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Upcoming digs: July 13, August 17, September 14, October 12, November 9, December

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Archeological Digs
The Friends of Brandywine Springs conducts Archeological Digs once a month.   This page will have pictures of the digs, and of artifacts that have been unearthed.

Feel free to stop by any of our digs, but plan to arrive early, no telling what weŽll find.   We usually leave around 2pm.

Working at a site.....  (Click for a larger image)

Mel Schoebeck is standing in one of the test units.  The others are visitors to the site. (click for a larger image)

large concrete

This large chunk of concrete was found but its function is unknown.  Ann Hedrick stands next to the object. She went to the amusement park when she was a child.

Only peice of intact pottery found. Click for a larger image

A large amount of broken pottery has been found at the site.  It is usually found in a char layer from the 1905 fire.  This is the only piece of intact pottery found.  We believe it is an incense burner.  (Click for a larger image)

- Jerry's Web Design -

As you saw, we have un-earthed many items, and while we have found out what most of them are, we are still wondering about what some of them are, and were used for...  if you have any answerers for us, please send an email to

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