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Ron, as viewed by a veteran of the WORS-Worshippers of Ron Society

By Rebecca DeCiel aka Miow Miow

I will admit, I have not always loved Ron. After the first and second book, I never really thought about him all that much, as my favorite characters were Fred and George, and Ron was just Harry’s sidekick, who I didn’t have an opinion on at all.

    However, when I began reading PoA, for some reason I also began to pick up on Ron’s adorable traits and cool quirks, making him one of my favorite characters. As I wrote fanfic, I came to realize how under appreciated he really was. By my second time through the HP books, he had moved into the top slot in my opinion, for the reasons that I am about to state to you.

   I think that Ron has many good qualities, assuredly. He also has some faults and flaws, some of which are as endearing as the good. The following are the reasons that I adore Ron to the utmost, and that I hope you will read with an open mind, before deciding that I’m just crazy and should be thrown in the loony bin. Thank you, and if you’re still there, read on.

 *          *          *

Ron Weasley is very loyal.

   Up to a certain event in the Goblet of Fire, Ron Weasley is a loyal, trustworthy best friend to Harry Potter, who, IMHO, without him would have done far worse in all his quest to save the world. Ron tackles problems both social and everyday, and dangerous and supernatural, or life threatening. He has faced Lavender and Parvati, Snape and Potions class, quidditch, Draco Malfoy, the Dursleys, detentions, Gilderoy Lockheart,  and Dumbledore. He has also faced challenges and trials, Quirrel, giant ravenous spiders, Fluffy, and other such things. He has stuck by Harry through thick and thin, as a true friend definitely should, and seems like someone that would be good to have on your side. In the incident where Harry was discovered to be a parselmouth, Ron was one of the only people who believed he was not the Heir of Slytherin, and didn’t change his reactions to Harry one bit. But he’s also, very often, loyal to Hermione, even though they argue constantly. When Snape says he ‘notices no difference’ with Hermione’s teeth after the accident with Malfoy, Ron joins Harry in yelling obviously inappropriate things into their teacher’s face.

   Even after the fight in Goblet of Fire, Ron again became friends with Harry, perhaps closer than ever.


Ron Weasley is drop dead adorable.

    The red hair. The freckles. The big hands. He’s the cutest thing in the books, and on the screen. Rupert Grint played him wonderfully, as you can see from that picture you’ve massacred on your front page.

Ron Weasley is very brave.

   No, hear me out. Ron has faced countless fears with his friends throughout the books. Need I mention the giant chess set, where Ron almost sacrificed himself to save his friends and his school? Recall how he stated that it must be done, how, with gritted teeth, he didn’t need to be pressured by anyone, save himself, to do this noble thing. In Chamber of Secrets, Ron faced the spiders, which he was mortally afraid of, and for good reason, because he knew it was necessary to save Hermione, and to save the school. He goes down into the Chamber, even after he knows what resides there, to rescue his sister. And, my personal favorite, in Prisoner of Azkaban, Ron ties himself to Wormtail, a known dangerous killer, who’s in a tight situation and could very well have taken drastic action. This, I think, was one of Ron’s finest moments, though it almost cost him his life when Remus Lupin transformed.

Ron Weasley is human.

   Yes, Ron-Haters, I shall admit to Ron having faults. And you know what? I love them! Ron is one of the most realistic, human, normal characters in the book, and for me the most easy to identify with. He gets jealous, as he did in GoF, but not without good reason, if you’ll think about it. Harry Potter had everything, did everything, knew everyone. Ron had stuck it out for three years, getting no glory, though staying by Harry’s side through it all. Isn’t jealousy a little bit normal? Besides, Ron’s cute when he’s all puffed up. ;)

   Ron has girl troubles. Yes, I know, he should have noticed Hermione earlier. I’m an H/H shipper, surprisingly enough, but I find Ron’s rather hopeless crush on Hermione quite adorable. His problems with inviting a girl to the Yule ball were fun to read about as well.

   Well, there you have it, my love of Ron Weasley. Still not converted? Then I can’t do anything else for it.

   Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t try.

 Authors Note: No offense intended, nor was this piece meant as a flame. I am simply…expressing my strong opinion. Thank you.



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