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Current Count (on this page): 60

note: links open in a new window

DO NOT copy this guide for any reason. I put a lot of effort into it and i want it to stay here. Just link to it if you are just trying to help people.
(i've split the page up so it will load faster, they're listed in the order of release)

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avatar At long last they released the AsparaBleh avatar! Go here
avatar Score 1000+ on the Dice Escape Game -- TineNeoHelp has a guide
avatar Have a broken toy in your inventory and have Donny's Toy Repair Shop fix it
avatar Score 1000+ on the Attack of the Slorgs Game
avatar Win the "Random Contest" (Check the News to see when a new Random Contest is announced)
avatar View any Rainbow Korbat's pet-lookup: Mamoru_Kamen77
avatar Fight a Jetsam in the Battledome
(if you own a Jetsam, then you can get the avatar in the 1 player BD)
avatar Train your pet at the Academy
avatar Score 150,000pts on the Hannah and the Pirate Caves Game
check out for a very helpful guide!
avatar Guess 4 correct numbers in the Keno Game. (Tip: keep refreshing the page where the eggs hatch until you have 4 correct numbers)
Note: For some reason you are not able to get this avatar if you are using mozilla firefox as your browser
avatar Score 2500+ on the Petpet Sitter Game
avatar Score 1000+ on the Hungry Skeith Game
avatar Win a game of Gormball
avatar Take an item with the word "bread" in it to Techo Mountain
avatar Finish a Faerie Crossword -- Solution
avatar Bet on the winning Poogle in the Poogle Racing Game
avatar Score 800+ on the Dubloon Disaster Game
avatar Score 300+ on the Buzzer Game
avatar Feed 75+ Kadoatie at the Kadoatery
(Check out Laleeky's petpage for some tips!)
avatar View any Mutant Draik's pet-lookup: Xifel
avatar Have your pet eat an item with the word carrot in it (i used a Carrot and Pea Omelette)
avatar The Island Mystic has to give you a fortune with the word "kyrii" in it
avatar Keep refreshing the Game Graveyard until you get it. The avatar will appear at the near the top of the page.
avatar Score 1250+ on Freaky Factory game

Thanks rob_and_wendy!
avatar Change your Shopkeeper Picture to Usul - Gothic and then visit your shop front.
If you change your shop-keeper and view your shop front you will LOSE this avatar - to get it back, just repeat the above ^_^
Thanks chickacherrycola318 & zafif!
avatar Have anything with the word Gnome in your Inventory & then go to the Garden Shop (Use a Year Six Lupe Gnome, they're cheap)
avatar Score at least 1250+ Meerca Chase II or score 750+ points at Meerca Chase I
avatar Land on the star on the Wheel of Knowledge
avatar Score 825+ on Deckswabber
avatar View a pet-lookup that has a Goldy attached to it: Mangokicks
avatar Tell the King a bad joke & get kicked outta the castle
avatar Go to Day 7 of the Medieval Plot(you might need to refresh, i didn't have to)
Thanks kerri390
avatar View any Ruki's pet lookup: Ruky, Deep_6 or tcharo This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar View Lord Kass's Gallery of Evil spotlight
avatar View a Darigan Peophin's pet-lookup: Aaruna.
avatar Have 10+ Neopian Times trophy

Thanks famouspunk555
avatar Win the Jackpot in the Dice-a-roo game
avatar Have the card Niten Hiroru in your inventory, then go to Niten Hiroru's Neopedia Article (i don't have the card, don't ask)
avatar Score 5000+ on the Snowmuncher game

Thanks sweetooth330313
avatar View any Baby Pteri's pet-lookup: ^_^ (Yes, that is the name of the pet)
avatar --Retired--
avatar Lose a game of Cliffhanger
avatar Beat level 5 of Shapeshifter, then return to the Shapeshifter main page.
avatar View a pet-lookup that has a faellie attached to it: __l_Shadow_l__

Thanks fruity135171
avatar Score 850+ on the Whack-a-Kass game
avatar "win the grand prize of 1,000 NP on the Wheel of Mediocrity"
Thanks Neopian Times Editorial!!
avatar Have a mirror in your inventory, then go to Vira's Gallery of Evil spotlight (I used a black mirror)
avatar Sign up for Neopets Premium. You can also get it through a random event while in your Neomail. (you can not get it by typing "i love neomail" anymore)
avatar Have the Lab Ray change the species of your pet.
note: you must have all 9 pieces of the Secret Laboratory Map This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar Use a Morphing Potion on your pet
avatar Win from a Deserted Fairgrounds Scratchcard
avatar Own an Island Quiggle that is at least 30 days old, then view its pet-lookup.
avatar View any JubJub's pet-lookup: Jub_Meister
avatar Have the Turmaculus eat your petpet
avatar Have your pet play with a Faerie Queen Doll (aka FQD)
avatar you have to download the Cocoroller game to your phone, beat level 5 & submit your code here (costs $$real money$$ = $4)
Thanks neoentrepreneur129
avatar --Retired-- This page is STOLEN from!!
avatar View any Yurble's pet-lookup: _Yurble_
avatar Own a Pea Chia & equip it with a super attack pea.
avatar You can get this avatar 2 ways: You will get this avatar after you complete mission 7 of Invasion of Meridell game after if you start and complete all the missions in the same month -or - It's a random event while playing Invasion of Meridell game after battle 8 if you do not do it within the month
Thanks zaratrusta

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