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Homoeopathic Repertory

(ailments arranged alphabetically)

In this section which constitutes most of the book, 
ailments have been arranged alphabetically along 
with the remedy for that particular ailment.
If more than one remedy is listed against the ailment, 
use the first one to start with in potency 30.
Abortion threatened-Caulophylum
Abscess-Hepar sulph
Abscess, deep muscles - Calcarea Carb
Abscess about bones - Aurum Met., Phosphorus, Silicea
Acidity, flatulence, indigestion - Biochemic combination No.25
Acne - Berb aquif
Acne simple - sulphur
Acne in girls - Pulsatilla
Acne in women with scanty menses - Sanguinaria
Acne, pimples suppurating - Calcarea Sulph
Acne Rosacea - kreosote
Abscess of cornea, biochemic remedies - Calcarea sulph, silicea, 
	Kali mur
Aching of left arm with heart disease - Rhus tox
Adiposity - Phytolacca, Fucus
Adynamia  - China, Acid phos
Absent minded - Anacardium, Ambra
Abusive  - Anacardium, Hyos
Abdomen, pain  -  Nux Vomica
Abdomen pain due to decayed food - Arsenic Album
Abdomen enlarged of children - Calcarea Carb
Abdomen distended with wind - Kali Carb.
Abortion, Habitual  -  Sepia
Abortion, third month  -  Sabina
Abortion, for producing  - Gossium Mother Tincture
Abrasion suppurating  -  Hepar Sulph, Petroleum
Afterpains-Caulophylum, Magnesia phos
Agalactia  - Agnus, Urtica Urens. 
Ague-Nat mur,China,Cedron
Alcoholism  -  Capsicum, Nux Vomica, Avena Sativa mother tincture
Alopecia  - Acid Flouric
Aneurism  - Baryta carb, Lycopodium
Anorexia -  Nux vom, Nat Mur, Hydrastis, China
Aoritis  -  Aurum Ars.
Aphasia  -  Stram, Bothrops
Apthae  -  Borax, Mercurius
Adenoids, Yellow mucus  -  Hydrastis, Kali Bichrom.
Adenoids, growing children  -  Calcarea phos, Baryta Carb.
Adipsia (Loss of thirst)  -  Ferrum ac., Ledum
			 -  Sarasparilla (no thirst or appetite)
After effects of grief and fright  - Kali Phos
Air sickness, by downward motion -  Borax.
Air travel fatigue  - Arnica
Albumin in urine  -  Apis mellifica
Allergy to wheat  -  Psorinum
Allergy to strawberry  -  Fragaria
Allergy to milk causing itching  - Urtica Urens
Allergy to eggs  -  Ferrum Metallicum
Allergy, skin, worse from heat  -  Apis
Allergy, skin, worse from cold  -  Arsenicum Album
Allergic reaction to antibiotics  -  Sulphur
After pains  -  Cimicifuga, Caulophyllum, Magnesia Phos.
Affections, spasmodic of eye lids, Biochemic remedies - Calc Phos, 								Mag Phos
Agalactarea (Milk suppression)  -  Pulsatilla, Agnus, Urtica Urens.
Alcoholism, delirium   -  Hyoscyamus
Amenorrhoea, weakness, anaemia  -  Ferrum Met.
Amenorrhoea, weeping girl  -  Pulsatilla
Amenorrhoea, with asthma  - Pulatilla, Spongia
Amenorrhoea,  delayed first menses  -  Calcarea Carb
Amenorrhoea from cold  -  Aconite
Amenorrhoea from grief  - Ignatia
Anaemia  -  Biochemical Combination No.1
Anaemia  -  Ferrum Met., Ferrum Phos.
Anaemia, from loss of fluids  - China
Anaemia, pernicious  -  Arsenic Album
Anaemia, loss of weight, breathlessness, depression, good appetite-Nat mur
Angina pectoris-Latroduct, Cactus,Glonoin,Bryonia,Haematox,Oxalic acid,Spigelia.
Anaemia, fat persons, pallor  -  Calcarea Carb
Anaemia, lean persons, pallor  -  Calcarea Phos
Answers slowly (mental problem)  - Helleborus, Phosphoric acid, Phos
Appendicitis  -  Iris Tenax
Appendicitis, severe pain  -  Belladonna
Appendicitis, constipated patient  -  Bryonia
Appendicitis, sepsis  -  Arsenic Album.
Anaemia of pregnancy  -  Ferrum Phos 3x + Cac Phos 3x
Anaemia with pallor and flushed cheeks  -  Ferrum Met.
Anaemia from grief  -  Phosphoric Acid
Anaemia, erythistic type  -  Ferrum Metallicum
Anaemia, pernicious  -  Picric Acid, Arsenic Album
Anaemia, Face bloated  -  Phosphorus
Anaemia, young girl at puberty  -  Alumina
Anaemia, after Malaria  -  Natrum Mur.
Anaemia with thread worms  - Sulphur
Aneurism  -  Baryta Carb
Anger, bad effects from  - Colocynth
Anger of children  -  Chamomilla
Angina  -  Magnesia Phos
Angina, heart tonic  -  Crataegus
Angina with stitching pain  -  Bryonia
Ankles sprain  -  Apis
"Antibiotic", homoeophathic  -  Pyrogen 200
Anxiety usual remedy  -  Natrum Mur
Anxiety, restlessness  -  Arsenic Album
Anxiety, pale, weak, sweaty patients  -  Calcarea Carb
Anxiety, shy, tearful females, emotional, easily led  -  Pulsatilla
Anxiety with phobia  -  Arg N
Anxiety felt during thunderstorm  - Phos
Anxiety felt before thunderstorm  -  Rhododendron
Anxiety felt in stomach  -  Ars. alb., Digitalis, Pulsatilla, Kali Carb
Aoritis  - Aconite, Apis, Glonoin, Tuberculinum
Antidote to alcohol  -  Agaricus, Nux Vomica
Antidote to Chloroform  -  Phosphorus
Antidote to stimulants like tea, coffea, wine - Nux Vomica
Antidote to antibiotics  -  Sulphur
"Antiseptic", homoeopathic	-  Calendula mother tincture 
				   (For external application)
Anus, violent itching and crawling  -  Ignatia
Anus, fissures, with eczema  -  Graphites
Anus, fissures, with oozing  -  Paeonia
Anus, Fissures, slipping back of partially expelled stool  - silicea
Aphasia after stroke, deafness  -  Chelidonium
Aphasia early stage  -  Arnica
Appendix  -  Iris tenax; start with this for all appendix problems.
Appendix, pain worse motion  - Bryonia
Appendix, pain, restlessness, better heat  -  Rhus tox
Appendix, burning pain better heat  -  Arsenic Alb
Appendicitis, tenderness, fever, pain  - Belladonna
Appendicitis, to avoid sepsis  -  Echinacea
Appetite increased before epileptic attack  -  Hyoscyamus
Appetite, variable  -  Cina
Appetite lost  -  Nux Vomica
Appetite lost, anamia, emaciation, burning thirst  -  Acet ac.
Appetite increased  -  Calcarea Carb, Ferrum Met., Iodum
Appetite, wakes with hunger  -  Acid Phos
Arterial tension lowered-Gelsemium
Arterial tension increased-Verat.vir.,Viscum
Arthritis-Arbut, Sulph,Bryonia,Elater.
Arteriosclerosis  -  Baryta Mar, Aurum Muriaticum
Arthritis, irritable with pain  -  Chamomilla
Arthritis deformans  -  Picric acid
Arthritis, rheumatoid-  Sanguinaria (shoulder joint)
			-  Pulsatilla  (Knee)
			-  Rhus tox (Back)
			-  Phosphorus (wrist)
 			-  Natrum Phos (elbow)
Arthritis, pain in soles of feet and heels  - Tartaric acid
Arthritis  -  Colchicum, Bryonia, sulphur
Arthritis, pain travelling upwards  -  Ledum
Arthritis, nodosities in joints  -  Ammonium Phos
Arthritis due to gonorrhoea  -  Thuja
Ascarides  -  Cina, Spigelia, Sabadilla
Ascites-Dig.,Acet acid,Apocyn,Helleb,Apis,Ars,.
Asiatic Cholera  -  Veratrum album, Cuprum Metallicum
Assimilation weak in children  -  Silicea
Asthenopia  -  Onosmodium, Ruta, Euphrasia
Asthma  -  Biochemic combination No. 2
Asthma, nausea, tightness in chest, cold and sweating  - Ipecac
Asthma, attack just after midnight - Arsenic Album
Asthma, burning heat in chest, cold sweats, weakness - Arsenic Album
Asthma due to digestive disturbance  -  Nux Vomica
Asthma,shortness of breath,wheezing worse dust, weakness- Kali Carb
Asthma with gas and debility  - Carbo veg
Asthma,worse during day,dry cough, chronic chase- Medorrhinum 1M
					(one dose in 4 months)
Asthma, dueto dust  -  Pothos
Asthma, stringy yellow mucus, attack around 3 am - Kali Bich
Asthma, constitutional remedy  -  Natrum sulph
Asthma, difficult to raise phlegm  -  Antim tart
Asthma, oppression, noisy wheezing breathing, tall thin narrow chested people, anxiety  -  Phosphorus
Asthma, chronic cases, does not respond to well indicated remedies 
							- Sulphur
Asthma, pain under left shoulder blade, constriction and weight about chest - Cuprum Arsenitum
Asthma, cardiac  -  Ars iod., Iberis
Astigmatism, myopic  -  Lillium tigrinum
Atrophy-Ol. jecor.,Iod.,Ars.
Atrophy of penis  -  Ant. Crudum, Arg.m, staphysagria.
Atrophy of legs - Abrotanum, Ammonium Muriaticum, Argentum Nit.
Atrophy of neck  -  Natrum Mur., Sanicula
Atrophy, neck so weak, unable to hold head up - Abrotanum, Aethusa,Calc phos
Atrophy with bulimia  -  Abrotanum, Iodum, Nat Mur.
Atrophy with shrivelled look  -  Arg N., Sulphur
Atrophy of breast  -  Sarsaparilla, Conium
Auricular fibrillation  -  Digitalis
Aversion to milk  -  Nat c., Aethusa
Awkward, things fall from hand  -  Apis, Bor., Nat m.
Axilla, inflamed glands - Baryta Carb
Axilla, tumour  -  Tell.
Backache  -	Oxalic acid, Aesculus, Rhustox, Pulsatilla, Kali Carb, Cimicifuga, Nux Vom, Ant tart.
Backache  -	Rhus tox (worse damp)
Backache  -  	Calcarea fluorica when Rhus tox fails.
Backache with indigestion  -  Nux Vomica  
Backache, sexual excess  -  Nux Vomica, Staphysagria
Backache due to uterine diseases  -  Sepia  
Backache, better lying on hard surface  -  Natrum Mur  
Backache form injury or over exertion  -  Arnica 
Backache with oxalates in urine  -  Oxalic acid 
Backache with piles  -  Aesculus.
Backache, pain in neck, stiffness, uterine problem  -  Cimicifuga
Backache, burning sensation  -  Phosphorus
Balonitis  -  Mercurius
Bathing, dread of  - Sulphur
Backward children, slow development  -  Calcarea Carb
Backward children, back of intelligence, slow to understand 
								- Baryta Carb
Baldness  -  Fluoric acid, acid phos, Sepia, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium
Baldness due to syphilis  - Ustilago, Fluoric acid
Bed sores  -  Acid Sulph, Arnica, Acid Flouric
Bed Sores in typhoid  -  Baptisia
Bedwetting, bladder weakness, clay coloured urine  -  Sabadilla
Bedwetting, urine coffee smelling, spurts on coughing -  Ferrum Phos
Bedwetting, thin chilly, anxious, neat, fastidious child - Arsenic Alum
Bedwetting, early hours of the night  -  Belladonna 
Bedwetting, urine has excessive uric acid  -  Lycopodium
Bedwetting, child fearful to go out  -  Gelsemium
Bites, stings, bad effects from  -  Acetic acid
Bites, dog  -  Lachesis
Bites, snake  -  Cedron
Bites, own teeth bite the cheek  -  Causticum
Bites, scorpion  -  Ledum Pal
Bites, to prevent complications  -  Ledum.
Bladder irritation, frequent urination  -  Nux Vomica, Arg N.
Bladder problem,burning urine,pain in urethra - Cantharis, Berberis V.
Bladder weakness, urine falls vertically  -  Hepar Sulph
Bladder weakness after labour  -  Causticum.
Bleeding from injury, arterial blood - Arnica
Bleeding from injury, oozing venous blood  -  Hamamelis
Bleeding from mucous membranes  -  Acetic acid
Bleeding from extracted teeth  -  Phosphorus
Blindness sudden  -  Aconite
Blindness from lightening strike  - Phosphorus
Blindness, night blindness - Physostigma
Blisters in feet  -  Allium Cepa
Blisters in mouth  -  Natrum Mur
Blood pressure high  -  Baryta Mur, Glonoin, Aurum Met.
Blood pressure high  -  Natrum Mur. (hammering in head)
Blood pressure high, palpitation, throbbing headache  -  Glonoine
Blood pressure  high, Cardiac tonic  -  Crataegus
Blood pressure high, weakness, dizziness  -  Gelsemium
Blood pressure high, biochemic remedies	- Ferrum Phos 3x+ Kali
						  Mur 3x+ Cal Phos 3x
Blood purifier  -  Echinacea mother tincture
Blood spitting  -  Ipecac
Blood in urine  -  Cantharis
Blushing, anaemia - Ferrum Met.
Bones, club foot  -  Phosphorus, Nux Vomica
Bones, cranial bones, soft, thin  -  Calcarea Phos, Calcarea Carb
Bone enlargement  -  Pitutary extract, Thyroidinum
Bone fracture, slow union - Calcarea Phos, Symphytum, Silicea, Ruta.
Body odour from sweating	- Nux Vomica, Mercurius,
				  Calcarea Carb, Silicea
Boil, bright red, throbbing pain  -  Belladonna
Boil, Gum  -  Belladonna
Boil with great sensitiveness, sharp pains  - Hepar Sulph
Boil when pus vent has been formed  -  Calcarea Sulph
Boil, sluggish  -  silicea
Boil at root of tooth and tonsillitis  -  Mercurius
Boil, chronic cases  -  sulphur
Boil, septicaemia  - Rhus tox, Echinacea
Boils in axilla - Carbo ani. 
Boils in crops  - Sulphur, Arnica, Berberis V.
Boils, Carbuncles of diabetes  -  Carbolic Acid, Anthracinum 
Boils, Carbuncles, blue black - Lachesis 
Boils, to abort pus - Hepar Sulph high potency 
Boils, to hasten suppuration  -  Hepar sulph low potency
Bones, caries  - Aurum Metallicum
Bones, caries with offensive discharge  -  Asafoetida
Bones, tumours, enlargements  - Calcarea fluorica
Bone, inflammation, pain, swelling  -  Mercurius
Bone curvature  -  Silicea
Bone curvature  -  Calcarea Carb.
Bone, temporal, caries  -  Fluoric acid
Bone, non-union  -  Calcarea Phos, symphytum
Bone, abnormal growth - Calcarea fluorica
Bones pain in influenza  - Eupatorium Perforliatum.
Bone inflammation  -  Ruta
Bones, rickets with diarrhoea  -  Calcarea Carb.
Brain, congestion  -  Aconite, Belladonna
Brain, cerebral inflammation with pulsating waves  -  Hyos
Brain inflammation, seizures  - Stramonium
Brain, anaemia  -  Ferrum Met., Ferrum Phos.
Brain, overstimulation  -  Nux Vomica
Brain fag of business men  -  Picric acid
Brain fag, repeats question before answering it  -  Zinc Met
Brain, underdevelopment with body developed  -  Baryta Carb.
Brain concussion  -  Arnica, Kali Phos
Brain fag  -  Zinc, Phos, Anacardium
Bradycardia (slow pulse)  - Digitalis, Abies nigra
Breast, engorgement, tumours, injury  -  Conium
Breast, sensitiveness during nursing, excessive flow, suppuration
					- Phytolacca
Breast, hard induration -  Calcarea flourica
Breast, acute mastitis, chill, hardness, red streaks  - Aconite
Breast, scanty flow of milk, tearful disposition  -  Pulsatilla.
Breast, flow after weaning  - Pulsatilla, Calc carb.
Breast enlargement in boys  -  Conium
Breast pain during menses  -  Bryonia
Breast not developing  -  Lecithin 6x, Calc Phos 12x
Breast Abscess	- Aconite  (early stage)
			- Belladonna (hot, hard, inflamed)
			- Bryonia (hard and tense)
			- Phytolacca tincture externally.
Breasts, excess milk - Calcarea Carb

Breast, deficient milk	- Sabal serrulata (undeveloped breasts)
				- Chamomilla (due to anger)
				- Nat Mur (due to grief)
				- Agnus Castus (no milk in first twenty
				  four hours)
Breasts, painful		- Bryonia (with inflammation)
				- Belladonna (with inflammation)
				- Pulsatilla (general remedy)
Breath offensive, digestive problems  -  Nux Vomica
Breath offensive, flatulence, weakness, poor circulation, decayed teeth 	or gums  - Carbo Veg
Breath offensive, sweating  -  Merc Sol.
Breath offensive, changeable, indigestion - Pulsatilla
Breath offensive, coated tongue, palpitation  - Spigelia
Breathlessness, difficult to go upstairs  -  Calcarea Carb
Breathing, rattling noise, weakness, snoring  -  Opium 6
Bronchitis -  Bryonia, Ferrum Phos
Bronchitis, onset  -  Aconite
Bronchitis, violent fever  -  Belladonna
Bronchitis, pain in chest, pain in head, cough  -  Bryonia
Bronchitis, tall, slim subjects  -  Phosphorus
Bronchitis, rattling cough  -  Hepar sulph, antim tart.
Bronchitis, fever, chills and heat, desire for cold drinks  -  Mercurius
Bronchitis, chronic  -  Sulphur
Bronchitis, weak, old people, pressing pain in chest	- Carbo veg, 	Amm. C.
Bronchitis, rough, stringy mucous  -  Kali Bichrom 3x
Bronchitis, children  -  Ferrum Phos
Bronchitis, infants, nausea  -  Ipecac
Broncho - pneumonia  -  Kali Bich, Antim. t.
Brooding  -  Acid Phos, Ignatia
Bruises  -  Arnica, also use externally Arnica mother tincture
Bruise of the female breast  -  Conium
Bruises - Arn, Conium, Hamamellis, Hypericum, Rhus tox, Ruta, 	  Symphytum.
Bruises of bone  -  Arnica, Ruta, Symphytum
Bruise of parts rich in nerves  - Hypericum
Bruises with ecchymosis  -  Sulphuric acid
Bruises of tendons  -  Ruta
Bruises fingers and spine  -  Hypericum
Burns, all stages  -  Cantharis
Bunion on toe, main remedy  -  Hekla Lava
Burns  -  Cantharis, Urtica Urens, Picric Acid, Causticum, Kali 	Bichrom 
Burns, failing to heal  -  Carbo ac, causticum
Burns, for shock  -  Arnica
Burns, suppuration  -  Hepar Sulph
Burns, gangrene threatening  -  Ars alb
Burns, pains  -  Urtica Urens mother tincture locally, Capsicum
Burns, contractures caused by  -  Causticum
Burning in anus  -  Aloe
Burning palm  -  Phosphorus
Burning sensation  -  Sulphur
Cancer  -  Ant. Chlor., Ars alb., Aster., Carb an., Cistus., Condur., Conium, Gallium ap., Hoang n., Hydrastis, Iodum, Kali cy., Kreosote, Thuja, Sampece t.
Cancer of antrum  -  Aurum Met., Symphytum.
Cancer of bone  -  Aurum iod., Phos., Symphytum.
Cancer of lower bowel  -  Ruta
Cancer of breast  -  Carb an, Conium, Hydrastis, Plumbum iod.
Cancer of stomach  -  Arsenic album, Condurango, Hydrastis
Cancer of uterus  -  Aur m.n, Iod., Nitric Acid.
Cancer to relieve pain  -  Apis, Ars alb., Galic. ac., Euphorb., 				Hydrastis.
Capillary stasis  -  Capsicum, Echinacea
Carbuncles, dark blue colour  -  Lachesis
Carbuncle, diabetes  -  Carbolic acid
Caries of nasal bones, offensive small - Asafoetida
Caries of nasal bone, palate, mastoid  - Aurum Met.
Car sickness  -  Cocculus
Cat bite  -  Acetic acid
	  -  Ledum  (to prevent complications)
Catarrh, white discharge  -  Kali Mur
Catarrh, yellow discharge  -  Pulsatilla
Catarrh, thick yellow discharge, worse heat, upper lids swollen 
			- Kali Carb
Catarrh, thick yellow discharge stringy, cough, hoarseness 
	-  Kali Bich
Catarrh, sneezing, nervous systems, night sweats  -  Agaricus
Catarrhal deafness  -  Kali Mur
Catarrh, chronic dropping into throat  -  Hydrastis
Catarrh of nose with blood  -  Phosphorus
Cataract, to prevent  -  Calcarea fluorica 6x for a long time
Cataract, intolerance of light  -  Conium
Cataract, burning painful feeling of sand in eyes  -  Flouric Acid
Cataract, lens opacity  -  Cineraria  eye drops
Carbuncle large painful malignant, with weakness  -  Arsenic Album
Carbuncle, shing red, before pus  -  Belladonna
Carbuncle, blue black  -  Lachesis
Carbuncle, for healthy granulation  -  silicea
Carbuncle, great swelling  - Apis
Carbuncle, severe pain  -  Tarantula
Cardio vascular spasm  -  Actaea Spicata
Caries  -  Asafoetida, Phosphorus, Aurum Met.
Caruncle, urethral  - Thuja
Catheter, homoeopathic  (to pass urine)  - Solidago, Thlaspi
Catheter fever  -  Camphoric acid, (use aconite before passing 			catheter)
Chronic diseases, to begin treatment  - Sulphur, Nux Vom., Calcarea 					   Carb. Pulsatilla.
Changeable symptoms  -  Pulsatilla
Chest, cough with night sweat  -  Agaricus
Chilblains  -  Agaricus, Acid Nitric
Chilblains (for painting on)  -  Tamus C.
Chicken pox, fever stage  -  Aconite
Chicken pox, early stage  -  Rhus tox
Chicken pox, eruption slow to come out  -  Ant tart
Chicken pox, violent symptoms, sorethroat, fever, headache, flushed 	face, high fever - Belladonna.
Chicken pox, excessive itching  - Apis
Chicken pox, eats little, drinks much  -  Sulphur
Chicken pox, patient weeping, thirstless  -  Pulsatilla
Child, late learning to talk  -  Natrum Mur.
Child, late learning to walk  -  Calcarea Carb.
Child, late learning to walk & talk  -  Agaricus
Chilly patient  -  Silicea
Cholera, early medicine  -  Veratrum album
Cholera, intense prostration, coldness, dryness, blueness  - Camphor
Cholera, cramps  -  Cuprum Met.
Cholera, great weakness, breath cold, lips blue  -  Carbo veg.
Cholera morbus  -  Podophyllum
Cholera, preventive  -  Veratrum Album
Chorea -  Agaricus, Cuprum. Met.
Chorea, right arm, right leg  -  Tarantula
Chorea, continuous motion of feet  -  Zincum Met.
Chorea, movements of left side  -  Cimicifuga
Chorea, constitutional medicine  -  Calcarea Carb
Chorea, chronic, due to fright  -  Natrum Mur
Chorea, Violent restlessness  -  Belladonna
Chorea, brain affections  -  Stramonium
Chorea, from worms  - Cina
Chorea, numbness, pain  -  Asafoetida
Chorea, general, all parts of the body  -  Agaricus
Choking, mucous from posterior nares  -  Spigelia
Choking while eating & drinking  -  Mephitis
Choking from heart trouble  -  Cactus
Chilblains of Winter	-  Agaricus
Chilblains, inflamed, itching  -  Rhus tox
Chilblains, split finger tips, itching  -  Petroleum 
Chilblains, swelling, pulsating  -  Belladonna
Circulation poor  -  Carbo Veg, Calcarea Phos, Gelsemium, Rhus tox, 		      Silicea.
Circumcision  -  Staphysagria
Cirrossis of liver  -  Lycopodium
Cirrossis of liver, dropsy  -  Muriatic acid
Clairvoyance  -  Acon., Anac., Phos.
Clergyman's, lawyers' failure of voice  -  Arum t
Climacteric troubles  -  Lachesis (most needed remedy)
			-  Cimicifuga (for pains)
			-  Sanguinaria  (for Leucorrhea)
Complaints dating from a particular event  -  Carbo Veg.
Complaints, left sided  -  Lachesis
Complaints, right sided  -  Lycopodium
Coccyx injury  -  Hypericum
Colds, exposure to cold dry wind, the first remedy  -  Aconite
Cold, feeling that cold is coming, rough throat, stuffed nose 
		- Nux Vomica
Cold, thin watery discharge, corroding upper lip  -  Arsenic Album
Cold, profuse thin, acrid watery discharge, smarting in nose and eyes 
	-  Allium Cepa

Cold, fluent discharge from nose and eyes, eye discharge acrid  
	- Euphrasia
Cold early stage, fever, chilliness, `flu'  -  Gelsemium
Cold from eating, drinking cold things  -  Bellis P.
Cold, profuse coryza, extending to front sinus, perspiration 
	-  Mercurius
Cold, yellow thick discharge, at later stage  -  Pulsatilla
Cold, chilliness, front sinusitis, headache  -  Camphor
Cold, discharge yellow stringy  -  Kali Bichrom
Cold, stuffy, no discharge though desire to below nose & to talk 
	-  sticta
Cold, hard, dry, shaking cough, pain in chest, thrist - Bryonia
Cold, by exposure, stoppage of nose, thick yellow mucous, days hot, 	nights cold - Dulcamara
Colic  -  Biochemic combination No.3
Collapse, shock, injury  -  Arnica
Collapse, coldness, sweating on forehead, weak pulse 
	- Veratrum Album
Company, aversion to	- Colocynth
				- Cactus (in hysteria)
				- Ignatia (nervous patient)

Company, desire for		- Bismuth (digestive problem)
				- Aurum Met. (heart disease)
				- Stramonium (mania)
				- Conium (Hysteria)
Comprehension difficult  -  Ail., Anac., Bapt., Cocculus, Gels., Hell., 			     Nux m., Op., Phos ac., Zinc m.
Condylomata  -  Thuja, Nitric Acid
Confusional state  -  Opium
Confusion, senile  -  Baryta Carb
Confusion, delusions  -  Cannabis indica
Confusion, flushed face, infection, fever  -  Belladonna
Conjunctivitis  -  Euphrasia, Pulsatilla
Consolation causes wreeping  -  Natrum Mur.
Consolation liked  -  Pulsatilla
Constipation	-  Biochemic combination No.4
Constipation	-  Nux Vomica at night and sulphur in the morning
Constipation, inaction of intestines, no desire  -  Opium
Constipation, urging with pain, little round bath passed with difficulty
	- Plumbum
Constipation from potatoes and starch, inertia of rectum, dry inflamed 	anus - Alumina
Constipation, dry burnt stool  - Bryonia

Constipation crumbling stools, dry stool causing bleeding 
	- Natrum Mur.
Constipation with depression, sadness  -  Lycopodium
Constipation, no urging, fissures, fat patient - Graphites
Constipation, partially expelled stool recedes - Silicea
Constipation, obstinate cases, rheumatism and piles  -  Collinsonia
Constipation  -  Belladonna, Cuprum Met.
Corns  -  Ant. Crud., Graphites
Cough  -  Biochemic Combination No.6
Cough, dry  -  stitches in chest, drinks a lot of water - Bryonia
Cough irritation in trachea, worse by talking  -  Phosphorus
Cough, incessant, fatiguing  -  Rumex
Cough, hard, barking, metallic sound, suffocation  -  Spongia
Cough, dry, nervous, better sitting up  -  Hyoscyamus
Cough, bronchial inflammation  -  Sanguinaria
Cough, difficult to raise mucus  -  Antim tart
Cough, yellow stringy mucus  -  Kali Bich
Cough, recent exposure to cold  -  Ipecac
Cough, spasmodic, anger, wheezing, pain below ribs  -  Drosera
Cough, dry, irritability -  Chamomilla, Hepar Sulph.
Cough, chronic, dirty, thick yellow greenish sputum  - Sulphur.
Cracking of skin at the finger tips  -  Silicea
Cracked lips	-  Condurango
Cramps, feet and legs  -  Cuprum Met.
Cramps, calves  -  Arg Nit, Verat Album
Cramps, constipation,  headache  -  Nux Vomica
Cramps, stomach, weakness  -  Acetic Acid
Cramps, thighs, legs  -  Chamomilla
Cramps, diarrhoea  -  Iris Vers.
Cramp, writer's  -  Gelsemium 
Cramps, hysterical patient  -  Asafoetida 
Craving for smoking  -  Tabaccum 200
Craving for lying in bed (for rest) - Manganum
Craving for drink  -  Sulphur
Craving for opium  -  Avena Sativa mother tincture
Craving for salt  -  Natrum Mur.
Cruel feeling  -  Anacardium
Croup	- Aconite, in the beginning
	- next spongia
	- then Hepar sulph
	- next Bromine
Croup, cough dry, hard, harsh, barking  -  Kali Mur.
Croup, dry, short, barking cough, wheezing, suffocation  -  Iodine
Croup, membraneous  - Kali Bich
Croup, false membrane  -  Sanguinaria
Cuts, external application  -  Calendula tincture
Cuts, suppurated  -  Hepar Sulph
Cuts, red, swollen, fever  -  Belladonna
Cut, sharp  -  Staphysagria
Cystitis -  Cantharis
	 -  Causticum (for sitting /travelling long without urinating)
	 -  Equisetum (old people)
Cyst	 -  Iod., Apis.
Dandruff, sweating of head, fat patients  -  Calcarea Carb.
Dandruff, dark brown patches on skin, women  -  Sepia
Dandruff, dry flaking skin, chilly patient  -  Arsenic Album
Dandruff, acne, itching, flaking of skin  -  Sulphur
Dandruff, white scaly, hair dry & falling -  Thuja
Dandruff, white, catarrh, loss of smell  -  Natrum Mur
Deafness, general remedy -  Kali Mur.
Deafness, Degenerative (old age) - Phosphorus
Deafness, Meniere's disease -  Salicylic Acid
Deafness with eczema  -  Graphites
Deafness to low tones -  Chenopodium 
Deafness, inability to know the direction of sound source - Carbo ani.
Deafness, catarrhal, yellow discharge from ear  - Pulsatilla
Deafness, chronic -  Mephitis
Deafness after typhoid -  Petroleum
Deafness after measles -  Pulsatilla. 
Delirium, violent  -  Belladonna
Delirium, rocking to and fro  - Bell., Hyos.
Delirium, aversion to light, fear of being poisoned  -  Hyos
Delirium, preparing for wedding  - Hyos
Delirium, desire for light and company, talks with absent persons  
	- Stramonium
Delirium, restlessness, cold sweat, aimless wanderings 
	- Veratrum Album
Delirium, defecates on the floor  - Cup.
Delirium, tremor of the body  -  Agaricus
Delirium tremens (alcoholic)  -  Agaricus, Cann Ind.
Delirium, muttering  -  Bryonia, Hyos, Phos, Stram
Delivery made easy  -  Biochemic combination No.26
Delusion of everything being strange  -  Graphites, Nux m., Platina
Delusion - Anacardium
Delusion of being under super human control  -  Anac., Lach., Op., 						Plat., Thuja, Agar., Naja
Delusion about snakes -  Lac Can.
Delusion of everything being dirty  -  Cur.
Dementia	-	Agaricus, Anacardium, Hyos, Lil. t., Phos. ac., phos, Picric acid.
Dementia, senile  -  Aur iod., Baryta c., Phos.
Dementia, masturbatic  -  Agnus, Phos ac., Staph.
Dengue fever	-  Eupatorium perfoliatum
Dentition, irritability	-  Chamomilla
Dentition, fever and nervousness  -  Belladonna
Dentition, slowness in teething, fat child  -  Calcarea Carb
Dentition, emaciation, slow teething, diarrhoea  -  Calcarea Phos 6x
Dentition, painful, difficult, spongy gums, decay  -  Kreosote
Dentition, difficult, child smells sour  -  Rheum
Dentition, inability to digest milk  -  Aethusa
Dentures causing blisters on sides  -  Phytolacca
Diabetes -  Biochemic combination No.7
Diabetes, polyuria, polydepsia, dryness of skin - Uranium Nitrate
Diabetes, excessive urination  -  Arg N.
Diabetes, nervous origin, grief, worry, anxiety, thirst, debility 
	- Acid Phos.
Diabetes, swollen ankle  -  Acetic Acid, Arg m.
Diabetes, gouty diathesis, pancreatic disease - Phosphorus
Diabetes, gastric and hepatic symptoms, constipation, dry skin
	- Lactic acid
Diabetes, dryness of lips, bitter taste  -  Bryonia
Diabetes - Insulin 30
Diabetic coma -  Opium
Diplopia -  Gels., Oleander, Hyos, Belladonna
Diarrhoea -  Biochemic combination No.8
Dental haemorrhage -  Phosphorus (bright blood), Hamamelis.
Dental haemorrhage, for shock and pain  -  Arnica
Depression in teenagers  -  Medusa
Depression with phobias  -  Argentum Nitricum
Depression in tearful girls, changeable  -  Pulsatilla
Depression, love for salt and salty food, forenoon worse - Natrum Mur Depression, anguish, fear of people  -  Aurum Met. 
Depression, indifferent to family, friends, indisposition to work - Sepia
Depression gloominess  -  Cimicifuga
Depression suicidal  -  Aurum Met.
Derangements at puberty  -  Pulsatilla
Desire for solitude, young people  -  Bufo
Desire for dry food  -  Alumina
Desire for cold food and drink  -  Phosphorus
Diarrhoea, small stools, restlessness, thirst small and often, weakness, chilliness  -  Arsenic 		Album
Diarrhoea, profuse stools, great thirst for large quantities, cold sweat 
	- Veratrum Album
Diarrhoea, painless, cadaverous dour  -  China
Diarrhoea, changeable stools, yellow, watery, worse in morning 
	-  Sulphur
Diarrhoea, yellow, watery stool like pouring out from a hydrant 
	- Croton tiglium
Diarrhoea, sourness of stools  -  Rheum
Diarrhoea, straining at stool  -  Mercurius
Diarrhoea, acute or chronic, painless, yellow pale stools  - Acid Phos
Diarrhoea, Undigested sour stools  -  Calcarea Carb
Diarrhoea, green mucous stools, painless, white particles 
	- Phosphorus
Diarrhoea, stools green, shining, bloody, like chopped spinach  
	- Argentum Nitricum
Diarrhoea, changeable stool, from fatty food  -  Pulsatilla
Diarrhoea early morning, yellow - Nat Sulph
Diarrhoea, morning, watery, unformed, green mucous stool  
	- Podopphyllum
Diphtheria	- Diptherinum, higher potencies
		- Kali Mur 6x
		- Lachesis (Left sided)
		- Lycopodium (right sided)
		- Arsenic Album (low fever, restlessness, weakness)
Dizziness, nausea, noises in ears, worse cold draft  -  China
Dizziness, Meniere's disease  -  Salicylic acid
Dizziness with eye strain  -  Ruta
Dizziness, worse movement  -  Bryonia
Dizziness with poor cerebral circulation  -  Baryta Carb
Dizziness with senility  -  Lycopodium

