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Jen Berry 2005



Something I just wrote one day

It was a dark winter’s morn, and the twin moons glared like watching eyes over the frost-dusted land, hushing uneasy birds and stilling the breeze, causing the world to fall silent and to freeze like a paused film, as if waiting for the signal to once again begin its motion around the star that is, for this eternal moment, held just beyond the horizon as if put on a high shelf out of reach by a well-wishing mother.

Twin moons, both full and large, hanging, glowing orbs that align like this only once a lifetime. Shining out brave and bold, they take possession of the land, owning it for this one night, walking its streets and dancing across treetops to the heartbeat of the silence, leaving no hint of their passing except an enchanted memory. Undulating and flowing, their pure white light cleanses the land, caressing it with soft curious fingers, like a jewel rarely glimpsed.

On the night of the twin moons, we watch and are watched as of one wonder to another.


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