Holy Days
Here's a list of our Holy Days. We do not work on any of these days. (P.S. We celebrate all Christian holidays, just not only Catholic.)
Mary, Mother of God - Catholic Christian
Feast of St Basil - Orthodox Christian
Twelfth Night - Christian
Epiphany - Christian
Baptism of the Lord Jesus - Christian
Tu B'shvat - Jewish
World Religion Day - Baha'i (We just really like this one.)
Vivekanada Jayanti - Hindu (Only when we feel like being Hindu for a the day. Very important if a big project is due.)
Imbolc - Wicca
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) -Christian
Nirvana Day - Buddhist
Id al Adha - Islam
Triodion - Orthodox Christian
Four Chaplains Sunday - Christian/Jewish
Hijra (New Year) - Islam
Ramakrishna Jayanti - Hindu
Lent -Catholic
Ashura - Islam
Holi - Hindu(Another one of those have to do it cuase it's fun days.)
Purim - Jewish
Ostara - Wicca/Neo Pagan
Annunciation or the Lord to Mary - Christian
Buddha Day - Buddhist
Palm/Passion Sunday - Christian
Pesach (Passover) - Jewish
Good Friday - Christian
Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox Christian
Easter - Christian Gregorian
Palm Sunday - Orthodox Christian
Holy Friday - Orthodox Christian
Easter - Pesach - Orthodox Christian
Yom Hashoah * - Jewish
St. James the Great Day - Orthodox Christian
Beltane * - Wicca
Mawlid an Nabi - Islam
Buddha Day - Visakha Puja - Buddhist
Ascension of Christ - Christian
Ascension of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i (They use to be Muslims...good enough for us, but we only like some of their holidays.)
Ascension of Christ - Orthodox Christian
Shavuot - Jewish
Pentecost - Christian
Trinity - Christian
Pentecost - Orthodox Christian
Guru Arjan Dev martyrdome - Sikh (This one just sounds cool)
Corpus Christi - Catholic Christian
Litha/Summer Solstice - Wicca
All Saints - Orthodox Christian
Blessed Heart of Jesus - Catholic Christian
Martyrdom of the Bab - Baha'i(Nothing like celebrating a death)
St Benedict Day - Catholic Christian
Guru Purnima - Hindu (We just can't get enough of the Hindus...maybe we should expand our name.)
Pioneer Day- Mormon Christian
St. James the Great Day - Christian
Lammas - Christian
Lughnassad (Lammas) - Wicca/Neo Pagan
Tisha B'av - Jewish
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic
Dormition of the Theotokos - Orthodox Christian
Ganesh Chaturthi - Hindu
Fall Equinox - Wicca
Lailat al Miraj - Islam
Navaratra Dashara - Hindu
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish
Michael and All Angels - Christian
St Francis Day - Catholic Christian
Yom Kippur - Jewish
Sukkot - Jewish
Shemini Azterot & Simchat Torah - Jewish
Birth of the B'ab - Baha'i
Guru Granth Sahib Installation - Sikh (Hey we needed something different)
Diwali (Deepawali) - Hindu
Reformation Day - Protestant Christian (Those pesky Catholics)
Ramadan - Islam
All Hallows Eve - Christian
Samhain - Wicca
All Saints' Day - Christian
All Souls' Day - Catholic Christian
Birth of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i
Quds Day - Islam
Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom - Sikh
Day of Covenant - Baha'i
Eid al Fitr - end of Ramadan - Islam
Ascensionof 'Abdu'l-Baha - Baha'i
Advent - Christian
Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) - Buddhist
Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic Christian
Feast day - Our Lady of Guadalupe - Catholic Christian
Hanukkah - Jewish
Yule/Winter Solstice - Wicca
Christmas - Christian
Death of Prophet Zarathustra (Zarathosht Diso) (Fasali) - Zoroastrian
Kwanzaa - Interfaith
Dates were not provided as many of these holidays do not fall on the same day of the month or even same month every year. Also, any Saturdays or Sundays that do not have a holiday fall on them are automatically treated as a holiday. Also, anytime from 5pm-7am is also treated as a holiday. This prevents us from having to work over time.
This site was created in Nov '02. It was last updated on May 25, 2003. This site is hosted
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