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Shadowrun Awards

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Let it be known that those who grace this page have been bestowed with the honor (or ridicule) of the Shadowrun Awards. All members belonging on this page have done something honorable, brave or horribly stupid in the line of duty and while in character. Without further ado, here are the winners.

Valor Awards

The "God Damn, I Just Shrugged Off A Grenade Award" goes to Jaichim Carridan (Jeff Evans) for his ability to save a key NPC in "Bug City Stomp".

The "My, I Appear To Be Mortally Wounded But Still Fighting Award" goes to Klyde Scope (Joe Camastra) for his extreme will to survive in the Limbo Room portion of "Harlequin's Back"

The "Seattle's Most Well Armed Custodian Award" goes to Myles Knight (John Scullin) for putting his hoop out in the open to finish up the run in "DNA/DOA".


The "How Could I Know A Wasp Queen Was That Strong Award" goes to Tomo "The Terrier" Kyusen (Hop) while playing "Bug City Stomp".

The "I Came To Bug City With A Stilleto Award" goes to Peter Pan (Dorrie Pistor) for "Bug City Stomp".

The "What's So Wrong With Magic Award" goes to Cyria Tokage (Corrine Williams) for failing to pick up on the natives' fear of magic in the Aftermath portion of "Harlequin's Back"

The "Ooops, Compound Bows Are Mechanical Aren't They Award goes to Jaichim Carridan (Jeff Evans) for failing to remember compound bows are useless against bug spirits in "Bug City Stomp".

The Sack Award

For extreme bravery (or lack of good sense) in initiating combat between himself and a Wasp Queen Spirit and killing it in "Bug City Stomp", the "Sack Award" goes to Claw Man (Jamie Price). In addition to the honor of the "Sack Award" Claw Man now has a bonus Dice Pool (oddly enough called the "Sack Pool") from which he may draw one die when attempting something that requires cojones made of solid titanium. Watch where you point that thing Claw Boy.

Runners up for this award include Jaichim Carridan (Jeff Evans) for having the guts to taunt a mantid spirit by chucking a brick at it in "Bug City Stomp" and to Cyria Tokage (Corrine Williams) for the Battle of the Spirits above the Superdome in "The Toxic Candidate"

The Samuel L. Jackson "You Can't Kill Me #@^!!!" Award

There are few Shadowrunners in the world that can shrug off death. But when they appear, it is a strong, quick thinking runner that can cheat death time and time again. In honor of his spectacular ability to take damage and still keep himself together, I bestow this award to street samurai, Klyde Scope (Joe Camastra). He has survived through more grievous injuries in Harlequin's Back alone than any other player I've known, come back from death in the metaplanes and has taken his licks in the other adventures as well. And through it all, he just wont die.

In addition to the honorary award, I give Klyde Scope one extra deadly damage overflow box for putting his hoop in the line of fire over and over again.

Runners up for this award were Jaichim Carridan (Jeff Evans) for having an obscene 17 points of armor (cybertorsos from now on are verboten) and Cyria Tokage (Corrine Williams) for constantly failing those drain tests, yet carrying on despite her fatigue.

Roleplaying Awards

These awards are what counts. It's not about how many bad guys you've smacked around. It's not about all of your cyberware and spell foci you've collected. It's not even all about the nuyen you collect. It's how you play the game and how you tell the story.

The best part about the RPG genre is that it expands the realm of gaming beyond a board or a television screen. Everyone helps to create the final product. Exceptional performances by players are:

Jaichim Carridan (Jeff Evans) - "Persuading Armtwister" from "Bug City Stomp"

Klyde Scope> (Joe Camastra) - "Making A Deal" in the Limbo Room portion of "Harlequin's Back"

Cyria Tokage (Corrine Williams) - "Milking the Sources" in "Dragon Hunt"

Myles Knight (John "Little Johnny" Scullin) - "Consistency of Play" for remaining the same homicdal runner throughout all sessions.

Edge (Matt Sincock) - "Bringing In Doc Odin" from the second session of "Bug City Stomp"

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