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Jen Berry

New pictures in the dragonspine

("§" marks updates an e-mail was sent out on. If you wish to be added to the mailing list then either sign my guestbook and tick the appropriate box or e-mail me.)



§28th January 08


[Granda & Grandson] [Weevil] [Clio]

Despite university taking over, I have managed to complete 3 more pictures. Granda & Grandson has even displaced Elephant from my top-ten pics.

17th May 08

I removed 'Ten Tall Oak Trees' apparently I didn't write it when I was little, but copied it instead. I'm much less impressed with myself now. Oh well.

§17th March 08


[Flaming Guitar] [Mountain]

The mountain is actually one I did a couple of years ago but never got round to putting up.
Also I've added a picture of what the finished poster looks like for my Wake Up Screaming picture

§9th August 07


[Ocelotus] [Wake Up Screaming]


9th August 06




§4th August 06


[So Long]

§7th July 06


[Inky Ick]


§14th April 06


[Attack Of The Gravak] [When Turtles Grow Wings]

3rd April 06


[Snoopy] [Mosher]

14th February 06


[Turtle sketch]


I've just realised I haven't uploaded these stories yet...

[The Night Of The Twin Moons]

[Nature's Wrath]

§11th February 06


[The Love Dragon]

The Love Dragon has pushed my self portrait out of my Top 10 pictures...

I now have a graphics tablet!!!!


§23rd August 05


[Terrier In The Street]


§26th June 05


[Cheetah] [Linty]

Cheetah has made it into my Top 10, pushing out Pillious.

Upcoming additions: My school has finally ended for the summer, but unfortunately the piece I was working on for my art exam in inaccessible, so that won't be appearing until September at the latest. I have a new story, but it has been requested that I don't show it publicly until then end of August. I am also working on an acrylic painting and a pencil drawing that I hope to complete before I go back to school for year 13 (Upper 6th) and also another picture that I'm intending to do, but I doubt I'll get it all done.

13th June 05

Sold! 'Fox', for £35 including frame.

17th May 05

Cards for sale: All my pictures are now available on bank greetings cards. Visit my Shop, then e-mail me for more details or to order.

Picture Change: I have re-worked my 'Dragon of the deep (colour)' picture to include slightly more realistic bubbles...

E-mail change: I've changed by e-mail to: , primarily because 'JenBerry' looks so much better on a business card than 'nunts_rock', but don't worry, I'll still be using my old address as my primary one, so you needn't change it. Also, in an effort to stop junk mail, I've only shown my e-mail address as an image, and not as a link, so you shall have to copy it out. Sorry about that.

Framed pictures: All the pictures in my biro animal series including: Puppy, Margay, Bighorn mountain sheep, and Fox, are now framed and up for sale for £35-£45 + p&p

§ 7th April 05


[Fox] [Bighorn Mountain Sheep]

Getting sick of these yet?

Puppy now has a frame and is for sale for £30

3rd April 05

I've finally got my scanner working, so I scanned my Gravak picture to replace the old photograph.

§ 30th March 05


[Puppy] [Margay]


§ 17th March 05


[Cat] [Quill]

Cat has made it to my Top 10, pushing out Naznial

I have also put up and old poem of mine: 'Ten Tall Oak Trees'

There's still some glitches about the site. I can't get on the internet from home at the moment. I hope to get broadband soon, but in the meantime it will be hard to update this website. I'll do the best I can to sort out the errors and keep you up to date

§ 2nd March 05

Ok, try again. The navigation buttons decided not to work. They should be fixed now


Angel is now may favorite picture, and Ditto has to take second place.


1st March 05

Phew, well I think I've finally got my site working. It's taken me this long to sort out the glitches. When I uploaded it onto the internet all sorts of crazy things went wrong. But now it should work. If you encounter any problems like broken hyperlinks or images that come up with crosses, then please e-mail me with the problem ( thanks

20th February 05

Complete re-design of my website. I hope the new layout is not as distracting and is easier to navigate.



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