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Game Updates and Run Schedules

If you're here then you were one of Philly's Phinest or a part of the Delaware Team. This area is dedicated to the runners, and this is where you can find a timeline of events past and present (Which may or may not be accurate). Also, you'll find announcements for when games will start, drekcettera, drekcettera. Hope it's useful. Scan it!

--Dredd {02-27-60/00:01:59}

SR Timeline for Philly's Phinest

The Shadowrun Timeline (Philly's Phinest, 2053 and Beyond)

Oct. 17th, 2053 - P.P. takes on their first run, as shown in "Eviction Notice".

Oct. 24, 2053 - The nigh unto disasterous Renraku run, as seen in "A Nice Trip To the Forest".

Nov. 19, 2053 - P.P. take on the case of an enigmatic dragon. They learn the hard way to never deal with a dragon, as seen in "Dragon Hunt".

2055 - The Bug City Incident occurs, Chicago is overrun by fragging huge insect spirits.

2056 - A crack team of shadowrunners infiltrate the Chicago Containment zone and retrieve Dr. Edward Odin and Gregory Armtwister in a covert corporate retrieval assignment in "Bug City Stomp"

2056 - The Election Scandal: Speaker of the House becomes first woman president. The Special Election is called.

2057 - With all candidates out and about the race for the Presidency begins.

Mar. 12, 2057 - P.P. saves presidential candidate, Arthur Vogel, and at least a thousand others from a bombing in the Superdome. See "Toxic Candidate" for details.

Apr. 1, 2057 - P.P. is haunted by the spirit of an ork boy. The haunting leads to the revelation of the true identity of Kenneth Brackhaven. For details, see "Ghost Story".

May 13, 2057 - P.P. takes on a run against Aztechnology. The run turns out to be more than they bargained for. For details see "DNA/DOA".

May 14, 2057 - After a quick phonecall to Arthur Vogel, P.P. arrange for a flight to Denver while their reputations cool down in Seattle.

May 15, 2057 - The runners make it to SEA/TAC, on-time, with no hassles. They note their sudden good fortune prepare for the journey ahead when everything goes horribly wrong. Enter Harlequinn

May 16, 2057 - Philly's Phinest awaken the next day, believing that not hours but days have passed. They begin to wonder if Harlequin and their adventures with him have ever really happened. Cyria Tokage is the only one who knows it is true.

June 2059 - Orbital flight 1118 crashes into the Redmond Barrens. The fires rage for days as every doc wagon, rubbernecker, firetruck, looter, good samaritan and ghoul descends on the ruins of the barrens to claim thier share. Philly's Phinest enter the disaster area to body snatch a high profile corporate corpse and a mysterious attache case.

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