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Recovering Together Info

Chat Info

Recovery Pages!

AA-NA Information

What is a Sponsor?

Taking Medication

Eating Disorders

Depression and Related Disorders

Incest and Rape Survivors

Information on Alanon, Nar Anon, OA anon, ACOA & CODA

Information on Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Munchausen By Proxy and Verbal Abuse

Gamblers, Debtors and Spenders Anonymous Information

Remember the AA-NA chat room they now have a discussion group Club12 stop on in and say hi!

Alcohol, alcoholism, and drug addiction recovery tools, resources and support systems including SoberFuse, a 24/7 online recovery tool - Sober24.

Interested in hosting? Visit this page for more information. Hosting Information

Some words of Inspiration

12 Promises

Step 11 Prayer

Footprints in the Sand

I Need A Miracle

A Perfect Day

Lord's Prayer - original translation

Hi and Welcome to Recovering Together!

Our goal is to create a safe, warm and friendly Recovery Chat and Discussion Room for everyone. We realize that in recover there are multiple addictions along with depression and situations of our past that we need to be able to discuss. That is why we feel this room is important.

Additionally we want to have helpful information available to you online. Please refer to the links on on our side for information and pages on our site.

We are looking for additional hosts for this room if anyone is interested please let BrownEyed_Eagle know.

Our Chat Schedule is currently being changed and will be posted shortly. Please stop in the room at night to say hi!

In order to serve you better our room has been moved to Recovering Together in Second Life
You can visit our message board on Yahoo.
Click here to join Recovering_Together
Click to join Recovering_Together

Recovering Together Cards for All Occassions
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Recovering Together Recovery Cards

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Sign our Recovery Family Guestbook!!!

We are currently working on the IRC's and will try to get them to work with the new room.

PC Users will need to Download Webtv Viewer to view these ircs.

Web TV Chatters Enter Here

**New IRC 1**
PC Chatters
Please use this link to access our chatroom Yahoo

New Features

View Our Family Book
Sign Our Family Book
Our New Recovering Together Message Forum

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Are you interested in Hosting our Chats? For more information Click Here
Remember to keep it we have to give it away!!

Online Sponsorship Program

Are you interested in being an Online Sponsor? We require at least one year clean/sober time. Contact Us.

New Additions


Come celebrate your sobriety clean time with us!! If you are celebrating this month please contact us.

Beginners Circle

Are you new to recovery? Contact us for some online committments. Its a great way to meet new sober clean friends! contact us.

Thank for visiting our page. Join us Again Soon! Sincerely, BrownEyed_Eagle

Please feel free to contact me at Eagles Mailbox if there is something specific you are looking for and I will try and add it to our site. In the meantime take care HP bless and have a safe 24.

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MysticalDesire Productions

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Recovering Together All Rights Reserved
| Main | Information Page | AA-NA | What Is A Sponsor | Taking Medication | Gamblers, Debtors and Spendors Anonymous | Depression and Related Disorders | Incest and Rape Survivors | | Eating Disorders | Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Muchausen By Proxy, Verbal Abuse | Chat Information and IRC | PC IRC |.