic of the fan made dead zone map. This site has a forum, but it is entirely in itallian. A few peole post there. A good site for getting pics that you want. 5.5/10
Bid For Power Nation --This is one of the newest BFP fan sites. It looks very promising. It has a really good layout. It is equiped with 154 pictures and has a lot of videos (unfortunaly all in .gif format). This site also contains 5 articles and an interview. You can also buy Q3 arena there. If this site actually updates and doesn't die like most other BFP fan sites it could turn out to be one of the best websites out there. 7.5/10
Bid For Power Zone --I belive this is the newest BFP fan site out there (aside from STEALTH's brand new one [not the clan one]). It has a basic, but easily navigable layout. It has some good vidoes, a few pics, the Rock the Dragon mp3 and even the point releases for Q3. There is also and interview with Rodney there. They seem to update rather reguarly. And althgough the layout is extremely basic, this site could be very good for downloading files and videos in the future. 6.5/10
ssjgotenks145's Site --This is the best BFP site ever. It clearly out ranks all of the other sites. No, actually all it is, is my updated about section. It is BFP's about section, only completly correct with no flaws. If you think something in the outdated BFP about section is wrong, check there. 11/10 :)
Tanner Site --This is Trip's website. They just changed their layout completly, so nothing is uploaded. I am confused about what this site is about. I think it is for image editing. But because none of the links are working yet, i don't really know. It is supposed to be a really good site though. 8/10
DBZ Music Videos -- This site is run entirly by Vegeta for President. I don't know how he does it, this is a GREAT site. It has reviews of 30 music vidoes as well as most of them for download (he had some kind of server problem). A well organized site with detailed reviews. This site is easily navigable. you can search for music videos by the creator or by top ten 10. And not only does he reivew music videos, but he also accepts short comedy shorts. And to top it all off, he has a forum in which gets posted in regularly. Excelent site! 9/10
Dragon Ball Z Destruction -- This site was created and is run by SSL4GOKU. For the most part the layout is good. The menu stays on the left side of the page the entire time, except when you get into the more finer, capillary type sections of the site. There was only one link that didn't work in the entire site (Gohan animted gifs took you to Gokus). This site has a good sampling of everything, and allthough the layout needs a tad more work, it is every well organized. I particualry like how all the pictures and animated gifs are organized; by character. Many sites just flood you with tons of pictures but have no organization and it is impossible to find anything. Not on this site. Although it does not have that many pictures, it has a good sampling of some major characters in all of their forms. The animated gif section has a ton of gifs. The episode list although not long is very presise. This site has no more information then a regualar DBZ site, but it is very usefull for finding a tidbit of information that has been bugging you. Or a picture of a specific form of a character.6/10
Hidden Potential -- Ssjgotenks145's sick 2D DBZ RPG. I command you to go to the site and regester on the fourms. This RPG is being made with RPGMaker2k but is being edited for extra features like a 3rd person fighting view in stead of the 1st person normal RPGMaker2k. You must check it out.11/10