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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Disappearing PCBV Components

On 10:12 PM 25/09/2000 +0100, Ian Phillips said:
>Sorry to repeat this question
>I am using V3 adv pcb and sch. In the process of changing a
>circuit revision level I opened a previously completed project, created the
>netlist and opened the original PCB file, so far so good, . However when I
>click on the placed components the mouse cursor flies off screen (or goes to
>the top right corner of the window) sometimes the component disappears as
>well, (Undo gets it back). If I double click and look at the component
>properties the X and Y locations for the comment and designator look correct
>but the part attribute XY values are at really wild numbers.
>If I then edit the XY values manually to sensible numbers,
>when I OK, the part disappears off the screen (and pcb!) even if I zoom
>right out to
>I have tried resetting the origin, rebooting, select all/copy/paste, to new
>file, even pleading into the modem microphone. Nothing seems to make any
>improvement, and this for something that was supposed to be a 1 hour task.
>Does anyone know what is happening here and how I get round the problem? any
>help or pointers to which file the Protel Knowledge base would be
>Ian Phillips

Sounds a little like the reference location for the PCB footprint (in the 
PCB lib) is way off.  Maybe there has been a corruption.

I would look at a few things:

1) check out the footprint in the library (turn on all layers and inspect; 
use Zoom All to check for any stray footprint entities off in whoop whoop 
land, correct if necessary; also, force the reference location to a known 
good point.) Save the library and try again.  If this fiddling doesn't work 
then deleting the footprint and re-creating it would also be worth trying.

2) See if changing the footprint in the sch to something different but with 
the same number of pins makes a difference.  i.e. Is the problem in the PCB 
file or in the footprint?

Ian Wilson

Considered Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 96 088 410 002
5 The Crescent
Ph: +61 2 9411 4248   Fax: +61 2 9411 4249
