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This is the only page on our site that does not concentrate on that git, Ron Weasley.  

Here is where we, the webmasters, give you an insight into our favourite fanfictions.  

Below are some popular fan fictions with our opinion on them. The titles of the stories are linked to the stories which are all on  They are in no particular order. 

Do you write fan fics?  Do you want a honest (and we mean *brutally honest*) opinion on your story?  We will write a critique on it, and post it on our site, provided that the story is archived on (don't bother sending us URL's to stories archived on or even the other houses of fictionalley).  For us to write a critique on your story, please send the URL  

Draco Dormiens

This fan fiction, by the popular Cassandra Claire, is set in the trio's sixth year.  A potions class goes awry when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are trapped in the other's body.  Several obvious spelling mistakes in the first chapter of canon names may put the fussy reader off this story but persons who are willing to overlook the tiny details will find this a hilarious and very enjoyable story.  Likewise, if you can not stand copious copying of quotes from Red Dwarf, Buffy, Friends...etc, this fan fiction is not for you. 

Rating: 9/10 

Draco Sinister

The sequel to Draco Dormiens, is a must for all DD fans.  Draco plays a large role in this hilarious story which includes snogging, death, swords, demons...etc.  One thing we have found while reading it is the fact that Chapter 14 seems to have beta comments in it.  And that may be enough to put you off the story when you read 'time turnerTime Turner' about 50 times.  However, Draco as a 'cold blooded piece of toast' will make up for that. 

Rating: 9.5/10 

Draco Veritas

The third and final part of the Draco series is yet unfinished but promises to be better than the other two.  Although yet still lacking much of a plotline when already four chapters into the story, the characters make up for it. 

Rating: 10/10 

Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent

Barb's very interesting fifth year fic is a incredibly shippy story, so if you're against ships then this is not for you.  However, after reading this, you have the sneaking suspicion that when the fifth book comes out you'll be wondering why things that are in here aren't happening in canon. 

Rating: 8.5/10 


Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions

TOGI starts off as a very promising story but seems to go off track, with it's alternate universe story-line.  Certain shippers who have read the Psychic Serpent will be disappointed by TOGI.  However, the alternate universe is intriguing and since it is not yet finished... it's hard to make a judgement. 

Rating 8/10. 


Slytherin Rising One: Sleeping Death

This story is a must for all Slytherins and Slytherin fans alike.  The four main original characters will take some getting used to but after a few chapters they will seem real to you.  A wonderful story for Slytherins.  The author, J.L.Matthews wasn't wrong when she said that this story gave Slytherin house a make over.  However people who don't like alternate universes may be put off. 

Rating: 9/10.  

Slytherin Rising Two: Slytherin On The Wane

Not too much to say about this except it's the sequel to Sleeping Death.  You get to see how the trio react to the four Slytherins. 

Rating: 9.5/10 

Slytherin Rising Three: Enemies of the Heir

A plot twist in the first few chapters will enthral the readers of Enemies of the Heir.  This third instalment has a lot of emphasis on Slytherin Pride.  A must read for all Slytherins, after all don't you want to know your house heritage?  It is another work in progress, so if you don't like those, veer away until it's finished. 

Rating: 10/10.  

His Majesty's Secret Service

HMSS has one of the best Original Characters in all of Harry Potter Fan Fiction.  Ryan Perland is the elf who is sent to Hogwarts to befriend Draco Malfoy.  However the same warning applies to this story as to Slytherin Rising, people who don't like OC's had better stay away from these stories. 

Rating: 9/10 

Trouble in Paradise

Trouble in Paradise, otherwise called TiP for short, is a brilliant after Hogwarts story.  People who don't like stories which are told from first person mightn't like this story but others will love this story which is narrated by Angelina Johnson-Weasley.  Shippers beware, most will be disappointed and people who are weak hearted should also steer clear of this fan fiction.  If you're still with me, TiP is a story that concentrates mainly on Ron and Hermione's troubled marriage.  Readers may find themselves screaming and yelling at their computer screen during certain important moments in this story. 

Rating: 10/10 

Paradise Lost

The sequel to Trouble in Paradise is a work in progress, but promises to be better than the original. 

Rating: 10/10