I hope that one day mental illness will be as openly accepted
as any physical disability
Prozac saved my life, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone. If
I'd been saved by a brilliant new surgical procedure that
corrected a heart defect or by a new kind of bullet-resistant
vest, I'd be featured in sober reports on network newscasts and
packages on the tabloid shows with bright graphics and gee-whiz
But it's just a pill I take once a day. For millions of
people around the world the pills are a miracle, but we're
supposed to keep our mouths shut about it. The reason is, of
course, that we're all mentally ill. That's crazy to you.
Actually, I don't mind the word itself. I often refer to the
little tablets as my "loony pills" or "wacky pills"
when I'm asking my wife where I left them. (The pills can save
your life, but they can't improve your memory.) What bothers me
is our society's treatment of the issue of mental illness.
To understand the problem, consider former senator Bob Dole.
Just days before the end of World War II, he was seriously
injured while fighting in Italy. He survived but faced years of
grueling therapy aimed at rehabilitating his body. What if that
Axis bullet had missed young Bob Dole, and instead he had been
overwhelmed after the battle by clinical depression? In those
days, it might have taken years of psychiatric therapy before he
could return to society again. Even if he had, there would have
been mental scars that affected his behavior much as the physical
injury affected his arm. Do you think Dole would be campaigning
today for the most powerful political position on earth? Would
journalists ignore his continuing mental problems as they ignore
his physical disabilities today? I don't think so.
My mental problems struck me as swiftly as any bullet, and as
unexpectedly. Although I once dropped a ninth-grade speech class
because of stage fright, I had gone on to win dozens of
high-school speech awards with hardly a flutter. I worked at my
college radio station, then returned home to Texas to jobs in
radio and TV, speaking daily to hundreds of thousands of people.
After 15 years as a top-rated TV anchorman, I was secure in my
ability to face an audience under any circumstances. No script?
Ad-lib. Hurricane, flood, train wreck? Send me in and hand me the
microphone. I had a long-term contract and made major bucks. I
had nothing to fear.
But fear itself. A few months after my twin daughters were
born in 1988, I was halfway through a 6 o'clock newscast when I
was suddenly overwhelmed by terror. I thought I was having a
heart attack, except that I knew I was in great physical
condition. I couldn't breathe, even though I ran more than two
miles a day. I was dying in front of more than a hundred thousand
people--and I still had four stories to read before I could go to
a commercial.
From that day on, fear ruled my life. As fellow sufferers
know, it strikes when the victim is most vulnerable. In my case,
I had anxiety attacks only when I was on live TV and in the midst
of voice-over stories that featured me talking. No sound bites,
no reporter packages, no commercials. Just me and the script and
that damned clock, ticking off the seconds like centuries. Unlike
most other TV newscasters in the country, I didn't have a
co-anchor to bail me out. Just me and my fears, duking it out in
front of an audience the Astrodome couldn't hold.
Anxiety attack is such a cute term. It sounds like a kid got
so excited about a planned vacation to the Grand Canyon that he
couldn't do his homework. Panic attack is better, but even that
doesn't describe what the victim feels. Death would be a sweet
release compared with the agony my brain put me through. Only
another victim of mental illness would understand.
In fact, death was an option I considered. Could I drive on
the interstate and swerve into a bridge abutment and have my
insurance pay off? How would that affect my newborn girls, who
would never know their father? One day I took the ammunition out
of my .38 revolver, worried that I might make a split-second
decision that I might not live to regret.
I find it hard to believe that no viewers or co-workers
noticed what I was going through. If they did, thank God they
didn't mention it. One anonymous phone call pointing out that I
was losing it would have killed me, literally. I went to a family
counselor, hypnotherapist and psychiatrist. I practiced breathing
properly, tried self-hypnosis, discussed my relationship to my
wife and mother and whether my father had been a strong enough
role model for me. Things got better. I once remember making it
through a whole week without a major attack. It was like winning
a Nobel Prize.
Then in 1994, the fear came back almost as strong as ever.
After five years of toughing it out, being a macho Texan who
didn't need no stinking pills, I was through, flat on the canvas.
So I read the best-seller "Listening to Prozac'' and asked
my psychiatrist to prescribe the antidepressant. Although she had
once suggested the drug, neither of us knew how astounding its
effect would be. Within 10 days I was free of symptoms. I have
not had a single panic attack since then.
I'm sure there are millions of people like me around the
world, but we can't speak about it. Mental illness is still often
thought of as something you or your parents did wrong.
What if we treated other illnesses like that? Suppose people
with broken legs had to find a way to hide their casts for six
weeks so that co-workers would trust them to do their jobs
properly? What if heart surgeons had to be as discreet about
their work as psychiatrists now must be? If we thought people
came down with pneumonia because of a defect in their character?
The whole concept is, well, nuts. I'm out of the closet and I
feel better. I hope that we'll soon be able to drop the
"mental'' in front of mental illness and will stop being
judge-mental about it. Perhaps some day a future presidential
candidate's years of fighting depression or anxiety will be
considered a mark of courage instead of something to be hidden.
Call me crazy, but I can dream, can't I?
Marrou is a news anchor at KENS-TV in San Antonio, Texas.
Reprinted from Newsweek Magazine, 6/24/96
©1996, Newsweek