If you wanna read a lot ::: If you wanna read a little
The most important thing for you to know: IF YOU DON'T LIKE/WANT TO WADE THROUGH A LOT OF INFORMATION, COME BACK LATER, OR NEVER! =P If you're here for a visit, I hope you have the interest and a lot of time on your hands, because there's a lot on my site. ^^;;
My webpage is better classified as "personal homepage" than anything else, since it contains info about me and my interests.
The webpage layout isn't complex and beautiful like those of some other sites. I'm not trying to show you an outstandingly pretty website, I just want to keep things neat and the content presentable.
There aren't a lot of images around here (save headings and some bullets and those for cliques and webrings and all), sorry if it annoys you in any way (if it doesn't, then why complain? Heh). Just read what I have to say, I think it's of more worth than my crappy graphics, heh.
My homepage is all in English. I think my English is pretty good for someone whose native language isn't English. It's Malay, and my Malay is horrible! You should look at my Malay exam marks! But why do I bother to mention this? There is no real reason except to scare off anyone who's trying to make a penpal out of me by communicating in Malay... I get these people talking to me in Malay and I'm just trying to get them to leave me alone because I don't feel comfortable with my crappy Malay.
Also, I am one of those people who love to type up unnecessary stuff. ^^;; My site can be considered text-intensive with me describing even my fanart, my gifts and awards and even this crap you're reading now. Even images are not spared! My images are ALT-intensive, that is, you may move your cursor over an image and almost always find a comment by me. Even that watermelon slice up there. Try it. It gives you a quote. ^^
2003... I'm in a situation where I have a lack of things I can update the site with. I am most probably going to update at least once in two months, usually to add more cliques or links ^^, but of my own content there are no guarantees. =\
Please sign the gbook! I would understand if you were lazy, because I feel that way sometimes also, but comments would be very much appreciated. E-mailing me is okay too. Why not? And even a simple "Hey, Zir, I stopped by your site" is great, preferably accompanied by a few compliments, heh. Critisicm will also be accepted as long as they are not in the form of flames. =)
Little or big, the last update was on 26-Jul-2003 | HOME
Whuzzit about? Ehehe. I just told you!