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Well...  We DID have our annual picnic on September 23rd, 2000, even though Mother Nature didnīt feel like letting us...    It rained most of the day.
(Most pictures can be viewed at a larger size..  just click on the picture, and if a larger image is availible, it will load)

cooking     (click for larger image)

Mary Lou Lawlor, Ed Lipka, and Theresa Hryckewicz cooking the hot dogs and hamburgers.

Click for a large image

Rudy Williams cranks outs the happiest music on earth.


Who cares if itīs raining?  We can still have fun!
Above, Arlie Lane passes out prizes won by the children

fortune teller    (Click for larger image)

Edith Grobner told some incredible fortunes, and got a lot of laughs.

Group Picture....       Click for a Larger image

A group shot of the people attending on that very rainy day, but it did not dampen the spirit of the group.  Fun was had by all.

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