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Recovering Together

Online Sponsorship Program Information

The Recovering Together room hosts and owner firmly believe that having a sponsor is an essential part of recovery. We would recommend you choosing someone from your local area and meetings as your main sponsor. Our Online Sponsorship Program is for when you are unable to locate your current sponsor or people in your network. You can have as many sponsors as you choose. We feel that the hand of recovery should reach as far as possible to anyone who desires not to drink, drug, starve, purge and wants to heal. We srtongly believe in keeping it (our sobriety, clean time etc.) we have to give it away.

Anyone who is interested please contact me or one of the room hosts. We require at least one year clean and sober or free of eating disorders. We will make a list of available online sponsors by category for people to contact.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

E-mail address?

Please choose which addictions you had or if you are curently attending alanon, naranon, gamanon, coda or acoa meetings.

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you were able to find information that helped you. Please feel free to contact me if there is something specific you are looking for and I will try and add it to my site. In the meantime take care HP bless and have a safe 24.

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