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These thoughts can be very disturbing to many non-depressed people that are reading them. Hell, these thoughts are disturbing to depressed people. Please proceed with caution and remember that yes, I did feel like this at one time; but I KNOW FOR A FACT that suicide is NOT the answer.

Depression is...

wanting to fall asleep and never wake up.

when driving, coming to the realization that "one slight turn of the wheel, and I can end all of this misery."

sitting alone in a dark room for hours trapped by the thoughts stirring, possessing, and disturbing your mind.

Insomnia in the 3rd degree.

staying awake for days, weeks, months at a time; then walking around like a zombie, unable to think clearly or even function properly due to the lack of sleep... but not caring if you ever sleep again.

longing to escape your pain, ANYWAY that you can...whether it be turning to the bottle, drugs, or a gun.

wanting to give up on your life because life is just not worth the living hell that you feel.

when you think that the way to find happiness involves a warm gun.

feeling like your soul, your will to live, your drive and motivation to eat and drink, is dying an agonizingly slow death and to be frightened, yet comforted by the thought.

a black pit, that in your good days you feel you may have finally filled in; but that's an illusion - the hole is always there. You're back to choosing between clawing yor way out, and just curling up in the darkness - at least I feel I HAVE a choice now (on meds for major depression)
*What do i feel now??
a feeling of relief - that the drugs work
a feeling of resignation - will I be on them forever??
a feeling of need - that my family and friends won't think I'm weird; that they can accept me as I am
a feeling of wistfulness - i wonder who / what I could've been all those years before the meds
a feeling of release - who / what can I be now??
Just my thoughts, based on my own long experience ---contributed by g&

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