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This is a page devoted to some of my favorite sites I like to visit.

Blogin: My blog. It's open to the community so please post or leave me a comment!

Error404: This is the page that you should get if one of my links doesn't work. Since I'm doing my best to prevent that, that means that you're unlikely to see my hard work! So, here is my error page.

MuggleNet: This site is awesome! Go here for all of your Harry Potter news!

J.K. Rowling: For all the tried and true information pertaining to Harry Potter, go here, the main source from which Harry Potter flows!

VG Cats: These comics are too funny! They pertain to games. Beware of some of them, they might not be safe for work.

theOtaku: You can find tons of e-cards from your favorite anime series here!

Flash Player: This site is pretty cool. There are some funny animations here.

Newgrounds: This site has a bunch of cool animations that Flash Player doesn't usually.

Ill Will Press: Go here to see your favorite, rude squirrel Foamy!

eBaums World: This site has some pretty cool and funny things.

MediaMiner: This site is great for fan art, fan fics, anime, music, and just talking on a forumn. PM me! I'm Caledragon!

LiveJournal: This is a blog that I joined. Check out my blog! I'm Caledragon. I worked a little on my page but pooh_shinkie did most of the work for me. Thank you pooh!

Kat's Page: This is the page of my friend Kat. Her page was the inspiration for mine. She has some pretty cool things on there. Check it out!

Sarah's Page: This is the page of my friend Sarah. Her site is devoted to the anime series Samurai Deeper Kyo. It's pretty awesome. Be sure to check it out!





