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Two People. 9,000 Religions. It's time for one of our own.  
 Official Website of the Jewish Catholic Witches, Who Find Enlightenment Through Buddhist Shamanism; Praise be to Allah and the Children of Satan; Fellowship
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Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with any religion, real or make believe. This site is not affiliated with any organizations and or person other than the maintainers and creators of this site.

Prayers and Meditations

The Sacred Prayer for the Inebriated
Our beer, which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink.
Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, at home as it is in public.
Forgive us this day our daily spillage As we forgive those who spillest against us.
And lead us not into the practice of sissy wine tasting, and deliver us from DUI's,
for mine is the barley, the hops and the malt, forever and ever.


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