thumbnail mini gallery: (click on images to enlarge)
Night Fishing
Puppet; Martini Tussle, SOLD
Doggone Beach $10.00 Cray Pas
Jester Goat with Guitar, SOLD
Dog Online II $10.00 Cray Pas

Do Dachshunds Have Coffee?, 9" x 12", Cray Pas, SOLD

Small Dogs Save Counter Space, 9" x 12", Cray Pas, SOLD

Musical Dogs, 9" x 12", Cray Pas, SOLD

Blues Guitar, Acrylic on Cardboard, 11"x14", SOLD

Chihuahua Takes A Bath, acrylic/puff paint/glitter, 8"x10", SOLD

The Visitor, cray pas, 17"x11", SOLD

Oh, No, Monsters!!! cray pas, 14" x 11", SOLD

Angry Person, cray pas, 12" x 9", SOLD