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Current Count (on this page): 60

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DO NOT copy this guide for any reason. I put a lot of effort into it and i want it to stay here. Just link to it if you are just trying to help people.
(i've split the page up so it will load faster, they're listed in the order of release)

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avatar If you participated in the Battle for Meridell, view your lookup
avatar If you sided with Darigan in the First Meridell war, go to the Darigan's Chambers
avatar Win 15+ times in Tyranu Evavu
avatar Own an Orange Grundo, then view its pet-lookup
Go to Grundo's Warehouse and put this code - in the 'older code' section
avatar Beat the Ghost Lupe in the Battledome. Go here if you don't have him as a challenger yet
avatar Land on the question mark while playing the Wheel of Monotony
avatar Beat the Bionic Cybunny in Neoquest II (it's in Chapter 5)
avatar Put the Fire Paw card into your Neodeck
avatar Score 800+ on the Raiders of Maraqua game
avatar win on a 100th Caption Contest (ie 200th, 300th, etc)
avatar Own a Grey Pet, then view its pet-lookup This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar Semi-Retired Send an Easter NeoGreeting -- only available at Easter (April 16th, 2006 this year)
avatar Have a Gruslen attached to your pet for 99+ days, then view its pet-lookup
avatar Bless your Shoyru with any Bottled Faerie (don't use a dark faerie if your shoyru isn't above level 1)
avatar --Retired--
avatar Beat Meuka's snotty butt in the Battledome.
(To get him as a challenger your pet must get Sneezles or Neoflu, & then go to the Quick Reference page. You can catch these randomly, or get really lucky/unlucky at the Wheel of Excitement)
-- Wyvern280's petpage has an excellent guide!
avatar Watch a Chomby and the Fungus Balls concert at the Concert Hall (you need to have/buy a CatFB's ticket)
avatar Semi-Retired Complete one of Illusen's Quests -- only available on Illusen Day (March 17th)
avatar Have a Mazzew attached to your pet for 221+ days, then view its pet-lookup
avatar --Retired--
avatar Have 6 non-Dung items in your basket on the Pick Your Own game
avatar Semi-Retired View the Gadgadsbogen Neopedia Article -- only available on Gadgads Day (March 4th)
avatar Buy a rarity 80+ item from Uni's Clothing Shop
avatar You get this avatar while playing the Cellblock game, the neopian times said it was not random, but we are not sure how exactly you manage to get it.
avatar Score 900+ in the Gourmet Club Bowls game
avatar Beat the Devilpuss in Neoquest II (it's in Chapter 5) This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar Lose to a Plains Lupe Neoquest II (just check around the first town in the game, you're bound to find one)
avatar Beat Kasuki-Lu's frosty well-toned *cough* butt in the Battledome.
(To get him as a challenger you need to click on the the Kaskuki Lu card in your Inventory)
avatar Semi-Retired Send a Valentine's Day NeoGreeting. -- only available on ♥ Valentines Day ♥ (February 14th)
avatar Be one of the first 250 people to submit a correct answer to the Lenny Conundrum
(Don't ask for or post the answers as that is cheating!!)
avatar Semi-Retired Complete one of Jhudora's Quests -- only available on Jhudora Day (February 4th)
avatar Go to the Avatar FAQs page and refresh until you get it (may take a while)
avatar Have a Kacheek as your active pet and go to the Beach on Mystery Island
avatar Score 1200+ on the Castle of Eliv Thade game
(using anagram unscramblers is cheating. Even though neo can't catch you, it's still wrong) This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar (Random event) Tell King Skarl the joke that appears on the Jester TCG, which is "What do you do if *blank* fierce Peophins *blank* has eaten too much *blank* tin of olives?" The answer is supposedly random, however i did not risk it, and i would suggest you dont either, and use this answer: "You offering them a can of *blank* what what what *blank* * blank*". The amount of points doesnt really matter, it seems to be anywhere between 650pts-800pts, you get the avatar if it says that the king laughs hysterically, which is very very random.
avatar Score 1000+ in the Gadgadsgame
avatar Have 1000+ different items in your Safety Deposit Box (aka SDB). Try some of these sites for help: betyouwishyouwereme, Project Packrat,
avatar Score 230+ on the Ultimate Bullseye game
avatar Feed your Elephante a Bag of Peanuts
avatar Semi-Retired Complete the Quiz at the Mind Control Lab with the answers C, D, B, C, A -- only available on Sloth Day (January 14th)
avatar Paint your buzz at the Rainbow Fountain (You need to complete a Fountain Faerie quest, which is a rare random event)
avatar Score 1300+ in the Chia Bomber game This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar Use any Nerkmid in the Alien Aisha Vending Machine
avatar Feed your pet a Snorkle Snout
avatar Watch a Sticks N Stones concert at the Concert Hall (you need to have/buy a Sticks N Stones ticket)
avatar Score 3000+ in the MAGAX: Destoryer game
avatar Have an Icy Snowflake in your inventory, then check the Weather on Terror Mountain, it needs to be snowing at the time to receive the avatar.
avatar -- Retired -- Possibly re-released for every Advent Calendar
avatar Have a Snowbunny attached to your pet for 365+ days, then view its pet-lookup
avatar Win 10+ times in a row on the Bilge Dice game
avatar RANDOM when you score a perfect 24 in Bilge Dice
avatar Use any Transmogrification potion on your pet
(Cheapest Trans. Potions: Blumaroo, Chia, Kiko, Moehog, & Techo)
avatar Have a Slorg attached to your pet for 100+ days, then view its
pet-lookup This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar Have all the stamps in the Lost Desert section of your Stamp Album
avatar Have a Drackonack and some Cheese and/or Vegan Cheese in your Inventory and refresh This page is STOLEN from!!
Note: This avatar can take up to hours and hours of straight refreshing to receive... so just keep on refreshing :)
avatar Score 2000+ on the Sutek's Tomb game
avatar Attach a Mootix to your pet (once you have a mootix in your Inventory start refreshing a lot)
avatar Have all the stamps in the Haunted Woods section of your Stamp Album
avatar Beat the Black Pteri in the Battledome (you get him as a challenger randomly)

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