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Paul has some very strong opinions and loves to share them with us after a few beers at family get togethers......!!

The rich man of the family. Paul made his fortune as a dodgy second hand car dealer. However, after watching my little foray's into the stock market Paul decided to have a go and it wasn't long before he was in serious trouble. Well, luckily he's given up that game(like myself) and is concentrating on what he knows best....motors! !!

Paul in the Elm tree pub.
Roll the mouse over to see a rather fetching visage.
Paul in the Cricketers pub.
To see Paul quaffing a pint, roll the mouse over his picture.

<a href="paulchat.mpg"> <img src="paulbeer.jpg" border="0" align="left" width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" /> </a>
A short clip of Paul in mid-discussion with Mum about buying cars!!

Paul and his girlfriend Lianne, work together, live together 24/7....sounds like a recipe for disaster. He gets on much better though with Lianne than he did with his ex, Jo........
Georgie is his daughter from that 10 year relationship. Here they are Christmas day 2003 at the folks house
The Plough in 3-mile cross , formerly a pub, is where Paul runs his empire from
Blimey, He's even got me cleaning cars for him!!!...well I was a bit skint end of 2003....

Click on one of the pictures to see summat else...