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Jen Berry
Name: Jen Berry
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: English
Place of living: Cumbria, England
(For messages unrelated to my art/writing, use this address:

Hi. Thank you for visiting my website, I hope you like it. I first became interested in art around the end of year 9 at school (2002) and took it for GCSE, in which I achieved an A* and then for AS-level (half an A-level), which I got an A grade in, but then I dropped art at school, and only do it in my spare time now. I also three A grades at A-level and am now studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge university.

Over the last few years I'd like to think my art has improved significantly, and I hope that it will continue to do so. At first dragons were the begging and end of my subjects, but urgings from people I know convinced me to experiment with a wider subject matter. I now paint a wide range of subjects in a wide range of mediums, but I often return to my old favorites: dragons.

If you have read my story section, you will see that I also write a bit in my spare time as well as draw, although I don't think my writing is as strong as my art. I'm not exactly sure when The Lands of Aldálon first came about, but I've been living in it and shaping it for a while now. Most of the creatures that I've drawn ended up finding places there, although sometimes I imagined the creature before I draw it. I think that Aldálon has many possibilities if only I can get them on paper.

If you have anything you would like to say about any or all of my artwork then don't hesitate to e-mail me, I'd be glad to hear from you, whatever you have to say. If you have criticisms then let me know and I'll be better able to improve, but don't simply hurl abuse at me. I do not appreciate messages like "Your art sucks." If you can tell me why it's not very good or how I can make it better, then I'll only be too happy to hear from you.

Alternatively you can leave your comments in my Guestbook

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