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Robyn and Haleh


Delta Lambda Lambda


Going out and drinking...........these pictures show how we do it.

Guilden, it's a stop almost every weekend.  Keg=beer pong =quality timebrian brunus.jpg (84569 bytes)Many a people always visit Guilden, Bruno, Pun, Robus.  opie rohan smyth jonah couch.jpg (108936 bytes)and you also have all the house people like Arnabrj arnab pong.jpg (92422 bytes)and Rohanrj rohan destroyed.jpg (89941 bytes)rj pell muscles.jpg (91784 bytes) Dom P, a rare sight at Guilden-->dom b.jpg (127749 bytes) Robocop and Halehback ventured up up stairs, why I don't know-->hal robo upstairs.jpg (126168 bytes) Haleh after smoking some crack in the smoking room->haleh smoking room.jpg (123519 bytes) Jesus, always at Guilden-->nato brian ev girl.jpg (138402 bytes)rohan girl.jpg (133364 bytes) Chillin killin on the dirty couch ohh yeahh->riz rj hal robo couch.jpg (114327 bytes)dom p riz pong.jpg (124405 bytes)<--Riz and Dom P playing some beer pongeveryone couch.jpg (130523 bytes)haleh urge.jpg (132689 bytes)opie dom.jpg (146955 bytes)<--Complete destruction-->riz halehday.jpg (125020 bytes)guilden bitches.jpg (127245 bytes)<-Is there a game coming up sometime soon or something??guilden.jpg (95090 bytes)<-The Guilden circle coogan steinert.jpg (132680 bytes)<--Coogan came down one weekend so I had to take some pictures because he's not a frequent visitoreveryone chillin.jpg (114155 bytes)<-Peeps chillin, that's what I like to see, some of us didn't make it that night, myself-->peeps chillin.jpg (117284 bytes)

Well if it's not Guilden than it most likely will be 96 Central where partying is just as good if not better than Guilden.  It also doesn't hurt that some of our favorite people live there as well.  urge ev.jpg (118812 bytes)<--The Urge with his crazy shirts, log on here ehh, did that ever work?-->smyth urge pong.jpg (119194 bytes)opie haleh.jpg (125069 bytes)God, what can I say, we'll miss you next year-->op ev god.jpg (128722 bytes)b ev erin nat sux.jpg (133242 bytes)<--Nat Sux, who wrote that, not very nice is it.bruno smyth rj pong.jpg (132920 bytes)<--Beer pong makes any party qualityrita ev.jpg (115292 bytes)

Here is everyone at a skulls party havin some funb riz dom p.jpg (94295 bytes)b ten destroyed.jpg (96955 bytes)ev b op.jpg (113114 bytes)  Waiting for the bus, always fun--> ev b.jpg (105745 bytes)jen b.jpg (113171 bytes)<-Jen and her crew->jen ev.jpg (118547 bytes)jen op.jpg (111828 bytes)jen smyth haleh.jpg (116250 bytes)opie angie.jpg (116427 bytes)opie robus b.jpg (89393 bytes)riz ev.jpg (104226 bytes) Robus once again->riz robus.jpg (122578 bytes)smyth jen.jpg (124687 bytes)ten smyth urge ev.jpg (122694 bytes)urge haleh riz.jpg (121885 bytes)op b ev.jpg (118299 bytes)<-Gay ass smyth trying to get into all the pictures.

Skulls is so great that we go back as often as possible.  Here is another night.  ev biatch.jpg (149698 bytes)<-Take one for the team holmes, random girl pictures are quality-->hov bitches ray.jpg (128634 bytes)ev hov b judson bitches.jpg (135232 bytes)<--Our female friends from Judson-->judson bitches.jpg (126951 bytes)monkey crip walk.jpg (107390 bytes)<-Hov visted one weekend so he had to go out with us.  He did his famous crip walk with ev and people were impressed, good shit-->monkey crip.jpg (110680 bytes)smyth head byrd.jpg (111549 bytes)smyth bitches.jpg (112174 bytes)<-More random girl pictures->smyth megan.jpg (115823 bytes)urge erica bitches.jpg (108855 bytes)<--Fellow Winkler peoples

Swim house party, lots of fun........Angie, Dom's sister blessed us with her presence these two days.  Here she is doing what 

rutgers students do on the weekends. angie brew chillin.jpg (140947 bytes)Evan may or may not have caught the Itis on this one->caveman itis.jpg (116032 bytes)dom angie smyth.jpg (122682 bytes)dom ev.jpg (118858 bytes)dom smyth angie.jpg (106443 bytes)dom.jpg (112414 bytes)ev dom.jpg (129647 bytes)

ev pun.jpg (105047 bytes) ev random girl.jpg (121438 bytes) op destroyed.jpg (100857 bytes) Random girls at party is always a quality picture->random bitches.jpg (165448 bytes)riz angie.jpg (110540 bytes)row angie.jpg (149974 bytes)<-Robus->op row.jpg (109420 bytes)smyth angie.jpg (126236 bytes)smyth bitches destroyed.jpg (140641 bytes) Smyth you dropped the bottle of So Co that night you drunken bastard-->smyth dumbass.jpg (101572 bytes)ev riz smyth.jpg (122064 bytes)ev riz.jpg (124804 bytes)ev smyth angie.jpg (119667 bytes)The famous Grease Trucks guy->grease trucks man.jpg (158934 bytes)smyth opie angie.jpg (99834 bytes)smyth pun.jpg (110571 bytes)smyth spillage.jpg (132359 bytes)

Random pictures at parties are always a pleasure to view  bizzles somerset.jpg (197627 bytes)<-The bizzles at Somerset god ev b.jpg (193772 bytes)<-God, one of the few times she's around.  What is Byrdie looking at so deeply?-->ev b somerset.jpg (188402 bytes)hal robo brew party.jpg (189587 bytes)Going out with a lot of people you know is always lots of fun-->my peeps at party.jpg (222349 bytes)op hal robus somerset.jpg (208612 bytes)<-Why is it that Robus knows about more parties then us and he doesn't even go here? op rj hal b party.jpg (195767 bytes)<-Beer is an integral part of partying.  peeps out about.jpg (143402 bytes)b pointing.jpg (98666 bytes)ev b chillin.jpg (98416 bytes)<B Nast and Gutta chillin killinev gangsta walk.jpg (52994 bytes)ev limbo 2.jpg (80885 bytes)ev limbo 3.jpg (89631 bytes)<-We do stupid things sometimes, like this for example.  We were walking saw a parking lot with this bar and started to limbo it, oh yeah and off course we were drunk->ev limbo.jpg (83669 bytes)ray smyth garbage can.jpg (65857 bytes)<--Coming back destroyed Smyth usually attacks the garbage cans, here we needed a picture to show his defeat.riz pissin 2.jpg (75328 bytes)<--Just had to take a picture of Riz pissin in the middle of nowhere, not caring about anything.  hov smyth ev parked car.jpg (74402 bytes)<-So we're walking around and we stumbled onto this car that was parked half way on the sidewalk, has to be a drunk driver.  nic ten dom riz.jpg (106157 bytes)<-Walking around between parties.  bitches beer pong.jpg (116145 bytes)<-Random girls oh yeah-->ev random girl.jpg (98458 bytes)op b ev party.jpg (107038 bytes)<-Core muchrobo hal party.jpg (114233 bytes)<-Some more of my favorite not so random girls.\

High Street Party, I wasn't there so I don't know what to really say so I'll just make stuff up and such.byrd ev couch party.jpg (135862 bytes)byrd hal robo party.jpg (121121 bytes)byrd robo.jpg (93306 bytes)ev dog weed plant party.jpg (121996 bytes)<-Now this is interesting, a nice dog and a weed plant, hmmev hal robo party.jpg (91694 bytes)ev riz chillin.jpg (90200 bytes)ev robo party.jpg (90068 bytes)Too much speaking on the phone by haleh, I'm not a fan-->haleh phone.jpg (62498 bytes)halehback.jpg (111170 bytes)The two partners in crime causing trouble-->halehday robocop brew.jpg (103967 bytes)homos.jpg (87103 bytes)<-Walking around looking for a party much-->outside chillink people.jpg (84959 bytes)riz jonah party.jpg (161886 bytes)riz jonah.jpg (97066 bytes)I'm a fan of the tongue ring Robo-->robo ev.jpg (97229 bytes)ev random bitches.jpg (122784 bytes)<--Random girls are fun pictures, I like to see more of these pictures every weekend-->ev random bitch.jpg (99416 bytes)ev bitch.jpg (135310 bytes)<-Focus on the camera child, I'm not a fanbyrd biatch.jpg (86015 bytes)

Silvers Parties were the shit.  Wow the first-op rj sam ev smyth.jpg (147833 bytes)-featured complete-pete girl jonah.jpg (112024 bytes)-drunkenness to a usual after destruction-robus stef retarded.jpg (111426 bytes)-function fight.  Oh Smyth-smyth robo brian fuck you.jpg (74876 bytes)-Robo I will never beer your beer pong partner ever, blow me.  Couple of us walked away with a couple scrapes and bruises while others with a little-op  hal.jpg (126408 bytes)-something else.  This was like the only party that-feebz sam.jpg (114743 bytes)-Sam-riz sam.jpg (129455 bytes)-was at and she even-sam beer.jpg (98902 bytes)-drank a beer or more.  Well Sam got-sam.jpg (95390 bytes)-destroyed, look at the red-sam ev bed.jpg (105719 bytes)-cheeks.  This is why little girls shouldn't drink, they go buck-ev sam b dancing.jpg (82691 bytes)-wild.  Speaking of buck-dancing.jpg (122508 bytes)-wild.-->stef black guys.jpg (122978 bytes)  Pong-beer pong table.jpg (66715 bytes)-one of the greatest-brian tom pong.jpg (81181 bytes)-games ever invented.  Nate-nate pong.jpg (87020 bytes)-Dog at the table.  When we-op ev b feebz.jpg (90881 bytes)-roll, we roll-urge feebz robus.jpg (162393 bytes)-deep.  Everyone was there, Rohan-rohan robus.jpg (87883 bytes)-Rowe.  Juan-juan hal.jpg (100967 bytes)-jay hal.jpg (102853 bytes)-Jay.  Wes is focused-wes girlfriend.jpg (137901 bytes)-with his-wes gf.jpg (155823 bytes)-girlfriend.  Off course Robyn-robo hal eunice.jpg (101492 bytes)-Haleh-hal.jpg (124430 bytes)-were there too.  Rizzle-dom riz dancing.jpg (132894 bytes)-bizzle with-ev sam riz dom.jpg (123990 bytes)-Dom.  Thomas-riz smyth feebz.jpg (145409 bytes)-feeding everyone-feebz beer.jpg (99419 bytes)-alcohol, good shit.  Drink-guys chillin.jpg (99567 bytes)-drink-pete eunice.jpg (101271 bytes)-drinking, thats what college students do on the-bitches dancing 2.jpg (95343 bytes)-weekends.  Where there is drinking-nate kid.jpg (87467 bytes)-there soon-feebz people.jpg (97111 bytes)-follows-eunice elisa.jpg (111106 bytes)-dancing.  I love girls-girls dancing driking.jpg (99278 bytes)-girls-random bitches.jpg (90822 bytes)-girls.  My-elisa b robus.jpg (98222 bytes)-cancizzle-op hal b dancing.jpg (116748 bytes)-people-mike pete girl.jpg (108846 bytes)-still know how to get down in Jersey too.  Thomas-feebz girl.jpg (134613 bytes)-OOOOOOOOOOOOOMan.  Samaka for-ev sam.jpg (120819 bytes)-shizzle my bizzle.  Yes la fiesta, and we were drinking till 6 in the morning.



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