Sophomore year |
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Freshman year is a memory as the summer is over and the second year is about to begin tomorrow. The beginning of sophomore year is also the beginning of the new web page to show what's going on just like freshman year. So we had our first suite party and we definitely got busted, community service and the whole deal- -check it our here before it got busted Ok ok, if you want to see some of the craziness that goes on at the suite right before we hit the ave. Click here to see what we call pre-game f festivities Bus Rides to and from College Ave while drunk are fun times, check it out here What's the fastest way to drink beer, keg stands Move in day, the suite is hot. This is Byrds and Hovs room if Hov ever decides to show up.-- This is Evans and Rizzles room with all their shit in the middle and them unpacking----Finally this is my room and that's my We went to visit some of our friends in the other suites to see how they were doing with their unpacking. Here is Tenley's room.-------Later on we visited Dom's and Stef's room.----------- After unpacking we had to go out somewhere that night so everyone got ready and chilled in our lounge waiting for everyone else.----------Notice the Ace Ventura Poster compliments of Byrd. We don't always drink so here are just some pictures of us chillin with other people that stop by. As a matter of fact we are all fans of people stopping by and chillin so everyone do it more often. <-The Suzan and Kelly visiting I'm a fan of->-Not a fan of people hiding from the camera damn it robo stop it.<-We either play video games or drink and sometimes go to class, but more of the drinking and playing than anything else. <-Smyth in his thug hat <-why does the Urge always walk around without a shirt on? <--Smyth and his pile, if you come visit you'll see it <-Wes stops by sometimes to chill<-Roboski and Halehback in their matching Rutgers sweatshirts, how precious. Fan didn't rotate so we made Ray rotate it manually->Pile ups are quality fun, sucks for the bottom person or the person under Smyth-->The triznuck expeditions are always fun and the back is a quality chill spot-->Jonah another person always without a shirt on-> Urge and his Burger King Crown-> <The Urge does do a little studying sometimes, as does the Byrd->A a rare picture of Tony--><This is Ray's idea of studying for finals, he did eventually wake up>A rare pictures ofPauli B and his girlfriend->Chillin with the guys next door, that's what I like to see->> <-Ev and Urge producing their web pages-->Group pictures are always classic--->Robus and Pun stoppin through--> <-Smyth in his party shirt ready to go to war on some beers <-Smyth studies sometimes when he's not drinking beers--> <-To bad that night we all went out and Smyth had to study, you dork--> <-Everyone needs a tutor sometime in their life.Ev in the studio making some music-><-Haleh with a water bottle in her hand, I hope there is vodka in there and not water. Robus and Tate chillin playing some video games--><-Our most frequent visitors->One fun night when we tried to stuff Rizzle in Byrd's Dell box--><--Some Madden playing, more like screaming I say Wes--brought his--friends, Jay, Juan--Jen over one night to chill possibly drink some brewskies. Sometimes, drinking in the suites gets intense and people pass--out on the floor, Bob. The Rugby--girls came to visit too. When it gets nice out it's hard to go to class so one--Wed we--all--decided to skip class and drive to Belmar to chill on the beach, Erin's sister--Molly was here too with her friends. It was interesting how many Rutgers students skipped class that day cause I saw many of them on the beach, education first.........not. From the first day to the last day, the suite was clean when we moved out and worse than this-->when we moved out. Hell yeah...........THE END