New Years Party
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I'd like to start out by saying thank you to Nat and the whole house for having this New Years Party.  I was a large fan.  I know what you're thinking, enough writing and more pictures so there ya go.

As we all know, New Years Parties are all about drinking and what's a better way to do it then pong and keg stands.  Check out some of the best being displayed--op marc pong.jpg (114049 bytes)marc ev pong.jpg (128380 bytes)brian vince pong.jpg (131347 bytes)op keg stand.jpg (127669 bytes)marc keg stand 2.jpg (140995 bytes)Marcus didn't have enough, he had to go back for seconds, that's what I like to seemarc keg stand.jpg (145443 bytes)nick keg stand.jpg (127285 bytes)How long did it take us to make little Steinert do this keg stand??kid keg stand.jpg (119526 bytes)pun keg stand.jpg (142513 bytes)ev keg stand.jpg (128928 bytes)pell keg stand.jpg (122472 bytes)That's big Pell up therebelv boy keg stand.jpg (125541 bytes)belv boy keg stand 2.jpg (123512 bytes)The girls got down toorita keg stand.jpg (142021 bytes)sara keg stand.jpg (121787 bytes)nat keg stand fake.jpg (126425 bytes)-Just to let you in on a little secret, Nat's not drinking any beer.

Throughout the nights I met some more cool people.  Some more Belvidere boys, some of puns people-belvidere boys.jpg (140598 bytes)Met Cheryl too and I didn't catch the guys name, my bad-sheryl guy.jpg (112507 bytes)and Monica (oops, thats why I have proof readers :), I think-sheryl nicole dude.jpg (130335 bytes)I also love chillin with my old people like Natop nat precious.jpg (144104 bytes)op nat 2.jpg (143572 bytes)op nat rita.jpg (133989 bytes)When I find out whose finger that is it's gonna get cut of, I think it's Evans so beware Ev.  Oh well, drunk people don't function as good as sober peopleop nat.jpg (87626 bytes)Nat I promise I will figure that red eye thing out eventually, this one is not that bad.  Ev was chillin tooev.jpg (99196 bytes)op ev.jpg (109237 bytes)nat e.jpg (123024 bytes)ev nat rita.jpg (132872 bytes)Ahh Kevin, good peopleskeving ev.jpg (113492 bytes)kev marc.jpg (126102 bytes)kev sra marc ev nat.jpg (105755 bytes)and Vince doing his pose thing thingvince pose.jpg (103764 bytes)Marc was there toomarc cup.jpg (100090 bytes)Marc is that practice for a chugging there?  You can't take many more defeats, especially to a girl and Nat.  Last year she took 2 shots to the head and couldn't walk straight, you need to redeem yourself without spilling half the beer on the floor.rita marc.jpg (110966 bytes)Be easy, it's not that seriousmarc nat.jpg (124482 bytes)Marc's brother, the bad seed as Marc described him so many times was there toonat nick.jpg (143252 bytes)nat sheryl smilin.jpg (105712 bytes)nat sheryl guy.jpg (112090 bytes)black guys.jpg (124405 bytes)Ev put the gangsta pose on for that one damn son be easy.

Beer, drunk people, music equals this......ev nat sheryl guy dancing.jpg (129293 bytes)nat rita.jpg (137828 bytes)nat and rita.jpg (113005 bytes)laughing muchnat bein stupid.jpg (120338 bytes)Everyone look at that pic closely because it may not be there soon.nat sheryl dancing.jpg (108186 bytes)A little dance lesson for little Steinertnick nat dancing.jpg (111468 bytes)nicole nat sheryl.jpg (123602 bytes)You're leaning too far, don't fall.sara nat dancing.jpg (132054 bytes)sara rita.jpg (154566 bytes)sheryl guy dancing.jpg (99660 bytes)A picture is worth a thousand words, you figure out what's going onsheryl nicole dancing 2.jpg (95646 bytes)sheryl nicole dancing.jpg (137403 bytes)

By the end of the night, heavy drinking led to marc assed ou.jpg (109667 bytes) and op ev brian.jpg (126934 bytes)passing out happened sometime after that in that spot.


That's all

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