Don's Page of Glory



My Friends







Finally, I'm getting around to re-doing my page.  For those of you who've seen my old one, this will be a new look, but with pretty much the same old stuff on it, for now.  For you new-comers, this page is just to have a place for people to see how cool and bad-ass my friends and I are, and a place for my friends and I to reassure ourselves that we are cool and bad-ass!


With much thanks to Ben Loew, I now have a discussion board much like on whitethugs.  I'd like all of you to get signed up, so if you are interested, either email me at or AIM me at sniper165.   This is gonna be kick ass, for those of you how have seen, its gonna be a lot like that is...oh yeah, here's the link, but remember, you have to be a registered user in order to post new comments.

-April 24- Jeff has been bitching for some new updates, so I did it.  I changed the layout around a bit, but most of the same content is here.  I got rid of the B&T, Simpsons, and Alaskan pages, but if you miss them, you can find them on my old address.    I also added some new pictures, mostly of dorm life.  In the near future, I hope to add a page of stories about the crazy things we've done, a links sections, and hopefully a discussion forum so we can all tease each other, rant and rave, etc.  Email me if you have any suggestions.



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