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Submission Guidelines


Essay submission

Number One

You must check it over for spelling and grammar errors, after all, it's you who will be embarrassed if people point them out.  Please do not send in an essay which is riddled with spelling mistakes for we won't post it.  It isn't a class assignment so we won't yell at you for writing it in first person, and feel free to use abbreviations of words such as Slyth for Slytherin and GoF for Goblet of Fire.  If you're still clueless as to what is acceptable then check out J.L.Matthew's opinion of Ron in the Other Opinions section.  

Number Two

You must include the following: 

Pen Name: 


Heading of Essay: 

Which section it should go into: (Ron Ships, Ron Lovers, Ron Ships in their eyes, Other Opinions, Harry, Hermione, Why H/Hr is meant to be. Please use your common sense when choosing.)  

Author Note: (optional) 

And anything else you feel that is necessary.  

Number Three

If you do not want your name mentioned in regards to your essay then PLEASE tell us, or we will publish your name and email for comments to be sent to you.  However, if you don't want your name published on the site, we would still like a record of who wrote what essay. So PLEASE include it.  

Number Four

When you email it, please attach it as either a .htm or a .html file.  We don't want to be formatting your email format essays into a readable format.  

Number Five

And please, we can not stress this enough, don't send in a five word essay and expect us to post it.  We would like quality work that has an arguable, valid point.  Don't worry all you Ron-Lovers, we will still post your essays as long as they're essays not one sentence points.  To you Ron-Haters out there, don't think that you can send in, 'I HATE THAT STUPID RON!'  and expect that to be published.  Just because we hate Ron doesn't mean we will publish a 5 word 'essay'. 

Still with us? To submit your essay, send it to us at

The RHU Mods