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90 Central
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90 Central



Ok everyone this is Nat.  This isn't gonna be the final website, it's just something to start with.  Definitely temporary.  First of all, thanks Opie for the spot in the site, I love you always.  For now, I'm about to introduce 90 Central to this site here.    We live in the girl's rugby house... and basically we're known as the craziest bi@#@$ in New Brunswick.   Here's us...   starting from the left: Dana, Rita, Caitlin, me, Sara and Erin.... we're like sisters.  Here's us, before bouncin' to a rugby party.

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Here's a pic of a rugby game... Opening Day vs. Columbia at Busch, good game.. what was funnier was what became of our friendships with the Columbia girls... ha...

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We've had ALOT of cute bonding moments, an example right here is our HOME COOKED Thanksgiving times.

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Hey everyone... this is erin (aka eryang, e ren, aces, the big t, and to my roomies...  beanie!!)  i just want to thank opie and the boys for letting me put our house in here... you know we love you guys and you're always welcome (except when you throw cricket across the room! j/k)  The past year and a half have been so much fun... i'll never forget our times in a4, the summer, or this year.  And i know there will be many more to come, with you guys and my "slam ya" sisters... LOVE YOU ALL! 

Nat + Erin + Open Bar/Alcohol = DESTROYED!

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Here's Caitlin (aka GOD), Nati Ice, me, and Dana... chillin at the hizzouse before going out (as usual....) HOW CUTE!

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Ok, so we at 96 Central get our kicks watching others in pain and torture... here's a classic example - Sara Splatter being her crazy self, and Nat, me, and Rita enjoying the fun (on a side note - we never even untied her... she had to get out on her own!  HAHAHA)

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Here's Nat and Sara after winning yet ANOTHER game of beer pong in the basement of 93 Guilden.... HELLS YEAH BITCHES! 

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Another night of drinking... me, Ev, and Nat chillin' at Guilden... (someone's a little REALLY drunk - Ev - but we still love ya!)

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