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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: No Net assignments on tracks & vias...

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> One more related comment: Non-pad component primitives in electrical 
> contact with a component pad within the same component should 
> automatically take on the pad's net. This little change would make our 
> lives quite a bit easier whenever we need to make custom copper shapes 
> as part of a component; it would allow us to build complex surface pad 
> shapes, for example.
> If we build parts with connecting copper within them, we will *always* 
> want this copper to take on the proper net. We should get an error only 
> if *pads* with differing nets are shorted within the component. One more 
> refinement: if a no-net pad is shorted by component primitives to a 
> net-assigned pad *within* the component, likewise the no-net pad should 
> take on the appropriate net.

That's something I also would greatly appreciate. When "building" special
shapes (in the PCB LIB editor), I'm tired to assign net names to the
contained primitives after Netlist import. I often use solder bridges (as
recently discussed) in double-D-shape (two D-shaped Pads with their backs
facing each other) made out of a track and an arc (D-shape) and a pad
filling the hole.

regards, Heiko