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Mum's place in Berks

Ex-council house that has been turned from a bikers den
when Kolin lived there to a quiet family home
Mum has always had a nice garden and in April 2011 the weather was the warmest for 100 years.
2011 I went back to the UK for six weeks. I stayed in Mum's house because I am no longer a houseowner... This picture was taken in a pub in Hurst.
Paul took this picture in May 2007
Back in the Elm tree again. Roll the mouse over to see Mia 'avin a laugh.
Paul suprised mum with this Merc convertible
for her birthday in June 2005
I think she was a bit overwhelmed and a year later she returned it to him
When I arrived back from Taiwan I took mum
to one of my favourite watering holes..."The sun in the wood"
And yet another pub The Elm Tree in Sept 05
Went for a meal in The Red Lion, W.Berks March 2004
and then back to my sisters to take this 'ere picture.
Mum married Ray in 1976 and after a brief attempt at emigrating to the USA have lived here ever since.Mums life has been her antiques and trying to keep the family in order...Ray, an ex naval man was always keen on things military and since retirement spent a lot of time collecting books and medals. He passed away in 2009.
Taken in summer 2001
Ray propping up the kitchen
Here is my older sister, Heather and her boyfriend Stuart who is half Nigerian and half German. They Live down the M4 in W.Berks. This picture was taken Christmas day 2003 around present opening time. Heather is famous for never opening hers until last and always saving a few to open during the following days......weird huh!!
Another family do down the pub.
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