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Jaime’s Personal Journals from Trip

7/18/03: Departing to S.A.
7/23/03: Long, but worth it, email
7/26/03: Please Read This
8/04/03: A Weekend Getaway
8/28/03: I’m home, but more to share!
7/22/03: Everyone Read from Jaime
7/23/03: My Significant Moments
7/28/03: How the Xhosa People View Sex
8/07/03: Pain and Rejoycing

Date: Wed, July 23, 2003
Subject: My Significant Moments (a few)

Let’s see, what to write in a short amount of time…I’m not so good at that so I am going to limit my self to the three highlights of my time spent in Africa so far. I can’t say that there has been any three experiences that have really been more significant then others since all have been pretty significant but when I force myself to erase my mind and think of the top three experiences that mark the trip so far they would be…

The airport opportunity:
Reading to the kids:
Helping the boy on the computer:
Hope in Athi:
Holding hands with Norman:
Hugging Patricia:
Little boy dancing:
Songs of prayer:

So, that was about seven, now…what to do…(thinking)…got it, I will write of the experiences which I have not reflected on paper somewhere so far.

Ok, first of all, there is hope!!! I met a black, 22 year old, male, who has committed to postponing sex until marriage! His name is Athi and he is a youth (youth here are 16-35) coordinator at the Bridges of Hope Church base, St. Paul’s. I am pumped about this because it tells me that it is a possibility that other Africans, despite the difficulty they face within their culture can also make such a commitment. I don’t want to downplay how hard it will actually be, but one committed is a great start. He doesn’t know it yet (or maybe he does) but he is a key proponent to the success of getting the message of purity out to Philippi and maybe even the rest of South Africa. If we have someone like Athi who is articulate, young, black, and MALE, saying they made the commitment and they have been able to stick to it then it can’t be said that it is impossible. Athi brings me the most significant feeling of hope I have had in this area so far, just enough hope to make me enthusiastic once again about bringing this message to those who need to be directed, educated and encouraged the most. I will be meeting with him to discuss this issue further in a few days so this is all for now but be in prayer for Athi, his commitment and the role God may have for him in Purely Committed.

Today, a significant part of my day was spent reading to the kids. It was so pleasant. They would not take their eyes off me. It is amazing how loved you can feel by those that are so needy of love themselves. One girl stood next to me and stroked my hair and gently rubbed my back. A little snotty nosed, adorable, little boy played with my hand while he sat close. I just soaked it all in. I read to them out loud and pointed to the English words as I read. One time I looked up and noticed that there were about 15-20 children huddled around me, it was beautiful looking into those content, intense eyes. We were reading a book with noises in it and I decided to have the rest of the children join in with me to make the noises, it was so delightful. They mimicked exactly what I said and they giggled in-between. Then I noticed the sweetheart next to me mimicking my hand actions too, he was adorable, so then I encouraged them all to do the actions, it was quite a noisy spectacle. Absolutely wonderful. Then I passed the book around to the older girls that could read in English and we took turns reading. They had the most beautiful, soft voices, and they were so articulate!

Oops, guess there is only time for two of my significant moments but remind me to tell you about the dancing boy later.

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