Hello everyone! This is my homepage all about my exchange to Japan. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to email me and tell what you think! ^-^ smilies!
Ok I was so sick of the terrible mess of a first page so I decided to step in and take drastic action. You will notice now that all the notices will be dated (for your convenience) and organised in some sort of order as such...(what that order will be I have no idea). If you want to go to the affiliate's sites then please feel free to scroll down and find the links for yourself (I can't hold your hand all the time). Also if someone you know (and preferably someone I know too) has had or is having a birthday soon then please forward the particulars along to me and I will be happy to post something up (This is especially useful for you other exchange dudes without sites but kind hearts). So yes, welcome to the new and improved site...I hope it makes the experience better. Smilies! ^-^ Jane-chan
みなさんへ、このページは私の友達のためにだけ、だからページの英語は時々ちょとへんなのです。(と多分悪いも)本当にごめなさい。 ジェインより
General News | New Features | Special Events |
29/09/04 Hey all, just a short note to say that next month, october, is Crazy-Travelling-Month, so I won't be around a computer for a lot of it. However, when I do get back from Hokkaido, Okinawa, etc etc, then you can be assured that I will have lots of great photos to show for it. Watch this space. Thanks for being patient with me, Jane Your Japwonder |
29/08/04 OK I HAVE UPDATED, FINALLY, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST THREE MONTHS. This is in response to growing requests for more crazy Japanese antics, photos and general bad humour, I mean, with demands like those, how could I stay away? So, please check out the pictures from my schools sports day here and also reports from weeks Thirty Three and Thirty Five. I hope this makes up for some of the lost time, at least. |
07/06/04 Today is Elisabeth's Hays' Birthaday everyone! She turns 18! Yay! If you don't know who she is, have a little scroll down and check out her website...its pretty good. Lis and I grew up and have known eachother as very good friends since we were about 11. I remember going to your house everyday after school in Junior School Lis, don't you? Together with my sister Lauren and Lis' sister Jackie we are the Awesome Foursome, the Sisters in Crime, the Official Bitches Of Eastwick. Watch yourself! Hahaha, jokes. Nah, Lis has been there for me since forever (well, since it mattered) and I owe her heaps for all the support she's given me. Thanks for the chocolate cookies, hours in from of the playstation, chemistry tutes, coffee at Starbucks and late night chats on the phone. Thank YOU Lis, YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!! Mmmmwa! |
29/06/04 Ok, Gotta tell you all before I burst with excitement. MY FAMILY'S COMING TO IMABARI TO SEE ME!!! They got into Osaka on Saturday night and went on to Okinawa on Sunday where they will spend about a week at Dad's Coral Symposium thingy then after that they travel up the coast to see me!!! Therefore, from the 3rd of July to the 10th I will not be in any fit state to update this site or answer many emails. I'm sorry if this causes any problems. You can always email me at my mobile phone email at janethejapwonder.ne.jp if you want. Letters are also acceptable. Email on my mobile to find out the address. Watch out for new pictures from the visit in the weeks ahead. Can't hardly wait!!! - Jane the overly-excited Japwonder |
This is for you Lis, I thought you would appreciate it more than a cake *steals some fudge* |
30/05/04 Finally! Jane got off her A** and did some work on this site! Well I finally got the recount of my trip to Hiroshima and Kyushu written and posted and this can be found in This Week In Japan (Week Sixteen). To accompany this you can also see the photos of the trip at the Hidaka Junior School Annual School Trip photo site. I'm so so so sorry that it has been so late and I hope that the loads and loads that I wrote is enough to make up for it. Thanks for being patient - Jane The Japwonder |
My wonderful cousin sent me this prayer the other day. So instead of forwarding it off to all of you to be ignored and deleted I'm posting it here. Its just to precious to be passed aside.
Guys, this link is for people 15 years and over, or those sufficiently clued in. I don't accept any responsibility for any injuries sustained while rolling around the floor in fits of laugher, but I swear this link is for real. Click on Here to see.
Oh and chuck this on your to-do list! SIGN JANE'S GUEST BOOK Thanks guys! ^-^
This Week In Japan
Week Thirty Three
New!!!Click Here! to see the rest of the weekly reports
Feeling Sadistic? Wanna poke a penguin? Click here!
View My Photo Albums
This Week's Social Comment
Jane's Top Things You Didn't Need To Know But She Is Telling You Anway
Social Comment 1 - The Japanese Family Structure
NEW!Nan Da?
NEW!Haiku Page
Week Twenty One